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Indian Supreme Court dismisses plea to scrap 26 verses from Quran, says it is ‘absolutely frivolous’

You believe that Indian Hindus have been wronged by the system while Indian Muslims are being patronized to great extents.

Is he supposed to be PM of Indians or of Hindus only ?

First of all stop this nonsense of bringing muslim in each n everything, what i said is clear that SCI is blunt when it comes to Hindu affairs.

So for being PM of India, he should ignore the plight of Hindus in India??
From this article :

Those "spitting" cases by the TJ in Delhi last year originated in the vivid imagination of one female doctor somewhere in North India. She urged the national government to take the Tablighis to a forest and leave them there.

OF course. DENIAL. The standard response.

That Doctory who spends her time treaging CoVid patients at the risk to her own life is the LIAR.

Same with the Media who are all Liars. Only the Islamist who spit on the "Devil" speaks the "truth".

And why does this "distinguished citizen" find only Swarajya Mag to be credible to publish his thoughts ?

You can email him or write to him on Twitter to know that. I am not his friend, relative, secretary or assistant to either know that or speak for him.

My guess is he finds them UNBIASED and CREDIBLE and RESPECTABLE.
More "Frivolous" comments by "peaceful" community men,

But the real problem is Muslims approaching courts seeking deletion of offending parts that seem to call for Violence on Non Muslims.

So a fine of Rs, 50,000 to ensure they never again approach the Court but rather seek their own "street justice". :agree:
After this grand SC "Judgement", Kanpur police remove this "Frivolous" poster by one of the leading Political parties of India.


And yes, One of that "head" belongs to the Shia muslim RIzvi who petitioned the SC to remove verses that promote Violence.

But SC said no such thing exist so they fined him Rs. 50,000 . What a wonderful day.

And yes, "Fascist" Yogi govt. removed the poster and thus prevented "Free speech" of Muslims of India.
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