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Indian Special Forces

Watched this programme in RSTV Yesterday....... Amazing stuff. Interesting points were

1) Firing simulator
2 ) Training on crawling across live firing
3) Training to drivers ( I loved the way the spun an Ambassador)

Couldn't find the whole video, only got the promo.....


Sadly not a great insight into the NSG, but perhaps this is intentional- the narrator pointed to the fact the NSG were being very secretive and many details were classified.

Real shame no room intervention drills were shown mostly just training/selection of recruits which in itself is pretty dull.

Nice find, but the narrator sucks so hard, it almost hurts.. :undecided::crazy:
Better than that Rajiv guy at NDTV!:rofl::rofl:


first time I am hearing about this "Phantom" squad/category I'd really like to know how this fits in with the NSG's deployment i.e. what are these guys used for?

Perhaps you are right, they act as a test bed for the new stuff (equipment and tactics) but the narrator also mentioned that that 1% attaining "Phantom" status were moved on to more advanced training so it seems they have an operational role. Perhaps used as air marshals? Instructors? Foreign liaisons?

someone pls tell me about that garud commandos gun in 4:58
@Koovie tha vid was awesome and many new things this time.And talking about the phantom unit i think theh rr the best of th best of NSG. My frd is in Force One unit just met him few days b4. He is working and training along with NSG so i am trying to get in contact with him.I will share if i got new info.@Abingdonboy i think ur ryt gro phantoms are given new stuffs and traning level looks lyk increased as they r saying only 1% can b phantoms. Thats the best thing in d vid. Sadly no sherpha this time too. Bro plzz post some cool screenshots of this vid. Try to get high quality. :)
Sadly not a great insight into the NSG, but perhaps this is intentional- the narrator pointed to the fact the NSG were being very secretive and many details were classified.

Real shame no room intervention drills were shown mostly just training/selection of recruits which in itself is pretty dull.

Better than that Rajiv guy at NDTV!:rofl::rofl:


first time I am hearing about this "Phantom" squad/category I'd really like to know how this fits in with the NSG's deployment i.e. what are these guys used for?

Perhaps you are right, they act as a test bed for the new stuff (equipment and tactics) but the narrator also mentioned that that 1% attaining "Phantom" status were moved on to more advanced training so it seems they have an operational role. Perhaps used as air marshals? Instructors? Foreign liaisons?

To create secret pool of cream of the crop operators of the Army for deploying in highly classified ops.The base is probably in the foothills of Himalayas.The NSG is gonna come completely under Army soon.

Garud or Para ?
To create secret pool of cream of the crop operators of the Army for deploying in highly classified ops.
The IA is capable of doing this itself without outsourcing this to the NSG surely- why get the NSG involved at all?

The base is probably in the foothills of Himalayas.The NSG is gonna come completely under Army soon.
I seriously doubt this bro, even though the SAG is 100% made up of IA operators, the NSG as a force comes under MHA/civilian control and are thus a civilian/police CT unit as is the norm for such units all across the world. Putting this force under Army control would serve little utility IMHO and would be a drain on the IA's resources whilst right now the NSG is funded from the MHA's annual budget. The situation as it is is looking ever more promising- the SRG is being cut back on, the number of protectees is being cut and the CISF is being lined up to take over much of the NSG's VVIP protection tasks. The NSG is getting back to its original CT mandate meaning more of its budget goes to SAG. The reason the SPG is easily the best equipped Police unit in India is because it has the highest dollar budget to unit operator ratio of any CAPF. The smaller the NSG gets (by reducing SRG) the better equipped the SAG will get.

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