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Indian students beaten up by Ukranian Racists

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I beg to differ actually, there was this Ukrainian lady i knew who once told me about her experience under the Bolshevik Communists and the Ukrainian Genocide known as the "Holodomore" or something like that, more than 7 million Ukrainian were starved to death and when Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa millions of Ukrainian viewed the Germans as liberators and continue to do so even today, that lady being one of them.

Yes and no, slavs were deemed to be sub human and inferior race to the 'aryan' germans hence why Hitler and himmler had the plan of Drang Nach Osten [/B the extension of the German frontiers at the expense of the Slav territories lying in the East.

Well, those Slavs are considered themselves the true genetical descendants of the Aryans, whereas they also consider Indians as the Asian Mestizos (Aryan mixed with Dravidian). :coffee:

No slavs are not in the least sense Aryan, Himmler himself kept a copy of the Gita with him in his pocket.

Under Generalplan Ost, all Slavs unfit for Germanization were to be expelled from the areas marked out for German settlement. In considering the fate of the individual nations, the architects of the Plan decided that it would be possible to Germanize about 50 per cent of the Czechs, 35 per cent of the Ukrainians and 25 per cent of the Byelorussians. The remainder would have to be deported to western Siberia.

Dravidan is nothing to do with Indo-aryan I dont know what you talking about!
Yes and no, slavs were deemed to be sub human and inferior race to the 'aryan' germans hence why Hitler and himmler had the plan of Drang Nach Osten [/B the extension of the German frontiers at the expense of the Slav territories lying in the East.

Not true at all. Hitler's main goal was to defeat bolshevism before bolsheviks invaded Europe, and Stalin was preparing to invade Europe but Hitler struck first.

Fact: Bolshevik Russia did attempt to invade Poland in the 1920's, and this was before Hitler even came to power. That in itself is a clear open proof that Bolshevik Russia had plans to take over Europe, but were defeated by Polish Nationalists.
Not true at all. Hitler's main goal was to defeat bolshevism before bolsheviks invaded Europe, and Stalin was preparing to invade Europe but Hitler struck first.

Fact: Bolshevik Russia did attempt to invade Poland in the 1920's, and this was before Hitler even came to power. That in itself is a clear open proof that Bolshevik Russia had plans to take over Europe, but were defeated by Polish Nationalists.

Dont agree with that and in British schools we are taught diffrent

Cambridge Journals Online - Abstract

Nazis and Slavs: From Racial Theory to Racist Practice

Victims of Nazi Persecution - HMD Trust

Non-Jewish Poles and Slavic Prisoners of War

The Nazis viewed Poles and other Slavic peoples as inferior, and slated them for subjugation, forced labour, and eventual annihilation. Poles who were considered ideologically dangerous (including thousands of intellectuals and Catholic priests) were targeted for execution in an operation known as AB-Aktion. Between 1939 and 1945, at least 1.5 million Polish citizens were deported to German territory for forced labour. Hundreds of thousands were also imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. It is estimated that the Germans killed at least 1.9 million non-Jewish Polish civilians during World War Two.

In the German-occupied Soviet Union, the Commissar Order (issued to the German army by the Armed Forces High Command) targeted Red Army political officers to be murdered. During the autumn and winter of 1941-1942, German military authorities and the German Security Police collaborated on a racist policy of mass murder by shooting of Soviet Prisoners of War, Jews, persons with ‘Asiatic’ features, and top political and military leaders. Around three million others were held in makeshift camps without proper shelter, food, or medicine with the deliberate intent that they die.
Dont agree with that and in British schools we are taught diffrent

Same in American schools, but that does not change the actual events that took place. In fact a former Soviet KGB officer confirmed that Stalin's armies were building up and preparing for the invasion of Europe in 1942, the build up was so massive that when German Panzer's rolled through the Red army was surrendering in the millions (3 million in the first few weeks, this number would increase to well over 5 million).

The Red army was in the offensive position which is why it failed so miserable when German armies smashed through during the start of Operation Barbarossa, this is proved by the fact that later on in the Eastern Campaign during the battle of Kursk the Red army is in a defensive position and is able to halt German armies successfully.
I wonder if Ukrain is part of the "whole world" that LOVES INDIA :cheesy:
Middle Eastthey like whites especially white women from Russia, UK, France, Gulf Worships white people. women in the Middle East trying to look white get nose jobs, boob in implants.

Well, i think the Arab people are the attractive Mediterraean race, they don't have to pander themselves to look like the Nordic Whites, with those dyed hair and wearing the colored eyes contacts will only make themselves look fugly. :coffee:
Same in American schools, but that does not change the actual events that took place. In fact a former Soviet KGB officer confirmed that Stalin's armies were building up and preparing for the invasion of Europe in 1942, the build up was so massive that when German Panzer's rolled through the Red army was surrendering in the millions (3 million in the first few weeks, this number would increase to well over 5 million).

