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Indian women want mates who can cook, online survey says

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Dont back track from what you said earlier.
You said this....

Your derisiveness is what i am surprised at.

Talk not of things beyond your comprehension.:coffee:
Marriage is not a tussle.Its not about who dominates whom.
But to a male chauvinist like you,men who help their wives are "hen pecked".
Understand that such things as helping wife in the kitchen or sharing chores come out of love and care.Though i dont think you'll understand this.

Dowry.........yes.....,.Its a social evil which exists.
There i have accepted it.

Now accept this fact that around the world women face domestic violence.Not even the women in the so called developed countries are spared.So whats the difference???

You proved that men have just have one thing on their mind......atleast men like you.

Lets cut him some slack.:lol:
Thats just a flamebait he has posted

One only gets such frustrated and angry statements from those who are married mark my words :p:
Dont scare meo_O......i dont want my hubby to join that brigade.lol.

Then don't ever let him be on PDF lol No not every man is like that but 90% of those who say such things happen to be married and they are venting out their anger :lol:
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Then don't ever let him be on PDF lol Not not every man is like that but 90% of those who say such things happen to be married and they are venting out their anger :lol:


Then i pity @SMC .....

@SMC pls accept my sympathies.......:girl_wacko:
LOL NO, it's Shanghai effect!!
Slowly taking over me.

Give you an example...
- My previous property agent (helped me to select a decent apartment in Shanghai) was a middle aged lady with son graduating from university. He use to visit me often to seek some help on his study. I was happy to help as I saw a bright young man doing his best to change his and his family's life.

One day we were talking about what does his parents do and he said, "I do not want to be a like average male in Shanghai".

I asked why?? ...

he told me his mother works for property agency leaves home at 9:00 am and comes back around 4:30 pm. Father is driver usually leaves at 6:30 am and comes back between 6~7 pm. He leaves after prepare breakfast/ lunch for all of them and cooks dinner after he comes back including cleaning dishes and other necessary work.


Why you are getting so emotional? Are you woman? lol my bad i thought you are guy.

I said indian girls want to have a husband who can cook because indian guys want to have a partner who can share his financial responsibilities. Seem fair deal to me. If women expect husband to share responsibilities insde house then husbans should also expect from wife to share financial responsibilities outsise home just like in western countries. Equality
Why you are getting so emotional? Are you woman? lol my bad i thought you are guy.

I said indian girls want to have a husband who can cook because indian guys want to have a partner who can share his financial responsibilities. Seem fair deal to me. If women expect husband to share responsibilities insde house then husbans should also expect from wife to share financial responsibilities outsise home just like in western countries. Equality

i guess you are right but what about the "ego problem "

Nothing wrong in it :)

I love to cook but the thing is wifey hardly gives me a chance in the kitchen ;)
well i love to cook for my wife and kids and its a great way of bonding with the family even my late mother loved my cooking :smitten:

but i cant help other than in cooking and financial things and sometimes teaching kids :toast_sign:
bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha they want Sissies :D :D
Why you are getting so emotional? Are you woman? lol my bad i thought you are guy.

I said indian girls want to have a husband who can cook because indian guys want to have a partner who can share his financial responsibilities. Seem fair deal to me. If women expect husband to share responsibilities insde house then husbans should also expect from wife to share financial responsibilities outsise home just like in western countries. Equality

Sir English is not my first language but we expect better comprehension skills and better grasp of context for text inked in English language.:hitwall:
bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha they want Sissies :D :D
well its like loving and caring and showing your emotions to your wife not being a sisee but well i can understand your problem jana ji i have full sympathy with you :sarcastic:
Well it surely shows that Indian men would have to improve their culinary skills to woo their women or at least most of them :D
well its like loving and caring and showing your emotions to your wife not being a sisee but well i can understand your problem jana ji i have full sympathy with you :sarcastic:

you can be a full time cook to your wife its your right to be and think whatever you want. Keep your sympathy for yourself in future with an apron rather aprons :P.

I don't have any liking for sissies simple as that
Well it surely shows that Indian men would have to improve their culinary skills to woo their women or at least most of them :D

amna ji but the fact is men are the best cooks in the world look at any internationally famed resturant its chef will always be a man ever wondered why men always are best cooks :azn:
well its not like that i guess indian men love good food and love to cook aswell i dont know any of my freinds , cousins or buisnes associates who cant cook or dont want to cook lolzzz according to one news paper article the cullinnarry shows like master chef and that foodistan & automobile /tech shows are more popular in 'indian' men while women love to watch sas bahu serials

you can be a full time cook to your wife its your right to be and think whatever you want. Keep your sympathy for yourself in future with an apron rather aprons :P.

I don't have any liking for sissies simple as that
well jana ji i dont get time to cook much other than holidays and yes i never use aprons :D

and what kind of men do you like jana ji :azn:
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Get married and then i'll wait to see your reaction on this thread.:coffee:

Dont talk like a suppressed women who thinks kitchen is where she belongs.

Oh so marriage changes opinions? :o:
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