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Indian Special Forces

Not yet. I am sure.
What I had told you was my conclusion based on the posting of few.
Anyways, in the ad they haven't used his full name
@Levina, my beleif is you will NEVER know the names of 99.99% of those involved in any of the above operations. Look at all the high profile operations in Indian SF history- Op Cactus, Op Bluestar, Op Khukri, Op Black Tornado, Op peace (if the Mynamar Op really was called that)- how many SF operators can you name who were involved in any of these? I can't think of a single one (other than few NSG post-26/11 but their revelations are rather unconnected to the operation and more to do with the careers of the induviduals themselves). These are thousands of people all told but nothing to be seen. And bear in mind that these are just the operations we know of- there will be 1000s of more that we don't.

Contrast this with the US/UK where it seems obligatroy for every major major (highly publicised) SF operation (succesful and oterhwise) to be followed by scores of books from the induviduals involed (Bravo Two Zero, Operation Neptune Spear, Operation Red Wings, Black Hawk Down, Operation Iraqi Freedom etc) and often made into movies (Bravo Two Zero, Captain Phillips, Black Hawk Down, Zero Dark Thirty etc etc).

And I could name you scores and scores of those involved who have subsequently identified themselves in taking part in such operations. It's crazy to think that we know who killed OBL- in fact there are 2 different DEVGRU members who claim that and a third has written a book on the raid as well as one of the claimed shooters. India's equivalent (Special Group) has not a SINGLE living member who has revealed themselves as part of that unit, no offical has even confirmed they exist.

Indian SF still hold themselves to the "silent proffesionals" ideal.

NSG drill in Chennai
can anybody tell me what veichle are these? foreign on indian?
@Levina, my beleif is you will NEVER know the names of 99.99% of those involved in any of the above operations. Look at all the high profile operations in Indian SF history- Op Cactus, Op Bluestar, Op Khukri, Op Black Tornado, Op peace (if the Mynamar Op really was called that)- how many SF operators can you name who were involved in any of these? I can't think of a single one (other than few NSG post-26/11 but their revelations are rather unconnected to the operation and more to do with the careers of the induviduals themselves). These are thousands of people all told but nothing to be seen. And bear in mind that these are just the operations we know of- there will be 1000s of more that we don't.

Contrast this with the US/UK where it seems obligatroy for every major major (highly publicised) SF operation (succesful and oterhwise) to be followed by scores of books from the induviduals involed (Bravo Two Zero, Operation Neptune Spear, Operation Red Wings, Black Hawk Down, Operation Iraqi Freedom etc) and often made into movies (Bravo Two Zero, Captain Phillips, Black Hawk Down, Zero Dark Thirty etc etc).

And I could name you scores and scores of those involved who have subsequently identified themselves in taking part in such operations. It's crazy to think that we know who killed OBL- in fact there are 2 different DEVGRU members who claim that and a third has written a book on the raid as well as one of the claimed shooters. India's equivalent (Special Group) has not a SINGLE living member who has revealed themselves as part of that unit, no offical has even confirmed they exist.

Indian SF still hold themselves to the "silent proffesionals" ideal.

To be honest it took me 2 minutes of google search in order to figure out the OIC of the operation in Myanmar. Courtesy- ADGPI :D
Anyways, guys I just realised how easy it is to identify our existing SF bases in internet. I dunno if army knows it well.
@Unknowncommando as always great pics bro!

But can you be sure to blur out the faces of the Garuds? I think the recent Pathankot attack has highlighted the strategic sifgnificacne of these guys and the enemy is very cunning.
@Abingdonboy Hey ! Can you tell me how much of our SF bases are classified ? Because I just realised it's easy to figure it out. I'm wondering if this should be reported to Army.
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