The Red army was in the offensive position which is why it failed so miserable when German armies smashed through during the start of Operation Barbarossa, this is proved by the fact that later on in the Eastern Campaign during the battle of Kursk the Red army is in a defensive position and is able to halt German armies successfully.

Well the Russian's were slow moving to begin with the German lighter superior tanks were making fast progress but it was the onset of the cold Russian winter that bogged the Germans down on the Eastern front and let the Russian's launch a massive counter strike.
Well, i think the Arab people are the attractive Mediterraean race, they don't have to pander themselves to look like the Nordic Whites, with those dyed hair and wearing the colored eyes contacts will only make themselves look fugly. :coffee:

I agree, Middle Eastern women look much better than the "Nordics".
Middle Eastthey like whites especially white women from Russia, UK, France, Gulf Worships white people. women in the Middle East trying to look white get nose jobs, boob in implants.

yup they like east europen women for sex...they are cheaper than west european Prostitutes.....
tjhere used to be hoards of Russian prostitutes in Jabees hotel sadar Karachi and also crown hotel same area...and many Pakistani men used them for pleasure at competative prices...
All the cheer leaders showing their flesh in IPL are mainly east europeans....USA's adult film industry hires east european gils for same reason....good looking at cheap...

Back to the topic...#
In football there is a mafia gangster culture all over europe and people do fight...It was the failure of Ukranian police in not protecting the indian boys...Indian embassy should take the matter on diplomatic level with Ukranian government...
No slavs are not in the least sense Aryan, Himmler himself kept a copy of the Gita with him in his pocket.

Under Generalplan Ost, all Slavs unfit for Germanization were to be expelled from the areas marked out for German settlement. In considering the fate of the individual nations, the architects of the Plan decided that it would be possible to Germanize about 50 per cent of the Czechs, 35 per cent of the Ukrainians and 25 per cent of the Byelorussians. The remainder would have to be deported to western Siberia.

Dravidan is nothing to do with Indo-aryan I dont know what you talking about!

They don't give a fck about what Nazi's view about them.

In their eyes, both Germanics and Indians are Mestizos (Aryan mixed with non-Aryan), whereas the true offsprings of the Aryans/Scythians are Russians/Ukrainians/Poles. :coffee:
Let's be honest who the hell wishes to go to Ukraine? for one thing cheap prostitutes/vodka

This is a country which has 100,000 children sleeping rough and they make monkey noises everytime a black man kicks a ball, I will be watching Euro 2012 in the comfort of my home and I was in Germany for the WC last time it was a blast! no issue at all

They don't give a fck about what Nazi's view about them.

In their eyes, both Germanics and Indians are Mestizos (Aryan mixed with non-Aryan), whereas the true offsprings of the Aryans/Scythians are Russians/Ukrainians/Poles. :coffee:

utter rubbish!

Slav's are proud or their slavic history and they have shared culture! they do not wish to be 'Aryan' etc

The Slavic culture is the collective name given to several nomadic tribes of Poland, Ukraine and Moldavia between the 6th and 11th centuries AD. The Slavs had a distinctive cultural identity, expressed as a suite of artifact types and styles, which make them of great interest to archaeologists. The earliest expression of what archaeologists firmly recognize as Slavic to date are the Korchak and Pen'kovka cultures of the 6th century AD.
utter rubbish!

Slav's are proud or their slavic history and they have shared culture! they do not wish to be 'Aryan' etc

Still, they believe that their culture and blood are more Aryan than you, end of story. :coffee:
Still, they believe that their culture and blood are more Aryan than you, end of story. :coffee:

Why would slav people who are proud of their slavic culture think they have Aryan blood? what is aryan blood btw lol your talking out your backside I suggest you read a book or go back to school.
funny thread....... people arguing which nationality gets hated more or to what degree.
no wonder others take advantage of this predicament we(Asians/S.Asians) are in.

on a similar note, this is one of the reasons I've never been a fan of India-Russia or India-USSR relationship.
USSR helped India in the past and Russia backs India every now and then because it suits their interests, as in countries, we actually do not have much or any in common. USSR/Russia was and still is a totalitarian and authoritative regime which aims to influence to the hilt the CIS nations which are still under the same marxist/communist mindset from the days of the USSR.
Well the Russian's were slow moving to begin with the German lighter superior tanks were making fast progress but it was the onset of the cold Russian winter that bogged the Germans down on the Eastern front and let the Russian's launch a massive counter strike.

During the initial phases of Operation Barbarossa, the Russian outnumbered the Germans in manpower, tanks, aircraft, and artillery.

Some experts put the number of Russian tanks at 20,000 while the invading Germans only had 3,000 Tanks. Also, the Russians did have superior Tanks both in speed and armor as well as high velocity guns. The Tank that really gave advancing German armor columns a nightmare was the Soviet Heavy Tank KV-1.
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