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Indian spy's role alleged in Sri Lankan president's election defeat

The myth surrounding RAW is created by pakistanis and bangladeshis. Thanks to them, RAW has been projected as some super sleuth, spy agency - while we know what kind of babus occupy RAW's offices.

welcome some loony toons from sri lanka too to the conspiracy club.

"Tholas" you mean ?
@samv Stop being a stupid clown! If your favourite political party lost then make up your mind and move on. It's not like you personally get anything from Rajapaksha. Same thing applies for the UNP clowns too. Go through my past posts and you will find out that I have supported Rajapaksha on this very own forum countless times. @Gibbs too have supported him. But there should be an end to the madness. He was a strong leader at war times but by no means he can be considered as a good politician for the economy. If you care to use your few remaining brain cells, you will see that many people who supported Maithree is also keen on keeping his government in check. This is what's needed in Sri Lanka. People should always keep their government pressured instead of being sheep.

That being said, I don't trust this new government at all either. In fact, I don't trust a single politician.

US couldn't care less about supposed war crimes. :lol:

If you're Sri Lankan, you should also learn to get over the tribal mentality. For the rest of the world, this is just a tiny island with little influence. A developed Sri Lanka benefits us all or else we can forever fight each other over silly rubbish.

After all I can't expect either of you to embrace some logical thinking so I am not going to post on this thread any more.

Couldn't have said it better.. Cheers machun..

As for the resident clown and serial troll manlion, Just let it go.. He seem to be immune to moderation and anti spamming here.. Just some pussy hiding away in South East Asia.. Not worth engaging

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