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Indian street fighter vs black dude

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Tat on his arm. Dark features and the fact that he didn't even swing on the black guy. I lived a long time in NYC and most of the Pakistanis hang out in Brooklyn. This happened in Manhattan and the Indian guy seems like he's on drugs. Possibly a Sikh. Pakistanis are known for being brutal in street fights in NYC. This guy just seemed like a crackhead.
Yup..we Pakis dont back off from a fight and always throw punches and kicks, hence the name.
Even at this age when i aint young anymore, the other day when a Black guy in Manchester intimidated me, i was up for a fight and he backed off.
What are you talking about retard?

Little Pakistan is dead *** in Brooklyn. LOL

You’re referring to the Pakistani immigrant community, that’s mostly blue collar.

Anyway, I was more referring to the garbage about “Pakistanis are known to be brutal in street fights” lol
Yeah except for PDF where such fake macho shit sells like hot cakes, no one else has heard or seen this prowess ever.

Like I said, ease up on the BS.
About the video, regardless of his ethnicity the brown guy simply humiliated himself.
You’re referring to the Pakistani immigrant community, that’s mostly blue collar.

Anyway, I was more referring to the garbage about “Pakistanis are known to be brutal in street fights” lol
Yeah except for PDF where such fake macho shit sells like hot cakes, no one else has heard or seen this prowess ever.

Like I said, ease up on the BS.

Uh, you must not know that much of the Pakistani community in NYC. Even the Bronx Pakistanis and Brooklyn Pakistanis used to fight during Pakistan Day Parade. Stay in your lane my Indian fraand.
What are you talking about retard?

Little Pakistan is dead *** in Brooklyn. LOL

And you were the same Indian weasel I challenged to a fight that backed out when I was there. You got no room talk shit boy. I told you I would have met you in curry hill with only one my friends to record, so I could post it on PDF.[/QUOTE]

More Garbage! I think the rate at which you’re spewing verbal diarrhea, you’re soon gonna need a diaper on your mouth!

Like I said, stick to selling these made up stories to the half wit PDF Pakistanis who haven’t stepped out of Pakistan, let alone NYC. We know the reality of your kind. No ones buying your stories[/QUOTE]
More Garbage! I think the rate at which you’re spewing verbal diarrhea, you’re soon gonna need a diaper on your mouth!

Like I said, stick to selling these made up stories to the half wit PDF Pakistanis who haven’t stepped out of Pakistan, let alone NYC. We know the reality of your kind. No ones buying your stories

My tag was Razpak then. I definitely remember it. Fortunately for you, I am an older guy now that lives in Texas. I mean, If you seriously want to disrespect Pakistanis in NYC as being soft, I can definitely get some 14 year kids to bully you, as long as you show up. I think the last time I wanted you to meet me was at the MET, since I was living in a studio in the Upper East side. Or it was Curry Hill, but you backed out extra fast, and plenty of old Pakistani members on this site were betting on me. To be honest, I'm above all this acting alpha and macho shit, but If you really want to disrespect the Pakistani community in NYC, I can let you know what's up.
Uh, you must not know that much of the Pakistani community in NYC. Even the Bronx Pakistanis and Brooklyn Pakistanis used to fight during Pakistan Day Parade. Stay in your lane my Indian fraand.

Yeah definitely don’t know the low class Pakistanis of your ilk, that’s a given.

Fighting whom?! Amongst themselves?! Lol

Seriously, how desperate does one have to be to make this claim online?! It’s Like a deep rooted inferiority complex for you guys.
I’m laughing my *** off right now.
Yeah definitely don’t know the low class Pakistanis of your ilk, that’s a given.

Fighting whom?! Amongst themselves?! Lol

Seriously, how desperate does one have to be to make this claim online?! It’s Like a deep rooted inferiority complex for you guys.
I’m laughing my *** off right now.

Laughing at what? You should be laughing at the fact that your Indian girls go around avoiding you ugly fucks and dating whites and blacks, because you guys are a laughing stock. :lol:

And If you say I'm lying, then you're a bitch *** lying nigga.

