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Indian UAV/UCAV Thread

Hmm.. so it was "netra" MAV we saw in the movie 3 idiots.

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Hmm.. so it was "netra" MAV we saw in the movie 3 idiots.

No, it was just a toy anyone with enough technical knowledge can make.

MAV's are much more complex and expensive.

The endurance is limited because of size. 30 mins is enough for gathering intel about terrorists inside buildings. For other ops we can use bigger UAVs.
For army i understand its requirement but in what situation it will be useful for IAF?

Ya exactly...can anyone explain that why so less endurance and range for the airforce..i can understand the land forces using it to carry a recce of the area before assaulting..which would require lesser range and endurance but the Air force would need bigger UAV's i think.
Ya exactly...can anyone explain that why so less endurance and range for the airforce..i can understand the land forces using it to carry a recce of the area before assaulting..which would require lesser range and endurance but the Air force would need bigger UAV's i think.

I cannot comprehend a scenario where these things would be useful for Air-Force...One thing i am sure that such things don't come handy for war.....So only worth of such toys is anti-Terrorist/Naxal operations...Now what role IAF will play with these is beyond my thinking power...:blink:
vat the hell man.... every new week we hear about a new uav to be inducted into IA. vats the use of these machines when we cant use them against our biggest menace-maoists.
Now what role IAF will play with these is beyond my thinking power...:blink:

Ya..same here!

I think Air force is really going hi-tech and it doesnt want its garuds to go in the cold and give night duty..so its buying few of these toys for protecting the bases from attack and at the same time keeping the comfort levels of our soldiers high. :)
India canvasses global suppliers for stealthy UCAV

The Indian armed forces' wide-ranging pursuit of many of the world's most sophisticated combat aircraft has expanded to the global market for stealthy, unmanned combat air vehicles.

The Indian air force has submitted a request for information to international suppliers for a unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) with low radar cross-section, high service ceiling and an expected range of 500nm (925km). It also wants the aircraft to carry precision-guided weapons in an internal weapons bay.

A technical evaluation committee will select aircraft submitted by bidders to enter field evaluation trials funded at the manufacturer's expense.

The unexpected tender is likely to draw bids from across India's various weapon systems suppliers, which include the arms industries of France, Israel, Italy, Russia, the UK and the USA.

Several UCAV demonstrators are in development around the world. Current options include the Boeing Phantom Ray, Dassault-led Neuron, EADS Barracuda, General Atomics Predator C/Avenger, Northrop Grumman X-47B and the RSK MiG Skat.

Israel has previously supplied unmanned air systems to India, but so far has not revealed any designs for a stealth UCAV with an internal weapons bay.

original article: India canvasses global suppliers for stealthy UCAV
Jha , have you seen these below pics before released by ADE and DRDO



The second pic is interesting , don't go by pictures of X47 as Aura or F18 as LCA .
Concept is impressive
3 different types of UCAV -
one for SEAD+
one for Bombing+
one for combat and Escort

LCA+UCAV+UAV+AWACS+Satellites interlinked , exactly what ACM Krishna-Swamy years back said "A Network-Centric battle warfare of future" .
Yes..i have seen them and thats why i said 2050...going by the past record of our great HAL and ADA that is the most probable deadline...

However i would like to be proved wrong by 25-30 yrs. margin;)
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