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Indian TV Channel Anchors Read Out Names of 30 Chinese Soldiers from a WhatsApp Forward

I would not be surprised one bit at indian stupidity of including in this fake list the China premier name to

MR Xi Jinping
Indian media has started the same rona dhona against China which it did right after Feb 14 Pulwama attack. The pressure is building on Modi to take some action against China to save his 56'' chest like he did on 26th Feb.

So Modi will follow the same approach against China i.e. small action with little substance and lot of media hype.
Can someone direct this post to mr gobswami, I have authentic information of Chinese pilots shot down by modi himself:

Well we are no different. Muhammad malick and likes hamid mir do their expert analysis on the afwas in Islamabad where they give news from the what's app group or what's hot chugli in Islamabad.
Islamabad has always been bad at this every day a new narrative news was created forwarded to what's app groups. And do the programs.
If we agree to them then our established is the most moody teenage girls high on harmonies which change its crushes every hour... Etc.
Anyways even here on this forum you have your what's app group news like Ummm the recent ah12z helicopter or whatever name. Sorry I don't remember the nomenclature right.
But we are hiding those helicopter in secret underground bunkers, don't know why, maybe this was our secret syretegy to unveil them in 2050 when they are antique.
Just like we are not drilling the oil we get from kakra one because we are saving it for when we get rich. We have opened the well. Check that we have oil and then closed it for safekeeping for future. Great.so indians have this much margin.
Now the chinese can see the BS we have to put up with - like the fake SirJiKal strikes and fake claims of shooting an F16! Hell, when it comes to Pakistan, these Indian scum even paint their own Mig21 with a Pak flag and make a monument out of it :hitwall: and use PAF JF17s for their airforce promotional material :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Well we are no different. Muhammad malick and likes hamid mir do their expert analysis on the afwas in Islamabad where they give news from the what's app group or what's hot chugli in Islamabad.
Islamabad has always been bad at this every day a new narrative news was created forwarded to what's app groups. And do the programs.
If we agree to them then our established is the most moody teenage girls high on harmonies which change its crushes every hour... Etc.
Anyways even here on this forum you have your what's app group news like Ummm the recent ah12z helicopter or whatever name. Sorry I don't remember the nomenclature right.
But we are hiding those helicopter in secret underground bunkers, don't know why, maybe this was our secret syretegy to unveil them in 2050 when they are antique.
Just like we are not drilling the oil we get from kakra one because we are saving it for when we get rich. We have opened the well. Check that we have oil and then closed it for safekeeping for future. Great.so indians have this much margin.

You seem hurt

What happened? Times now par dehari lag gai hai kia?
Oh deary me.....indias anoos has been stretched beyond repair....dont know how they will ever recover from this. What does this do to the morale of the soldiers and common people?

They deserve all they get, for far too long these goswami shami have been fooling there people and the people lapped it up thinking they are some sooper dooper power.

A wise old man once said while the abhinandan drama unfolded, 'when your fate is written by the almighty, he will bring you down from the seven skies and serve you deliverance from people with slaps and slippers'

Indians have bèen brought from their own skys and lofty delusions down to earth.
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