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indian trust bangladesh most

Interesting that 14% of Indians think that we should trust Pakistan!

Now question is natural, which religion is 14% minority in India? Answer is clear, we have terrorist sympathizer between us in form a whole religious community!
Maybe it's an irony or just a coincidence, percentage of Indian muslim population is very close to that number. :D

Bengali and Bangladeshi are different.

And the irony is percentage of that population getting higher every passing year.. :(
Does anyone BD gives a damn?

It seems many in BD does....considering that almost all the threads in BD section are either India related, or become one after 5-6 posts. How many BD related threads you see in Indian section?

I find these Indians funny. They burn inside when they see that Bangladesh wants nothing to do with the 'great' Bharat, they hate it that the Bangladeshis identity is based on Islam, jealousy is a disease. Contrary to popular belief most Bangladeshis in the UK don't even like being associated with Indians, now I've said it all these Indians are gonna be like "denying your heritage". Bangladeshis do not even utter a word about Indians in their household even though we share a common border, unfortunately.

Why do these Indians come in to Bangladeshi/Pakistani posts which are irrelevant to them or their country?

Oh dear, no we Indians are not constantly burning inside, feeling jealous or hatred about Bangladesh. Bangladesh is nowhere in our lives. Personally, before joining PDF I almost forgot that Bangladesh exists. However, before joining PDF I had much better opinion about Bangladesh if somebody asked me.

If BD maintains good relations with us, good....if not, then BD is not so important in the world that we have to bother.
However, our feelings are mutual....."Who cares". :cheers:
Ok, well your brethren says otherwise but at least you feel the same way I do.

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Mate.
Nothing will end this jamaati hatred for us,as u can see in this thread.Its easily seen that common indian people like bangladeshis but look at the response from most of these people,they hate us to the core and over mindless conspiracy theories and bringing up meaningless hindu muslim and communalism in everything to justify their hatred.When i came to PDf i wasn't even aware bangladeshis dislike us,once we had a bangladeshi professor and his daughter stay in our house for a few weeks,my uncle's friend.He gifted me and my brother stamps and stamp book and was overall a pretty cool guy.So when i came to this forum i was shocked by total hatred most of these members have for us.
All i can say to these people is world doesn't start or end with religion,human race existed before hinduism was here,it existed before islam was here.And will be here even if someday technology makes organized religion itself obsolete.
I find these Indians funny. They burn inside when they see that Bangladesh wants nothing to do with the 'great' Bharat, they hate it that the Bangladeshis identity is based on Islam, jealousy is a disease. Contrary to popular belief most Bangladeshis in the UK don't even like being associated with Indians, now I've said it all these Indians are gonna be like "denying your heritage". Bangladeshis do not even utter a word about Indians in their household even though we share a common border, unfortunately.

Why do these Indians come in to Bangladeshi/Pakistani posts which are irrelevant to them or their country?

Do you know how many BD students come and enrole in indian colleges. And how many come for treatment here.
So? Do you know how many foreign students that come from Europe, Middle East, Africa etc to come and study at some of the cadet colleges, madrasahs and the newly formed academies in Bangladesh? It's nothing new lol.
Life is not all about PDF. I always told you.
But how come there are so many BD India-bashers on PDF? Except for an oddball or two the rest are rabidly anti-India! Instead they ooze love towards Pakistan in spite of what happened to them in 1971! Strange.
Of course we hate the PK government for what they did, if I found that drunkard Yahya Khan I would knock 10 shades of sh-t out of him but that doesn't mean we hate the people, the people were kept in the dark about this situation no doubt about that. If you meet the old generation, say my dad's age, 50+, they show a lot animosity towards Pakistan as a country and it's people but at the same time they don't like India, lol. If you see the batch of Bangladeshis now, mid 30's below most of them do not give a damn about the 1971 war, it was a mistake by the Pakistani government.

If you live in the UK you will know that the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are majority representatives for Islam in the UK. The largest Muslim area in Europe is in the UK, which is majority Bangladeshi, this area is called 'Tower Hamlets'. Most of the teenagers, Brit born etc, show a lot of hate towards India as a country due to their strong alliance with Israel, what they are doing in Kashmir, not so much on the Gujrat riots as they as they don't what the hell Gujrat is but some do know of it. That's the bleak reality mate.
@Saiful Islam, use the "reply with quote" option mate, its hard to tell who you talking to otherwise.
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But how come there are so many BD India-bashers on PDF? Except for an oddball or two the rest are rabidly anti-India! Instead they ooze love towards Pakistan in spite of what happened to them in 1971! Strange.

Are you really that naive? Hint: religion
:lol:why are the brahmins licking our bangladeshi dalit ***?
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