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Indian Three-Star General Planned Suicide Attacks in Peshawar: Gabol

Abu Zolfiqar

Rest in Peace
Feb 12, 2009
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Friday, 04 December 2009
Juma'a, Zil Haj 16, 1430

Minister of State for Shipping Nabeel Gabol said a three-star Indian General planned the blasts occurred in Peshawar last month and RAW agents used kidnapped Afghans for suicide attacks. Indian agents supplied weapons in a attack on Sri Lankan cricket team.

Pakistan will inform India and international community about this. Nabeel Gabol said Indian High Commission in Kabul has turned into RAW headquarters. While commenting on India’s stance about involvement in Balochistan in an exclusive interview to a private TV channel, Gabol said the goal of Indian High Commission in Kabul is to target Pak and India is not only involved in Balochistan but it is also responsible for recent blasts in Peshawar and Pakistan has evidences of Indian involvement.

Replying to a question, Gabol said India has been involved in Balochistan for the past six years. India had killed 300 to 400 people in response to Mumbai attacks. Pakistan is fully capable to reply but Pakistan wants peace in the region.

The issue had been discussed with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her visit to Pakistan and we will provide evidence to India through international community, he added.

Indian three-star General planned suicide attacks in Peshawar: Gabol | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

yes this is the fact.. what is the need of Indian High Commission in kabol what are they doing there no trade no nothing .. only reason is to destroy pakistan.. but it is not that much simple.. ..
they arent issuing visas, that's for damn sure!!!

i'm sure we are keeping a watchful eye over what goes on behind those doors. Unfortunately, this is a situation where we are on our own; at least until NATO realizes that we won't cooperate until they cooperate with our demands.

Shutting down those "consullates" would be in order.
it was clear that organization born in 2007 and children of 16-17 years old cannot have such intelligence and organised planning capacity to carry out attacks in cities where they have never been in their entire life.
Hell.. even CIA cannot organise such massive operation with all their might untill they are fully embeded in Pakistan's structure from decades.
Some organised effort is there which has sufficient finances and is investing on terrorism in Pakistan not only on ground but also on diplomatic front and media level as well.
Inidians have found this very profitable.
In any case all operation has been run from Afghanistan and govt. of northern alliance is party to it.
Northern Alliance are lame ducks.

I HATE HATE HATE bringing ethnicity talk into discussions. But as long as Afghan Pashtuns are feeling isolated by NA bigotry (which by the way, is as bad if not WORSE than taleban) ---there can be no peace in the Afghanistan.

biggest beneficiaries of this war are former pro-soviet elements as well as pro-hindoostan tajik warlords
Unless evidence is provided of such activity, and I mean to the public not to India, all this talk is baseless. If you can't prove it, it didn't happen; that's how the world we live in work.

If Pakistan were to retaliate in a similar fashion without presenting evidence first, we will walk right into the trap. Everybody is aware of terrorism emanating from Pakistan, not many are aware of it from India. What we need to do, if this is true, is keep our cool and make a solid case before making any moves. Until then, out best bet is to ramp up the intelligence war. Anything done overtly will bring undue and unwanted criticism. Intelligence, Covert Ops and back-chanelling is the name of the game, and we've been pretty good at this stuff for a very long time, if I do say so myself.

This could very well be political point scoring. Hence, instead of getting emotional right now, we need to ask our government to present solid, undeniable evidence.
What horse manure :lol: Indian three star general orders kidnapping Afghans and uses them as suicide bombers =)) I know India does not have effective drone attackers but come on, remote controlled suicide bombers :blink:

This MoS for Shipping and his staff do not even know how to produce **** & bull stories. The most reasonable fantasy story would have been "hindoo" extremists sponsored by VHP/Bajrang Dal/Shiv Sena carrying out these attacks, its another story they do not have the balls for any of that.
Unless evidence is provided of such activity, and I mean to the public not to India, all this talk is baseless. If you can't prove it, it didn't happen; that's how the world we live in work.

If Pakistan were to retaliate in a similar fashion without presenting evidence first, we will walk right into the trap. Everybody is aware of terrorism emanating from Pakistan, not many are aware of it from India. What we need to do, if this is true, is keep our cool and make a solid case before making any moves. Until then, out best bet is to ramp up the intelligence war. Anything done overtly will bring undue and unwanted criticism. Intelligence, Covert Ops and back-chanelling is the name of the game, and we've been pretty good at this stuff for a very long time, if I do say so myself.

This could very well be political point scoring. Hence, instead of getting emotional right now, we need to ask our government to present solid, undeniable evidence.

and as a tax-payer of a democratic nation....i really need the authenticity of this blame...
if the people of India discover that the GoI is funding/sponsoring/perpetrating ...terror activities of the scale and nature of the mumbai attacks...we'd surely not be happy about it.
these Raw actions that you guys accuse us of are taken very lightly in India...by the layman...solid proofs presented by Pakistan would definitely win the public support here...the hindustani awam is not the devil incarnate.
however....baseless till proven.
Very specific person targetted by the minister. He seems to know what he's talking about.

