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Indian special forces carry out cross border operation into Myanmar. Several militants Killed

Trust me ....you dont want to give you the numbers of dead in Pakistan ...Ill make you cry

I think we should no t release any more details. If these groups wanna a war, then lets bring it to them. No more details.....secrecy is the name of the game....dont give the enemies any clues or hints...
lets destroy these myths 1 by 1
"Superior and More Mobile Pakistani military outflanked the slow, backward indian forces."
indian forces had to move 3000km from central india to the border while pakistanis had to move... you guessed it 0km. so much for the mobility.besides calling pakistani forces superior despite being trounced innumerable times by india is a laugh
(even though indians started mobilisation months before Pak),
thats because the pak forces were at the border the entire time :hitwall:
(killing near 1000 soldiers of india during stand-off)
depending on previous indo pak wars i am guessing the number of casualities on the pak side is double. but its all hush hush. we wouldnt want the PA to lose its reputation in pakistan do we?
indian military...being humiliated by superior Pakistani forces...announced unilateral withdrawal and retreated back to their little holes.
:hitwall: plz do some research man. stop making up crap

happened by skirmishes, not war. if history is any indicator, pakistan would have lost 2wice as much. but its all hush hush

Keep talking BS the whole world is laughing at you as usual!

In the mean time please explain, why does the Indian common man hate the Indian Army? and why is the Indian Army facing so many rape allegations?

People try to storm Army camp after ‘rape’, ‘molestations’ by jawans in Assam
Apr 11, 2015,
People try to storm Army camp after ‘rape’, ‘molestations’ by jawans in Assam - The Times of India

The Army’s ‘License To Rape’ – What The Nation Doesn’t Want To Know
Rape In Karbi Anglong - How AFSPA Shields The 'Rapists In Uniforms'

Around eight jawans carried off a 15 year old girl into the forest; when her mother and another woman rushed to rescue her, the jawans raped all three.
Keep talking BS the whole world is laughing at you as usual!

In the mean time please explain, why does the Indian common man hate the Indian Army? and why is the Indian Army facing so many rape allegations?

People try to storm Army camp after ‘rape’, ‘molestations’ by jawans in Assam
Apr 11, 2015,
People try to storm Army camp after ‘rape’, ‘molestations’ by jawans in Assam - The Times of India

The Army’s ‘License To Rape’ – What The Nation Doesn’t Want To Know
Rape In Karbi Anglong - How AFSPA Shields The 'Rapists In Uniforms'
View attachment 228937
Around eight jawans carried off a 15 year old girl into the forest; when her mother and another woman rushed to rescue her, the jawans raped all three.
firstly morons from pakistan is not equal to who;e world.

secondly common indians do not hate the army, we just have far more lucrative private sector jobs unlike pakistan where the army salaries are unparalleled by any other

thirdly IA is 1.1million strong and there will be a few bad ones among them. in india rape is considered a crime, so any such behaviors is quickly noted, published and penalized unlike in your country where its all buried. for eg most pakistanis did not know their army commited the worst rapes in modern history until the internet came into existence. despite that i believe they are using conspiracy theories to try and cover it up

do you have any more misconceptions?
firstly morons from pakistan is not equal to who;e world.

"who;e world" ???? Your delusions are forcing you to talk gibberish. Better seek help before it's too late!

secondly common indians do not hate the army, we just have far more lucrative private sector jobs unlike pakistan where the army salaries are unparalleled by any other
Your media is saying otherwise. Plus who would want to be associated with a Rapist organization?
People try to storm Army camp after ‘rape’, ‘molestations’ by jawans in Assam - The Times of India

Rape In Karbi Anglong - How AFSPA Shields The 'Rapists In Uniforms'
thirdly IA is 1.1million strong and there will be a few bad ones among them. in india rape is considered a crime, so any such behaviors is quickly noted, published and penalized unlike in your country where its all buried. for eg most pakistanis did not know their army commited the worst rapes in modern history until the internet came into existence
That is just your BS propoganda, after all who would belive someone who not only lives in the rape capital of the world but also has a Rapist Army!

do you have any more misconceptions?

Seems like the only misconceptions on this forum are yours. Each and everyone of your statements is being contradicted by your media.

Better stop now, before you look like a bigger fool than you are in front of the whole world!
NDTV: Air Strikes or Special Forces: How the Myanmar Attack was Meticulously Planned
All India | Reported by Sudhi Ranjan Sen, Edited by Anindita Sanyal | Updated: June 11, 2015


This photo released to the media by the Indian Army shows the operations inside Myanmar

NEW DELHI: Action within 72 hours - that was what the political leadership had suggested to the Army to liquidate the militant camps across Myanmar. And one of the ways considered to achieve it was the use of Sukhoi and MIG 29 fighter jets, top sources told NDTV.

