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Indian special forces carry out cross border operation into Myanmar. Several militants Killed

lol ... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ... look what they recovered from the "militants" , Colgate tooth paste , very familiar pattern must say :D

View attachment 228556
Beg to differ. the image on the left are scenes after last week's attack ON THE ARMY CONVOY. The remains of personnel and their belonging were collected as standard procedure.

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@HariPrasad and others , did the Army apprehend any of these militants ? There has to be some injured, all of them can't be dead, and the Army will not just leave them behind, isn't it ?
There have been multiple terror attacks in Kashmir directed by the Pakistanis since the new GoI came into power but there has been ZERO tangible pain inflicted on Pakistan or those responsible for these crimes. Pakistan has been emboldened by its "nuclear umbrella" and there is little India can do (in military terms) to change this. India needs to be more aggressive on the diplomatic and economic levels- isolate the Pakistanis on the global stage, and hit them (and by extension the Generals) where it hurts, in the pocket.
Christiane Fair correct?
You should quote the person who said it.
And again..this is all possible because of Mynamar is a friendly nation to us..So let us appriciate the Myanmar and its Gov to help India in its operation..
PLA treated your army like a dirt and held party 20 miles inside india's territory, and your whole country whining, that is the diffirence.

In chamur, PLA bagged for Flag meeting for face saving and requested Indian army to allow them to get back to their original position. Lenient Indian Army allow them to go.
After Army’s Myanmar strike, Rathore tweets: ‘Message to Pak, #56inchrocks’ -
Hours after the Army’s operations in Myanmar, Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Rathore said tonight that the strikes were a message to all countries, including Pakistan, and groups harbouring “terror intent” towards India that “we will strike at a place and at a time of our choosing.”

Speaking to The Indian Express, Rathore, a retired Colonel from the Army, said, “It was a much-needed decision that was taken by the Prime Minister. This decision was extremely bold in nature. And it involved our Special Forces crossing the border and going deep into another country.”

Rathore added that intelligence reports were that “there were two camps preparing another strike on India” and these two camps were geographically distant from each other. “Both camps were struck and were completely annihilated. The Special Forces returned without a single casualty,” the minister said.

Earlier, choosing [HASHTAG]#ManipurRevenge[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#56inchRocks[/HASHTAG] as hashtags in his tweets, Rathore tweeted, “A salute to Indian Army for [HASHTAG]#ManipurRevenge[/HASHTAG] strike. Massive political will displayed by our strong @PMOIndia @narendramodi @manoharparrikar.”

In another tweet, Rathore said, “Indian Army strikes into the heart of militants.

Desh ke dushmano ko karara jawab. Kushal netritva, mazboot sarkar PM@narendramodi [HASHTAG]#56inchRocks[/HASHTAG].”

The minister said that today’s action could become possible because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visits to various countries wherein “India’s intention towards a friendly neighbourhood and commitment towards mutual development was made as evident as its zero-tolerance towards terror”.

“We will not tolerate any strikes on India or Indians. We’ll always wield the initiative on either being friendly or engaging in aggressive action. We will strike at a place and at a time of our choosing,” Rathore said, underlining this as the “essence of warfare”.

Asked whether India could engage in similar surgical strikes on terror groups in Pakistan, Rathore said, “This is a message for all countries, including Pakistan, and groups harbouring terror intent towards India. A terrorist is a terrorist and has no other identity. We will strike when we want to.”

Asked how deep the Indian Army’s Special Forces went inside the Myanmar territory, Rathore said that “it was deep enough for the terrorists to feel safe”. On whether Myanmar’s help was taken, he said, “Myanmar is a friendly nation and they always cooperate.”

See more at: After Army’s Myanmar strike, Rathore tweets: ‘Message to Pak, #56inchrocks’ | The Indian Express
One salient point here, according to the latest news, the militant camps were under drone surveillance and army decided to strike at night, with engagement starting at 3 AM in the morning. At this point of time, the Myanmar govt. was NOT taken onboard, and they were informed about the operation only when regular working hours started. By that time, the operation was already over.

It is also important to note that India and Myanmar have bilateral treaty to conduct military operations in each others' territory, if necessary, but only with prior approval from the other.

This time India decided to go ahead without informing Myanmar govt. for the fear of information getting leaked through mid and low-level Myanmar army personnel with whom NSCN(K) is believed to have a relation.
Journalists are quoting whatever they want. There was not enough time to count bodies. Probably everyone got killed whatever the number.

The latest Number is most trustworthy. It was 15 and then 20 subsequently 50+ and now 80.

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