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Indian troops stage cross-border raid

Genius how are you comparing 1947 to 1971. How old are you man?

Whats the difference between 1947 and 1971? In both the cases two new states were formed. Even though we were never given the main military districts of Ferozpur thus leaving us without any considerable military arsenal. And what happens today is that some bunch of indians joining defence.pk to explore Pakistani's military might. Ironic isnt it?
Actually he has a plausible idea..

After all, what happened to the gang rape issue attention level when this happened??
How ironic you mentioned that, this is my post from last week.
All these protests/demonstrations are merely a knee jerk reaction, let's be realistic, Delhi has had the distinction of "Rape Capital" for at least a decade now, why now the Indian moral values have woken up, it's all posturing comparable to the Anna Hazare's anti-corruption drive, the clay footed politicians are playing politics others are merely weathering the storm by making ridiculous suggestions like chemical castration of culprits. In due course, all will be forgotten or superseded by some other controversy.
In the meantime other cases will come into light to show authorities are now seriously addressing the issue not that it will hinder the culprits.
How ironic you mentioned that, this is my post from last week.
A man who was eve teasing a woman was sent to jail for 3 months and the trial took only 6 days. So many things have changed. Since you have knack to find Indian news to bash India, why don't you find so many news about arrests of molesters, rapists, eve teasers all around India.

Even in social media, no one is talking of these soldiers. All are talking of Rape.
Perhaps you have bigger failures. Some bunch of Pakistani's *(apparently) came in a row boat to the shores of Mumbai and beat the crap of out of your security while enjoying the lavish hospitality of your 5 star hotels. Your multi billion dollar so called Blue Water Navy, Airforce and Army couldnt do **** about it. Do yourself a favor? Rename of your military to Banana Air Force, Navy and Army. Atleast you wont get all the blame.

Media has been told to lay off? Perhaps that judge is constantly giving you missed calls to let you know whats exactly happening.

and this banana military defeated u thrice in a war.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

But but still they beat you at your home. :)

ya i accept,i even congratulated u guys:-)cheers:) when u won,but this doesnt change the fact that PCB is not what it used to be once.
A man who was eve teasing a woman was sent to jail for 3 months and the trial took only 6 days. So many things have changed. Since you have knack to find Indian news to bash India, why don't you find so many news about arrests of molesters, rapists, eve teasers all around India.

Even in social media, no one is talking of these soldiers. All are talking of Rape.

As i said all is a knee jerk reaction.....in due course it will die down or some other controversy will divert the attention.
Just like whatever happened to Anna Hazare.
BTW, an article in yesterdays Deccan Herald pointed out that since the tragedy there has been no let up in rape incident in Delhi over past 17 days.
Still fails to have a cup of tea at Lahore Gymkhana. Banana Military, seems legit now :D

self delete.i dont wanna troll.but if this banana military can defeat u,then find a suitable name for yourselves.
self delete.i dont wanna troll.but if this banana military can defeat u,then find a suitable name for yourselves.

'48 - Kashmir is an Integral part of India ! Pakistan controls 37% of it with India controlling 43% (6% more !) :blink:

I've talked to them Waziristani people & you've got no idea how much they curse the army for falling for Nehru's Ceasefire BS ! We could have got more.

'64 - Pakistan starts Operation Gibraltar; India's reply : Tea at Gymkhana ! End result - Ceasefire !

'71 - Pakistani soldiers are a 1000 kms away from their nearest base, fighting a civil war for months at a stretch backed up by yours truly & then war breaks out ! Manekshaw wasn't being cute when he said 'they had no chance of winning, we outnumbered them 1-15, they were a 1000 kms away from their nearest base & I had 9 months to prepare for it' !

We lost...we lost big time ! But we did learn our lessons & our flank has never been exposed again..not even during the height of the Afghan War (s) !

'99 - God knows what the objectives were for that ! But End Result - Ceasefire !

'02, Mumbai & even Kargil - Military Stand-offs, posturing but at the end 'measured response' by the Indian Armed Forces to go back to the barracks & deescalate hostilities ! A euphemism for 'Pakistani Army isn't backing down from the borders either' !

Wheres the win & where the loss ?

Well we did take more square miles of it & we may have killed more of their boys & taken out more of their equipment & yes they're lying when they dispute that !

Okay what did we do afterwards ?

We handed them back because a ceasefire was signed !
Whats the difference between 1947 and 1971? In both the cases two new states were formed. Even though we were never given the main military districts of Ferozpur thus leaving us without any considerable military arsenal. And what happens today is that some bunch of indians joining defence.pk to explore Pakistani's military might. Ironic isnt it?

LOL if it makes you feel better about yourself then go on believing 1947 and 1971 are same. I have no interest in teaching you History. In a sane world though it will be called a delusion.

Regarding joining pdf, atleast I never joined for exploring the mighty Pakistan's mighty army. I spend most of my time in Indian section and rest of my time in the 'Joke section' of pdf. Heck its now become my daily routine to get some good laugh from the deluded posts of so many people (including yours). All the best believing in what you want to believe.
@KRAIT, seems your country fellows have other things on their mind rather than the main issue....now what was it. :D



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'48 - Kashmir is an Integral part of India ! Pakistan controls 37% of it with India controlling 43% (6% more !) :blink:

I've talked to them Waziristani people & you've got no idea how much they curse the army for falling for Nehru's Ceasefire BS ! We could have got more.

'64 - Pakistan starts Operation Gibraltar; India's reply : Tea at Gymkhana ! End result - Ceasefire !

'71 - Pakistani soldiers are a 1000 kms away from their nearest base, fighting a civil war for months at a stretch backed up by yours truly & then war breaks out ! Manekshaw wasn't being cute when he said 'they had no chance of winning, we outnumbered them 1-15, they were a 1000 kms away from their nearest base & I had 9 months to prepare for it' !

We lost...we lost big time ! But we did learn our lessons & our flank has never been exposed again..not even during the height of the Afghan War (s) !

'99 - God knows what the objectives were for that ! But End Result - Ceasefire !

'02, Mumbai & even Kargil - Military Stand-offs, posturing but at the end 'measured response' by the Indian Armed Forces to go back to the barracks & deescalate hostilities ! A euphemism for 'Pakistani Army isn't backing down from the borders either' !

Wheres the win & where the loss ?

Well we did take more square miles of it & we may have killed more of their boys & taken out more of their equipment & yes they're lying when they dispute that !

Okay what did we do afterwards ?

We handed them back because a ceasefire was signed !

Thank you for your Post. If everyone believes like you then there will never be any enmity.

P.S. Though your post does reminds me of a story of a guy who sees his wife getting fucked everyday but continues to believe she is a chaste virgin.

P.P.S You forgot 1984 Siachin. Please add that to. I sincerely hope all Pakistanis think like you. :cheers:
Thank you for your Post. If everyone believes like you then there will never be any enmity.

P.S. Though your post does reminds me of a story of a guy who sees his wife getting fucked everyday but continues to believe she is a chaste virgin.

Loved the analogy for India ! :rofl:

We never did create the 'Aman ka Tamasha' ! :tup:
Loved the analogy for India ! :rofl:

We never did create the 'Aman ka Tamasha' ! :tup:

Yeah me neither. This bull crap has been started by jokers in my country. They should each get a slap in their face.
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