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Indian TV Channels Banned in Pakistan

Compared to Indian viewership ..pakistan's viewership is miniscule..and won't be sorely missed...but surely this decision will be a pot stirrer for Pakistani Cable operators..last time the channels were banned ..they went on strike.

Cable operators in Sindh call off strike after assurances

By Hasan Mansoor

KARACHI: Cable operators in Sindh called off on Saturday their two-day-long strike after the provincial home minister assured them of help, said Khalid Arain, vice president, Cable-Operators Association of Pakistan (CAP), while talking to Daily Times on Saturday.

CAP went on strike late Thursday night after the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) had refused to lift a month-long ban on the screening of 35 satellite channels, a majority of which are India-based and immensely popular in Pakistan. It was the second strike of its kind called by cable operators since 2003. Previously, the Pakistani authorities had imposed a ban on Indian channels in December 2001 after relations soured between the two nuclear-armed neighbours.

PEMRA had the strike ended by tacitly allowing cable operators to show the Indian channels in August 2003. On December 21, 2005, PEMRA banned 35 channels again, including the most popular Indian channel, Star Plus, primarily on the grounds that they were being screened without landing rights from the Pakistani authorities. Then, the PEMRA officials claimed that those channels were spreading “unethical and immoral” values in the Islamic society of Pakistan.

CAP officials said a majority of their clientele were hooked to their systems due to Indian channels and such bans had inflicted them with huge financial losses. “A large number of our clients refused to pay their monthly fees on the basis that they were not given the stuff they had subscribed for,” said Arain. “Besides, a large number of our clients have asked to be disconnected.”

Another CAP leader said they still had no contact whatsoever with PEMRA. Since Thursday night, when the strike began, the police had started conducting raids on the establishments of cable operators in Karachi, Hyderabad and other cities and towns of Sindh and forced them to resume their operations. Some of the cable operators were coerced into reviving their systems only to shut them down again soon after the raiding police parties departed.

Arain said the central CAP leaders from Punjab, NWFP and Islamabad would reach Karachi on Sunday (today) to attend a meeting. “But, before our meeting we would meet the officials of the Pakistan Broadcasters Association (a body of the owners of private satellite channels) to discuss the issue.”

After that meeting we will sit together to devise our future line of action, said Arain. “I should clarify that we have not ended the strike; it is only suspended and may resume again if our problems are not solved. Next time, our strike would encompass the entire country,” he added.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Conspiracy theory: It is a conspiracy to keep women glued to TV to watch dramas and men to watch sports most the time. While the intelligentsia runs the country and uses media to manipulate the masses.
Compared to Indian viewership ..pakistan's viewership is miniscule..and won't be sorely missed...but surely this decision will be a pot stirrer for Pakistani Cable operators..last time the channels were banned ..they went on strike.

These cable operators just want their money and jobless people want to keep watching that rubbish... it just goes to show the seriousness of the situation.
yes, some of these channels should be banned in india too.. at-least gals will do something useful other than watching these never ending useless serials....:pop:
yes, some of these channels should be banned in india too.. at-least gals will do something useful other than watching these never ending useless serials....:pop:

i did not expected males in India to have the same opinion :cheers:
Conspiracy theory: It is a conspiracy to keep women glued to TV to watch dramas and men to watch sports most the time. While the intelligentsia runs the country and uses media to manipulate the masses.

Lady if you wana watch these dramas we can back off our stance :P
These cable operators just want their money and jobless people want to keep watching that rubbish... it just goes to show the seriousness of the situation.

The viewers like dug addicts need something else to watch in the meantime. How about telecasting old television serials from 1970-90s. May be Pakistan should give subsidies for production of local television serials. There are more family conflicts when people are home and have nothing else to do. At least these television serials kept them away from each others throats.
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How can this be a big deal to you??? Are you a channel owner?:what:

ever noticed any Pakistani commercial in b/t breaks,this channels dont generate their money from Pakistan,so commercially it is not going to affect them at all
Does anyone know what is the real reason behind banning the Indian channels?

I am surprised to see an overwhelming support for this decision across the border, albeit for different reasons.

Does anyone see a problem with the judiciary deciding on what people can or can not watch? I am not talking in specific for this decision, but as a general topic.

Are we a society okay letting judges (who's primary role is to interpret the constitution) decide what is acceptable for TV viewers or not?

What's next? Allowing judges to decide what's okay to wear, eat, drink??
ever noticed any Pakistani commercial in b/t breaks,this channels dont generate their money from Pakistan,so commercially it is not going to affect them at all

Good point Protype,

However, the producers of these serials know that there are millions of audience in Pakistan and the advertisers are also aware that they are not only reaching Indian middle class segment, but also Pakistani.

I am sure that is a factor in determining the advertisement rates.

So, we can't really say it wouldn't affect them at all........ am sure the MBA's have already assigned a $ # in terms of lost advertisement opportunity.
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