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Indian troops foil China’s incursion attempt in Ladakh, minor injuries on both sides after stone-pe

If we were training the chinese on course "how to deal with Indian army", their snipers will be blowing Indian soldiers heads.

These indiots who are talking non sense as usual, do they realise that Chinese are now escalating this to other area of their border. Dokhlam and now Laddakh. Enjoy!! :)

We can fend them off on our own! if they want to poke thier nose even further and get it bloodied, there are hawks waiting to pounce, have a leisurely read of the below

Indians and their nonsense obsession with stone pelting, never fails to amuse me.

What a $Hitty piece of propaganda, stone pelting?
Fake news...Just to give Indians feel good moment and morale boost...

After all, Chinese are roaring on regular basis...Indians are surprised as fuk due to this...Quite unexpected situation for Indians

Please up the ante, Indians should go to war with China...Settle the score of 1962. Pakistan won't open another front...India won't fight 2.5 war...

C'mon, chicken...Your neck is in cross-hairs of dragon

C'mon, chicken...Your neck is in cross-hairs of dragon :sniper:

LOL are you threatening us with USA? What happened to India shupa powa?

If you're English is not good, I really cant help you, re-read the post. I clearly mentioned that we are able to defend our own borders. I said that the American's are itching to put you in your place. If we open up our northern bases and give them a free ticket join the party, logically China will be screwed!

see its not too hard is it: 1+1=2 :lol:
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If you're English is not good, I really cant help you, re-read the post. I cleared mentioned that we are able to defend our own borders. I said that the American's are itching to put you in your place. If we open up our northern bases and give them a free ticket join the party, logically China will be screwed!

see its not too hard is it: 1+1=2 :lol:

The americans tried in korean war but failed
If you're English is not good, I really cant help you, re-read the post. I cleared mentioned that we are able to defend our own borders. I said that the American's are itching to put you in your place. If we open up our northern bases and give them a free ticket join the party, logically China will be screwed!

see its not too hard is it: 1+1=2 :lol:

The americans tried in korean war but failed
India is not Korea!

The south koreans done more with their armed forces than india...

Their F-15k, type214 AIP submarines, K2 black panther beats india tech anyday

They dont need k2 black panther mark 2 lol like the arjunk.

They got THAAD to destroy all agni missiles
Everyone, the news appears to be FAKE. The indian media have no footage nor has this news been cinfirmed by india's allies. 6 pages if this thread have been based on indian bollywood fantasies.
Which one is credible according to you? Global Times? Duniya news? or ISPR?

Leave your hatred and bias for a non and think... you will get the idea.. ..

I am not a fan of Indian media.... but check the reporting in Indian media on this stand off.. . barring some opinions... there is hardly anything....

This is indeed an escalation....In a small level... There are likely a bigger one coming up.. .

I can guarantee you... you will get enough to cheer.... and to say Indian media is misreporti g
according RAW resources pakistan did TOT of stone pelting to china
Along with Monkeys and Cows and Pigeons and anything else the fear mongering Indian mind can dream up.
Basically Pakistanis are unable to chew that after all the huff and puff and talk to decimating India.....All that China has done now is stone pelting....And that too when challenge ...They have gone back to their shit hole .
Let me first send you back to your fecal hole.

Cleaning out these call center insecure bhakt types is always a breath of fresh air.
Thankfully, controls now in place to see that they NEVER return

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