The first plan had to be dropped because of logistical problems. The second - due to the possibility of huge collateral damage, the sources said.

But action was imperative. Retaliatory strikes had to be taken against militants who ambushed an Army convoy last week killing 18 army men, the heaviest casualty the Army has seen in two decades.

Two militant camps were zeroed on, an officer said. The first one was in Onjha - a few km from Chashad on India-Myanmar border in Manipur - which housed a medley of militants. The more important one was in Ponyu in Myanmar - a few kilometres from the Nagaland border - which housed the militants of NSCN(K), that played a key role in the Manipur attack.

Cancelling a visit to Bangladesh with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval headed for Manipur. So did Army chief Dalbir Singh Suhag, who was to visit the UK.

The two men suggested a surgical attack by 21 Para (Special Forces), a top official in the security infrastructure told NDTV.

The 21 Para (Special Forces) which were selected to carry out the strike, are an elite corps. They train at night and are trained for combat firing, reflex shooting, underwater diving, handling of explosives, free falls, para jumping and deprivation exercises - which means doing all this without food and water for long stretches. Their main weapon -- Israeli-made Tavor Rifles.

The strike was planned for Monday but had to be postponed by a day to get clearance from the Prime Minister, sources said.

Meticulous planning several days; the operation lasted around 45 minutes.

A little after midnight on Tuesday, around 80 Special Forces troops were dropped a little ahead of the border by Dhruv helicopters, from where they stealthily made their way through the dense forests of Myanmar to the Ponyu and Ojia camps.

They smashed the camps - which were said to house nearly 150 militants. After the operation, they walked back to the pick-up point, from where they were evacuated by helicopters.

Myanmar op: How India crossed the line and completed mission in 45 minutes
TNN | Jun 11, 2015, 06.32 AM IST


Defence ministry issued the photo of the team which carried the operation in Myanmar.

NEW DELHI: Army sources said on Tuesday that at least 20 militants were killed in the operations across the border in Myanmar and conceded that retaliatory attacks were a possibility in the coming days. "We would keep up pressure on them," one senior officer said, indicating the possibility of more such cross-border operations.

And unlike what has been reported in the media, an Army source said: "There was no heli-drop. It was a one-night, ground operation. We couldn't have carried out a heli-drop because that would have alerted the militants." The SF troops were moved close to the border in advance by helicopters.

On Monday night, about 20-25 commandos trekked across the porous frontier into Myanmar. For some stretch of the approach to the camps, the commandos crawled to move in undetected.


About 25 commandos of the 21 Para Special Forces (SF) battalion were involved in the 45-minute-long raids on two militant camps across the India-Myanmar border. An SF battalion usually comprises four teams, each of about 100 commandos. These are further divided into groups and then into squads.

According to sources, these highly-trained Special Forces personnel had been operating in Jorhat, Assam, and surrounding areas. "They are trained for such operations, so the turnaround wasn't very long," one source said. These operations are part of the ongoing Operation Hifazat in the Nagaland-Manipur-Arunachal Pradesh area, but this top secret cross-border raid had no specific name.


Once specific intelligence inputs came on the two camps, showing that they were hou ing several NSCN(K) militants, and of other groups such as PLA (Peoples Liberation Army of Manipur), UNLF (United National Liberation Front) and the MNRF (Manipur Naga Revolutionary Front), the plan for the commando raid moved quickly . "Inputs clearly said that some militants in the camp were involved in the attack on our troops in Chandel last Thursday," one source said.

At a camp in the Ponyu area, the NSCN(K)'s 3rd brigade is based. And among its cadres were those who participated in operations against the Army. In Aungzeya area was the other camp which housed a mixed group of militants. Both camps had about 25 militants. "There was only a bit of resistance. We almost completely surprised them," a source said. "The militants didn't expect India to cross the border. That barrier has been breached."

MHA says 50 dead, Army 20

More than 24 hours after the Special Forces' raid on militant camps in Myanmar, there was no credible confirmation about the final toll. Some sources put the total number of dead at about 100. But army sources said their final count was 20.According to army, 11 militants suffered serious injuries while 15 others suffered light injuries Meanwhile, MHA sources said the toll was around 50 at least.
Mother fukers got what they deserved. This department will have more instructions for future stay tuned Modi is pleased with results.
I dont understand why we few Pakistanis are jumping from our seats as if the hindoos para commandos have killed some one inside our territory.

1. They killed the terrorist , very good work
2. They tried to give us the message, it was lame.

there is no need to ask proofs, or evidences. It just show our frustration. We all know India cannot do such covert operation across LOC.

Now stay calm
I am pleased India decided to go into Myanmar. They have fallen into Pak-China trap. Now Myanmar people will feel the need to retaliate after having their sovereignty violated. Expect more guerrilla attacks in India.
A clarification for ppl who are mocking India is lying, here is the pair to their happiness

The Indian military said in a statement that two separate groups of insurgents had been engaged along the Indo-Myanmar border at two separate locations on June 9.

