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Indian street fighter vs black dude

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That’s how my boys and me used to roll back in the days now youngin took over and nothing changed.
I am just surprised how much control and restraint was shown by the black male considering he was clearly bigger, stronger and knew how to fight.
i think he dint wanted to touch that urine soaked ugly creature!
Setting up example of Gandhi G famous saying... Agar koi tumain munh par seedhi Taraf Chamant mary to apni Dosri side agay kar lo.. :rofl:
:rofl:, run out of intelligent rebuttals so now resorting to petty attacks? Ghandi said it best:
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Sigh,,,bhayya will remain bhayya.
Ok now tht u had the last word,so obviously,u won,,now u a bhayya warrior,,congrats :tup:
Btw,,Snellen chart,,what is it,why is it used,when is it used?
Atleast google n upgrade ur knowledge,,,so tht nxt time u throw tht term u atleast understnd the basics
Snellen chart,,what is it,why is it used,when is it used?
The fact that I mentioned it, should prove my understanding as to it's application. The only one trying to swing their dick in this thread is you. Like I said before, I don't find you amusing and don't wish to interact with a bumpkin such as yourself. Now do us all a favor and go watch some NDTV or something!
The fact that I mentioned it, should prove my understanding as to it's application. The only one trying to swing their dick in this thread is you. Like I said before, I don't find you amusing and don't wish to interact with a bumpkin such as yourself. Now do us all a favor and go watch some NDTV or something!
Aww,,,the all knowing but not sharing wolf hunting one
Throws around terms he has little to no understanding,,basically shows off,,whn confronted comes up wid memes,one liners n nonsense posts but anywhere near the charts.now being sore n declaring tht since he said it he knows,,rrrrright you most definitely know

u got owned,go google
One way fight
Black Dude = 4 Points
Brown Guy = 0 Points
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What if the other guy (opponent) is much much stronger? What do Pakistanis do in such situation? And these fights have risk of danger to life or limbs or teeth or life changing events like deportation etc. Are they prepared to face it?

@Indus Pakistan @Retired Troll @lastofthepatriots @waz
In such case, a Pakistan won't be chasing him to get beaten again and again... He will either call it off before even the start or will offer a fight regardless of what happens to him.

In such case, a Pakistan won't be chasing him to get beaten again and again... He will either call it off before even the start or will offer a fight regardless of what happens to him.

Some indo pak goons fighting in Malaysia is a national pride news in Pakistan? Ha ha ha ......:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
He is sure pakistani, they dont have it in their genes, look at their asian games tally.
That’s how my boys and me used to roll back in the days now youngin took over and nothing changed.
I don't like this way... there are better ways to celebrate.. but it is not much different from rest of the world even the so called civilised Swedes do this way...
He is sure pakistani, they dont have it in their genes, look at their asian games tally.
Burnol time!

u got owned,go google
I got owned on a forum, on the internet?

You tried to bait me hard, but no bite! Go learn some new tricks, low quality troll!
No offence but that looks stupid. Just my opinion!
We were young late teens years so you know hot blood plus this is after Pakistan day parade at Madison. So it’s jusy to show indians here that we never took shit and we still don’t take no shit. Some of these guys from the video are entrepreneurs, NYPD officers etc. so you do the math.
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