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Indian troops’ vehicle ‘deliberately’ mows down man hurling stones in occupied Kashmir (Video) Three

@Signalian why Pakistan cant arm the Kashmiris, but Indian can do that with BLA and TTP !
Money, may be?

Kashmiris stone your soldier's enmass because how these funerals are inciting the Kashmiris against india

Remember a funeral can bring our an entire locality to mourn and the discussions they have whilst mourning are central to destroying Kashmir as part of a indian union
Why do you think they are collecting dead bodies these days?

Not that I support this stupid blood-shed.

During the Tiananmen square incident in 1989, the infamous "Tank Man" also ran in front of a moving vehicle (a tank). The tank stopped though.

Should it have not?
Not everyone was as lucky as the tank-man.


The tanks crushed demonstrators who were even retreating.
I have been saying this from Day 1.
Not only Arm them ,but Give them Weapons like FSA , Hezbollah have .

not just some Machine guns, & rocket launchers & toyotas.

Give them MRLs , Canons ,Snipers , IED, Armored Vehicles ,Short Range Missles,
ATGMs, Helicopters ,

And Most Importantly give them , a shit load of deadly & dangerous Drones .
And Guide them every step of the way.


Pak Army must do to Hindus ,
what Hindus did to Jammu & Kashmir Muslims.

Yes, I want Pakistan to do the same.
@Signalian why Pakistan cant arm the Kashmiris, but Indian can do that with BLA and TTP !

1.They already are arming them.Where do local militants get their weaponry and training from?BLA,TTP is response to that,not the other way around.
2.Pak-afghan border is porous and PA manpower deployed there is much less in density than LOC,which has far greater troop density as well as extensive fencing and defenses.
I hope everyone who is supporting and cheering his death here, their own small kids get mowed down by trucks and they see same mocking and cheering over their small kids deaths.
@Signalian why Pakistan cant arm the Kashmiris, but Indian can do that with BLA and TTP !
Going through history, in 1965, Pakistan Army SSG Commandos were sent to help Indian occupied Kashmiris. The mission mostly went wayward as the locals of Indian occupied Kashmir alerted the authorities of presence of Commandos instead of giving refuge and assisting them, one of the most important factors of Guerrilla warfare. In 1990's, the battle hardened mujahideen of Afghanistan/Checniya assisted Indian occupied Kashmiris against Indian forces for almost a decade, giving a bloody nose to Indian Forces in IOK. Then in 1999, Kargil war took place, the mujahideen were at forefront again but direction of pressure changed from local towns to major supply routes and the uprising in IOK was not intense, whereas the uprising in towns should have been intense by local IO-kashmiris for their freedom. By this time it showed that Pakistani resolve for Kashmir was at a dangerously alarming stage, so it took two years and then the fiasco of 2001 was orchestrated, which diverted pressure from IOK back to Afghanistan. As USA occupied Afghanistan and brought in Indian forces, the elements who had fought and still wanted to fight for Kashmir dried down.

Pakistan has done its fair share of assistance and help for IO-Kashimiris at many times and its an on-going process, even when the IO-Kashmiris turned their back on Pakistan (as in 1965) and these Kashmiris are suffering brutality at the hands of Indian forces. They had a brilliant chance in 1965, then again in 1990's and 1999 but I feel their own resolve is very weak as being given so many chances, they couldn't find independence.

Now, we see the Indian occupied Kashmiris going through hell.

Currently, Pakistan is fighting its own war (western border and foreign funded internal conflict at certain areas like Baluchistan) and is using its resources (Military assets and finances) to end this war on its own soil while still urging in UN for a decision on IOK.
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Another terrorist supporter put in his place......I hope India should learn from Pak army as use Tanks/ Fighter jets against terrorists

What a hypocrisy... Pak using F16/ Tanks against TTP is fine and India using pellet guns / small arms against terrorists is wrong.....

Would you call APS attackers shaeed ...would you ?? another jihadi fasadi online terrorist supporter
Look sanghi retarded kid, Kashmiri struggling against Hindus even before partition since Dogra Raj when British sold Kashmir to Barbaric Hindu ruler. Kashmir is a unfinished agenda of partition and Hindu desire to keep it under their control will lead to fall of Indian Union...37% is under our control Azad Kashmir, 10% with China and rest will liberate soon....your barbaric inhuman swine forces can kill human but can't kill desire of Kashmiris to get independence.

Hindu safroon chadi kida are calling Kahsmiris pests but mods are nowhere.
@WebMaster @Slav Defence @Horus @Zaki @The Eagle

well doesn't really matter to us either then. One more pest has been laid to rest.
Would you call APS attackers shaeed ...would you ?? another jihadi fasadi online terrorist supporter
You are definitely confused. A person taking-on an armored vehicle and a person killing helpless children are massively different.
During the Tiananmen square incident in 1989, the infamous "Tank Man" also ran in front of a moving vehicle (a tank). The tank stopped though.

Should it have not?
Yeah. But the Tibetans crossing the Himalayan pass didn't get that luxury right? They were sniped down by mighty PLA, shot in the back.
So, next time don't turn your moral compass at us. Now scoot.
I hope everyone who is supporting and cheering his death here, their own small kids get mowed down by trucks and they see same mocking and cheering over their small kids deaths.

Why do you think no one cares when this week 150 indians got killed by dust storms
There were not Indian troops but Kashmiri Police, thus it is Kashmiri Muslim mows down Kashmiri Muslim as he was attacking him.
We support Indian occupied Kashmir and we prey that Kashmir will get her rights to choose her identity.Completely disgusting and inhuman act by Indian troops.

Indian army is bunch of pig produce.
Kashmiris should respond by opening beef burger outlets, all over Kashmir.
Pakistanis should support by announcing Sunday as a beef eating week day.
Typical terrorist supporter. So, using F-16 to kill your own guys who rebel against you is ok. Preach preach
killing the foreign-funded terrorist is ok but killing a civilian in broad daylight isn't
learn the difference shithead
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