The attack was both a pre-emptive and retributive strike, coming in the wake of a June 4 ambush in Chandel, Manipur, that saw 18 members of the Indian military killed.

It was claimed that Myanmar-based Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K), as well as Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL) and a faction of the Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) were responsible for the attack. The latter are both outlawed insurgent groups from Manipur.

Indian military statements did not give specific details on the attack but military sources cited in Indian media outlets reported that the operation was carried out with an Air Force Mi-17 helicopter and 21 Para, an elite unit, and resulted in the deaths of 15 rebel soldiers.

Deputy chief of mission at the Indian embassy in Yangon Sailas Thangal confirmed that the Indian army carried out strikes at two locations along the India-Myanmar border after receiving “credible and specific intelligence” that the group that had attacked the Indian army on the June 4 in Chandel, Manipur, was planning further attacks.

Its okay, let the people who don't believe it, let them be happy, let them enjoy their denial of truth as usual
Last Updated: Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 13:20
Centre denies issuing pics of soldiers involved in Army's Myanmar operation | Zee News

New Delhi: The Centre on Thursday denied issuing pictures of soldiers involved in Army's operation against Northeast militants "along the India-Myanmar border".

The clarification from the Centre came to clear the air after purported images of the offensive went viral on the internet.

Defence Ministry spokesperson Sitanshu Kar took to Twitter today to announce that the ministry had not released any photos of the operation "so far".

The clarification from the Defence Ministry came hours after at least three photos showing soldiers flashing victory signs and carrying guns went viral on social networking websites.

One of the threes photos showed around 20 soldiers sitting before an army helicopter and posing for the camera. Captions of this photo read: these soldiers had carried out the offensive against militants along the India-Myanmar border killing more than 20 militants.

News Agency ANI had tweeted the purported photo of Army's operation along the Indo-Myanmar border, which later went viral on the internet.

View image on Twitter

ANI @ANI_news

Army team that destroyed militant camp in Myanmar. No casualties. Faces blurred to protect identity.

At least 40 commandos of Army's 21 Para Special Forces carried out cross-border surgical strikes in retaliation to the June 4 ambush in Manipur's Chandel district in which 18 soldiers of 6 Dogra Regiment were martyred.

Jitendra Singh leaves for Manipur following army ops | Zee News
Last Updated: Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 12:24

New Delhi: Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office Dr. Jitendra Singh on Thursday left for Manipur to take stock of the situation there following the Indian Army's recent operation against militants along the Indo-Myanmar border.

Dr. Singh, who left on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's directions, is accompanied by a team of senior officials.

According to reports, Dr. Singh will interact with members of the civil society, political parties and security officials. He is also expected to visit Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh.

The Prime Minister's directive came after the army engaged two separate groups of militants, inflicting significant casualties on them, along the Indo-Myanmar border on Tuesday, following an ambush in Manipur which left 18 army personnel dead and 11 others injured.

A statement from the Ministry of Defence had said that the operations were necessary in light of intelligence reports, which warned of militants planning attacks on Indian soil.

One of the notable covert operations was that by 6 Jat across the CFL in J&K in 1961. Maj (later Lt Gen ) It was Lt General HB Kala was awarded the Shaurya Chakra.
NDTV: Air Strikes or Special Forces: How the Myanmar Attack was Meticulously Planned
All India | Reported by Sudhi Ranjan Sen, Edited by Anindita Sanyal | Updated: June 11, 2015


This photo released to the media by the Indian Army shows the operations inside Myanmar

NEW DELHI: Action within 72 hours - that was what the political leadership had suggested to the Army to liquidate the militant camps across Myanmar. And one of the ways considered to achieve it was the use of Sukhoi and MIG 29 fighter jets, top sources told NDTV.

The first plan had to be dropped because of logistical problems. The second - due to the possibility of huge collateral damage, the sources said.

But action was imperative. Retaliatory strikes had to be taken against militants who ambushed an Army convoy last week killing 18 army men, the heaviest casualty the Army has seen in two decades.

Two militant camps were zeroed on, an officer said. The first one was in Onjha - a few km from Chashad on India-Myanmar border in Manipur - which housed a medley of militants. The more important one was in Ponyu in Myanmar - a few kilometres from the Nagaland border - which housed the militants of NSCN(K), that played a key role in the Manipur attack.

Cancelling a visit to Bangladesh with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval headed for Manipur. So did Army chief Dalbir Singh Suhag, who was to visit the UK.

The two men suggested a surgical attack by 21 Para (Special Forces), a top official in the security infrastructure told NDTV.

