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Indian terrorist gets guard of honor & a state funeral.


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
Terrorism becomes a world problem and with passing every day efforts are carried out against terrorism and their suspected master minds with paying extreme sympathy and support to victims of terrorist acts. World is paying heavy price in this war either it is financial or lose of human lives. Last week there was brilliant example introduced by India when dead body of an Indian terrorist Sarbijit Singh received national guard of honour without any feeling of embarrassment who killed 15 Pakistanis in bomb blast. How it could be explained? Surprisingly India gave planned answer in shape of Sana ullah’s tortured and atrocity practiced body as national responsibility when Sarbajit case was a mishap in jail in Pakistan.

This favourism for terrorism of India should be condemned by international community as it is blunt violation of international anti terrorism laws and morals.

Our sympathies should be with victims of terrorist act and we should support them rather than giving national honour to the killer of their beloveds.

this is the best title thread seen in days. good job, DV RULES.
The country which back hided the osama is not a deserved nation to speak about terrorism.
The country which back hided the osama is not a deserved nation to speak about terrorism.

And what proof do you have of this claim ?

Sabjeet was a terrorist and he should be treated as one . coz i guess ur b*** gonna hurt if we start giving tribute to all those who have killed Indians. :angry:
Surprisingly India gave planned answer in shape of Sana ullah’s tortured and atrocity practiced body as national responsibility when Sarbajit case was a mishap in jail in Pakistan.

This part of the post entitles it to be moved to the Stupid & Funny section !
And what proof do you have of this claim ?

Sabjeet was a terrorist and he should be treated as one . coz i guess ur b*** gonna hurt if we start giving tribute to all those who have killed Indians. :angry:

Am not saying that what indian government did was right or wrong. And either its hurting others or not. but i am amazed that the nationals speaked about terrorism, And you can't deny this. But to be honest i would say that what indian govt, and punjab govt, did was really non sense and shameful. if one country arrests a person after complete probe means we should respect that countries constitution(whatever the country may be). And we can expect these non sense in this vote bank politics world as long as idiotic citizens are present.
This part of the post entitles it to be moved to the Stupid & Funny section !

When some thing hard to digest then it remains in throat as you said Stupid & Funny, naturally you people are used to chew death of innocent people. Confession is the part human nature if this nature developed in India.
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