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Indian, Turkish armies see eye to eye on vision for Asia

India clocked a growth rate of 10.2 % in the last yr adding more than $ 150 billion into our economy,according to IMF.(which is almost equal to the GDP of Pakistan).

FDI amounted to $ 21 billion,so please dont talk thrash if u dont know the figures.
U took him wrong sense dude .
He was supporthng India
Countdown to Pakistani members saying... but they are our Muslim brothers!

no unlike the indians we are not so insecure....why shouldnt the indians go to the Turks? Why shouldnt Pakistanis have relations with Greeks?

it's only fanboys who view things on limited prism. At the end of the day, Turkiye will always be a reliable and time-tested partner of Pakistan; a genuine ally from the very beginning of our existence. And in fact, they have done very special favours for Pakistan (at the expense of forgone military-related sales to india)...we have done special favours for them as well

unlike some of our other friendships or so-called friendships, this one isnt for sale.......

and contrary to even more popular belief -- Pakistan is a civilised and sensible country. We probably see eye-to-eye with hindustan on many things WRT to Asia and the vision for its future. Again, fanboys seem to like thinking that we love to differ on every little aspect --even over the size, shape and colour of the earth moon and sun
India should engage Turkey more constructively. Business relation is important so is military to military.
so india looks for frnds which are already great friends of pakistan like USA, china, turkey, saudi arabia from 60 yrs or close relations like afhanistan, india is pathetic really!!!!

why doesnt india look for indonesia, veitnam, phillipines etc, jahan pakistani khana nazr aye wahan bharti billi mun maare :rofl::rofl:

We are not looking at them because they are your friends, we are looking at them because of our needs, and yes if your friends are our friends then it is an additional advantage.
Indian vice president expected to visit Turkey soon

As a landmark sign of the expanding relationship between Turkey and India, the two countries have been arranging yet another senior-level visit. Vice President of India and President of the Upper House of Parliament Hamid Ansari is expected to pay an official visit to Ankara in the near future at the invitation of his Turkish counterpart, Parliament Speaker Mehmet Ali Şahin.

No exact date has yet been set for the visit; however, work by both Ankara and New Delhi is under way for the visit, which may take place as early as next month, Indian diplomatic sources told Today’s Zaman this week.

Vice President Ansari, a Muslim, is the grandson of a brother of Mukhtar Ahmad Ansari, who is not only a key figure in India’s history, but also played a part in the history of the Republic of Turkey. M.A. Ansari (1880-1936), a medical doctor, was a former president of India. In December 1912, Ansari led a medical mission to Turkey to provide medical and surgical aid to the fighting Turkish army in the Balkan War. Historians say that although the mission was organized by Muslim leaders, it paved the way for the Indian national leaders to put India on the world map by advocating and fostering international understanding.

In the last few years, the frequency of senior-level contacts between the two distant countries has increased significantly, reflecting the presence of a mutual will to eventually fulfill the as yet unmet potential for bilateral cooperation.

In February 2008, Turkey’s then-foreign minister, Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, paid an official visit to India, becoming the first Turkish foreign minister to visit the country in three decades. Babacan’s visit, during which he sought ways to improve economic ties, was followed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s official visit to the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent in November 2008.

In February 2010, President Abdullah Gül went to India for a six-day “state visit” -- described as the highest level of state protocol -- making him the first Turkish president to visit the South Asian country in 15 years.

During the visit, Gül held talks with Ansari and several top officials. In a speech delivered during the visit, Gül had described the two countries’ struggles for independence as milestones in their respective histories. “We will not forget the Indians’ support for the Turkish War of Independence. One of our shared words, dost [friend], indicates the strong relations between the two countries,” Gül said at the time.
LOl so being fair means you are pretty ...ridiculous.....how come Black men are sleeping with many white, hispanic and Arab women in the US..

In January 2010, India was not invited to a regional conference on Afghanistan hosted in İstanbul, with sources saying the reason for India’s absence at the conference stemmed from Pakistan’s objection, conveyed to the Turkish side.

In February, during an official visit to India, President Abdullah Gül, in an apparent bid to ease India’s displeasure with its not being invited, extended an invitation to the South Asian country to participate in a subsequent conference on Afghanistan held again in İstanbul later in 2010.

In an April interview with Today’s Zaman, when reminded of the issue regarding the January conference, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said: “If I may recall, it was the conference of immediate neighbors of Afghanistan, an initiative of Pakistan, which Turkey kindly volunteered to host. And, India is not an immediate neighbor of Afghanistan. Nevertheless, India is represented in other international forums on Afghanistan.” When asked whether India was an immediate neighbor of Afghanistan or not, Naik briefly said: “Is Turkey an immediate neighbor of Afghanistan? I don’t know. I want to know.”

Ramesh Chandra, charge d’affaires at the Embassy of India, who was accompanying Naik during the interview, meanwhile, said: “Afghanistan is in our immediate neighborhood.”

“What I want to say is that no country can really stick to its borders, each country has a zone of influence. There is something called diplomacy and diplomacy transcends. What is good for everybody in the world is having no wars and having better relations among peoples,” Naik then underlined.

“I would like people to convey to the Pakistani people that we have no territorial designs on any country, none at all, we have enough territory of our own -- enough and very difficult to manage. Afghan and Indian relations go back over a thousand years. Afghanistan used to practice the most tolerant form of Islam in the world at one time. India is very much interested in getting Afghanistan to a peaceful state; Pakistan is very much interested in getting control over Afghanistan, because at present they do not have too much strategic depth. With Afghanistan, they want to control it through the Taliban. Taliban control is like riding a tiger, you’ll never know when it will turn back and beat you. India is very much interested in Afghanistan’s reconstruction. We are making a lot of efforts towards that,” Naik also said.
And you can't stay without bringing in religion. :whistle:

Some people just behave like cocaine addicts-- they keep taking the same stuff again and again despite knowing the fact that it is killing them, until eventually it finishes them off..
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