The 21 Para (Special Forces) which were selected to carry out the strike, are an elite corps. They train at night and are trained for combat firing, reflex shooting, underwater diving, handling of explosives, free falls, para jumping and deprivation exercises - which means doing all this without food and water for long stretches. Their main weapon -- Israeli-made Tavor Rifles.

The strike was planned for Monday but had to be postponed by a day to get clearance from the Prime Minister, sources said.

Meticulous planning several days; the operation lasted around 45 minutes.

A little after midnight on Tuesday, around 80 Special Forces troops were dropped a little ahead of the border by Dhruv helicopters, from where they stealthily made their way through the dense forests of Myanmar to the Ponyu and Ojia camps.

They smashed the camps - which were said to house nearly 150 militants. After the operation, they walked back to the pick-up point, from where they were evacuated by helicopters.

Myanmar op: How India crossed the line and completed mission in 45 minutes
TNN | Jun 11, 2015, 06.32 AM IST


Defence ministry issued the photo of the team which carried the operation in Myanmar.

NEW DELHI: Army sources said on Tuesday that at least 20 militants were killed in the operations across the border in Myanmar and conceded that retaliatory attacks were a possibility in the coming days. "We would keep up pressure on them," one senior officer said, indicating the possibility of more such cross-border operations.

And unlike what has been reported in the media, an Army source said: "There was no heli-drop. It was a one-night, ground operation. We couldn't have carried out a heli-drop because that would have alerted the militants." The SF troops were moved close to the border in advance by helicopters.

On Monday night, about 20-25 commandos trekked across the porous frontier into Myanmar. For some stretch of the approach to the camps, the commandos crawled to move in undetected.


About 25 commandos of the 21 Para Special Forces (SF) battalion were involved in the 45-minute-long raids on two militant camps across the India-Myanmar border. An SF battalion usually comprises four teams, each of about 100 commandos. These are further divided into groups and then into squads.

According to sources, these highly-trained Special Forces personnel had been operating in Jorhat, Assam, and surrounding areas. "They are trained for such operations, so the turnaround wasn't very long," one source said. These operations are part of the ongoing Operation Hifazat in the Nagaland-Manipur-Arunachal Pradesh area, but this top secret cross-border raid had no specific name.


Once specific intelligence inputs came on the two camps, showing that they were hou ing several NSCN(K) militants, and of other groups such as PLA (Peoples Liberation Army of Manipur), UNLF (United National Liberation Front) and the MNRF (Manipur Naga Revolutionary Front), the plan for the commando raid moved quickly . "Inputs clearly said that some militants in the camp were involved in the attack on our troops in Chandel last Thursday," one source said.

At a camp in the Ponyu area, the NSCN(K)'s 3rd brigade is based. And among its cadres were those who participated in operations against the Army. In Aungzeya area was the other camp which housed a mixed group of militants. Both camps had about 25 militants. "There was only a bit of resistance. We almost completely surprised them," a source said. "The militants didn't expect India to cross the border. That barrier has been breached."

MHA says 50 dead, Army 20

More than 24 hours after the Special Forces' raid on militant camps in Myanmar, there was no credible confirmation about the final toll. Some sources put the total number of dead at about 100. But army sources said their final count was 20.According to army, 11 militants suffered serious injuries while 15 others suffered light injuries Meanwhile, MHA sources said the toll was around 50 at least.

FCUK! How dare the author of this article say the above photos were released by MOD? Wow. He should be sued.
"who;e world" ???? Your delusions are forcing you to talk gibberish. Better seek help before it's too late!

Your media is saying otherwise. Plus who would want to be associated with a Rapist organization?
People try to storm Army camp after ‘rape’, ‘molestations’ by jawans in Assam - The Times of India

Rape In Karbi Anglong - How AFSPA Shields The 'Rapists In Uniforms'

That is just your BS propoganda, after all who would belive someone who not only lives in the rape capital of the world but also has a Rapist Army!

Seems like the only misconceptions on this forum are yours. Each and everyone of your statements is being contradicted by your media.

Better stop now, before you look like a bigger fool than you are in front of the whole world!

Dont worry brother, we along with China will soon divide India into two!
Dont worry brother, we along with China will soon divide India into two!

when last time i checked, it was india who divide pakistan into two. and now pakistan is trying hard to keep Baluchistan from becoming a separate country, what can pakistan do to divide india?? leave china, they know that if they turn against india then they will lose tibet. tibet is more valuable for china than its puppet "pakistan".
when last time i checked, it was india who divide pakistan into two. and now pakistan is trying hard to keep Baluchistan from becoming a separate country, what can pakistan do to divide india?? leave china, they know that if they turn against india then they will lose tibet. tibet is more valuable for china than its puppet "pakistan".
India should give full and active support to Baluchistan and Pakthunistan freedom movements, just like they did to Bangladeshis in 1971..

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