What horse manure Indian three star general orders kidnapping Afghans and uses them as suicide bombers =)) I know India does not have effective drone attackers but come on, remote controlled suicide bombers

Don't see whats so unbelievable about that. It's very much plausible.
Islamabad: Pakistan on Thursday again said that substantial evidence was available of India's hand in Balochistan and this would be presented at the appropriate time.

"India is involved in Balochistan and we have (adequate) proof but will disclose this when the time comes," Online news agency quoted Foreign Office spokesperson Abdul Basit as telling a private TV channel.

The time-frame will be decided by Pakistan about when, where and how to unveil the evidence, he added.

The remarks came on the day India rejected Pakistan's "unfounded" accusation of fomenting insurgency in Balochistan, saying that Islamabad was "fabricating evidence" about this.

"Two statements of the Pakistani foreign minister read together make it evident that Pakistan is fabricating evidence (of India's alleged role in Balochistan)," Indian External Affairs Minister SM Krishna said during question hour in the Rajya Sabha.

"Not even a shred of evidence has been received so far," he added.

On August 7, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi had said that evidence of India's involvement in Balochistan would be disclosed through diplomatic channels at the right time. On November 22, he said evidence of India's involvement was being compiled.

According to Krishna, these two statements were a clear indication that Pakistan "has not been able to marshal any evidence of India's involvement in Balochistan".

Answering a question, the spokesperson said Pakistan was not receiving good signals from India on resuming the subcontinental peace process.

He said Pakistan did not believe in back channels and there was need for sincerity and seriousness for the settlement of all issues.

India suspended the composite dialogue process in the wake of the November 26, 2008 to November 29, 2008 Mumbai mayhem that New Delhi says was masterminded and executed by Pakistani militants.

On Thursday, Krishna reiterated New Delhi's firm position about no talks till Pakistan takes action against the 26/11 culprits.

"The talks for the time being are suspended. Unless Pakistan moves in a transparent manner to bring to book the perpetrators of the Mumbai, till then, we are not in a position to resume the composite dialogue process.

"On the sidelines of international events, we do meet Pakistani representatives but we will stick to the statement of the Prime Minister (on resuming the dialogue only after Pakistan acts against the Mumbai perpetrators)," Krishna said.

Proof of Indian hand in Balochistan soon: Pak
Do you know

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Proof of Indian hand South Waziristan: army

But the problem was India does not manufacture 82 mm shell as displayed.
Pakistan could not display evidence to appropriate forum as claimed.

Nothing is new in recent claims.

Krishna's statement only reinforces fabrication theory.

More crap coming out of your ***. Do you know how covert operations work? The idea is not to get caught. They obviously wouldn't use what they have displayed on their websites. What happened was that either they ordered special mortars for their operations, or were using the 81mm mortars which they produced and painted it as 82. The army wouldn't make a fool out of itself with something as basic as this. If the evidence was fabricated they would make sure that they at least get the right evidence in. ******* morons.
Don't see whats so unbelievable about that. It's very much plausible.

Come on mate, kidnapped Afghans ? Not even the desperate ones that could be bribed for the sake of their family like Ajmal Kasab was ? Sounds way too far fetched.

Even if an iota of this were true, Pakistan is USA's biggest ally in the so called war on terror; just share the concrete evidence with them and India will be forced to pack up from Afghanistan. Why wouldnt your govt do that ?
i agree that its better to collect the evidence rather than Interior Minister just issuing clumsily worded statements.

i would also hope for covert operations to strike the hand of certain nearby elements who are waging indirect (and direct) war on Pakistan.

this would be best solution, amidst the dust
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More crap coming out of your ***. Do you know how covert operations work? The idea is not to get caught. They obviously wouldn't use what they have displayed on their websites. What happened was that either they ordered special mortars for their operations, or were using the 81mm mortars which they produced and painted it as 82. The army wouldn't make a fool out of itself with something as basic as this. If the evidence was fabricated they would make sure that they at least get the right evidence in. ******* morons.

Too much fasination on word Crap , One should see the definition.

For me any claim without evidence is Crap. The onus is on the claiming person/agency/country to provide evidence especially when they claim to publish soon. Otherwise the claimants claim can be treated as crap and in your words claimant if falters on basics then be treated as what you said. And no need to call the claimant morons especially when the want to paint themselves holy and nice in media.

If the claimant cannot provide evidence as per his own claim during the accepted time period then fabrication theory holds good. One needs to be very careful.

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