My tag was Razpak then. I definitely remember it. Fortunately for you, I am an older guy now that lives in Texas. I mean, If you seriously want to disrespect Pakistanis in NYC as being soft, I can definitely get some 14 year kids to bully you, as long as you show up. I think the last time I wanted you to meet me was at the MET, since I was living in a studio in the Upper East side. Or it was Curry Hill, but you backed out extra fast, and plenty of old Pakistani members on this site were betting on me. To be honest, I'm above all this acting alpha and macho shit, but If you really want to disrespect the Pakistani community in NYC, I can let you know what's up.

You seriously are a clown!
You can’t even see that I’m disrespecting YOU and your claims of being some macho warrior type. I’ve seen your kind before, the kind that probably wets himself at the first sign of trouble but talks a big game online.

I repeat, no one in NYC hails Pakistanis as some fighters. Yes, perhaps people might worry you guys might explode yourself in a public place in the name of religion, nothing more.

And as far as the Pakistani community in NYC is concerned, don’t think they would want to be associated with a joker like yourself either.
The Only one making them a laughing stock are people like you.
So quit giving Pakistanis a bad name on account of your made up mumbo jumbo.

Laughing at what? You should be laughing at the fact that your Indian girls go around avoiding you ugly fucks and dating whites and blacks, because you guys are a laughing stock. :lol:

And If you say I'm lying, then you're a bitch *** lying nigga.


I should care because some indian girl wants to **** a white or black guy?! It’s her choice to **** who she wants.
Unlike you, those women have a choice.
You on the other hand probably wouldnt get laid even if your parents set it up or paid for it lol.

So yes, definitely laughing my *** off at your Sorry virgin ***! Lol
You seriously are a clown!
You can’t even see that I’m disrespecting YOU and your claims of being some macho warrior type. I’ve seen your kind before, the kind that probably wets himself at the first sign of trouble but talks a big game online.

I repeat, no one in NYC hails Pakistanis as some fighters. Yes, perhaps people might worry you guys might explode yourself in a public place in the name of religion, nothing more.

And as far as the Pakistani community in NYC is concerned, don’t think they would want to be associated with a joker like yourself either.
The Only one making them a laughing stock are people like you.
So quit giving Pakistanis a bad name on account of your made up mumbo jumbo.

I should care because some indian girl wants to **** a white or black guy?! It’s her choice to **** who she wants.
Unlike you, those women have a choice.
You on the other hand probably wouldnt get laid even if your parents set it up or paid for it lol.

So yes, definitely laughing my *** off at your Sorry virgin ***! Lol

Wow man. You are a fucking a retard. If I was still in NYC, I would dox you, and press you the second I found on the street corner begging for your privacy. LOL

You think people in NYC think Pakistanis will explode themselves? HAHAHAHA

Only you Indian faggots say racist/prejudiced shit like this behind the monitor. I wish I could meet you face to face, but I know you are an actual PUSSY in real life.

As far as the Pakistani community in NYC is concerned, they don't need some Indian cuck like yourself to speak on our behalf. I would have flipped you the second I saw you, and then I would have heard the typical 'we are desis' bullshit. You are a weak Indian faggot that doesn't want to confront me or even some people that I know in NY. You are a typical saffroni hindu troll hiding behind your keyboard that talks shit to feel important.

If you are really about it, I am living in Austin, Texas at the moment, and you can pull up. But I know that Indians are typically weak people that like to avoid conflict, but cry like pussies when they are sheltered.

Maybe If I was younger, I would dox you and find out where you live, but at this point in my life I couldn't give 2 shits. Indians are the most abused and disrespected spat on people in the entire city. Even Sikhs say, we are Punjabis, they don't even associate themselves with your shit country and your pussy people.
Tat on his arm. Dark features and the fact that he didn't even swing on the black guy. I lived a long time in NYC and most of the Pakistanis hang out in Brooklyn. This happened in Manhattan and the Indian guy seems like he's on drugs. Possibly a Sikh. Pakistanis are known for being brutal in street fights in NYC. This guy just seemed like a crackhead.

Cool and all but can I get an Uber to midtown, thx.
After watching the indian street fighter against black dude, this is how sakra reacted

Ganga-doo humiliated himself :lol:

Cool story Tayquesha.
Ask your uncle blackie, you might get a free ride. :lol:

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