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Indian Space Capabilities

Thanks a lot, hope it gives some kind of a relief for you now ... :smitten::smitten:

I am telling you the truth.

You can just have a look at "China's space capacity". We are having some major technical difficulties, all launches have been halted and thus we only had 2 launched this year (was scheduled to have 12 for the whole year and now it is already almost Sept).

We in general don't see this as insult or "shame", this is just technical difficulties. However, I found Indians are regarding such failures as insult to their "homeland", it is very funny.

nationalism is destroying your mind.
I think shchinese is recently diagnosed with Loose motions.. thts why spraying BS on every indian Thread only.....

to my Indian Friends..... take a look at his Y-20 thread....I don't think he is chinese either.
I think shchinese is recently diagnosed with Loose motions.. thts why spraying BS on every indian Thread only.....

to my Indian Friends..... take a look at his Y-20 thread....I don't think he is chinese either.

I know you are shocked about our Y-20.

have a look at our Y-10, we can start producing such aircraft in just weeks if we want. we had 2 of them built and in successful operation 30 years ago.
Photos: Shanghai Y-10 Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net
Chandrayaan-1 moon mission over: ISRO - India - NEWS - The Times of India

BANGALORE: Ten months after it was launched, India's maiden moon mission the ambitious Chandrayaan-1 came to an abrupt end on Saturday after ISRO

lost communication with the spacecraft, cutting short the dream odyssey that was expected to last two years.

"The mission is definitely over. We have lost contact with the spacecraft," Project Director of the Chandrayaan-1 mission M Annadurai said.

However, he said: "It (Chandrayaan-1) has done its job technically...100 per cent. Scientifically also, it has done almost 90-95 percent of its job".

The two-year mission, launched on October 22 last year with much fanfare, was abandoned early today after the after radio contact with the mooncraft was abruptly lost at 0130 hours.

The Deep Space Network at Byalalu near here received the data from the 1,380 kg Chandrayaan-1, which carried 11 instruments on board, including six from overseas, during the previous orbit up to 0025 hours.

ISRO is conducting detailed review of the telemetry data from the spacecraft. "We will analyse as to what happened," Annadurai said.
however it does demonstrate how unreliable "made in india" product is.

is such "glitch" systems ready for manned mission? are you going to rely on such "glitch"s for your nuclear weapon delivery system?

Check these out.

Abstracts: Blasting off: Peking reacts to criticism after failed space launch Too many ships, too little cargo
Analysis: China space launch raises fears
Spacelift Washington: Long March Fails in Military Weapons Test | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
I think it was excessive radiation which harmed the components too much. But as it was 1st moon mission by ISRO, so ISRO has learned many things from it, which will help alot in 2nd mission.
under the conditions that:

1. chandrayaan II can actually be launched. where is the rocket for launching such payload? india simply don't have it.

2. chandrayaan II can actually be built, within less than 30 years. check the history of Arjun/LCA.

3. chandrayaan II actually can contribute to the "space capacity" of india. I mean, when a tiny fighter named LCA takes more than 30 years of design and testing,and you guys still couldn't make it right, do you seriously believe such chandrayaan II done in a few years is more advanced than the LCA?


this is just some propaganda to make you guys feel excited, to make you believe your life has some real meaning - propaganda.

shchinese Sir thanks for your encouraging comments.. Mostly I 've noticed you're taking trouble to keep reminding us about our failures...I have read the same comments when ISRO preparing for Chandrayaan I and now your prediciting about Chandrayaan II, But Still we keep on trying, its better to try rather than making movie of "FAKE SPACE WALK"

sorry for my poor english Sir ....
shchinese Sir thanks for your encouraging comments.. Mostly I 've noticed you're taking trouble to keep reminding us about our failures...I have read the same comments when ISRO preparing for Chandrayaan I and now your prediciting about Chandrayaan II, But Still we keep on trying, its better to try rather than making movie of "FAKE SPACE WALK"

sorry for my poor english Sir ....

:smokin: you can calling that fake, I don't have any problem on that part of your civil rights. just like a lot of morons believe the moon landing is faked.

however, at the end of the day, we are going to launch three shenzhou spaceship and dock them to make our small sized space station next year. you can keep trolling, that won't change any fact.
under the conditions that:

1. chandrayaan II can actually be launched. where is the rocket for launching such payload? india simply don't have it.

I really like to reply misleading and Factually incorrect Posts.

You will enjoy This reading.
To make your life eaisier my friend just notice that Chandrayann II is weighing 2700 Kg while GSLV , the successfully tested GSLV can launch 2600Kg.

But India perhaps shall use GSLV MKIII

2. chandrayaan II can actually be built, within less than 30 years. check the history of Arjun/LCA.

I guess you are a space scientist understanding the minute efforts of satellite manufacture, if NOT No one can accept this statement.
btw can you explain your estimate of 30 Years.. oh yes "dont talk of east when the talk is about west"

3. chandrayaan II actually can contribute to the "space capacity" of india. I mean, when a tiny fighter named LCA takes more than 30 years of design and testing,and you guys still couldn't make it right, do you seriously believe such chandrayaan II done in a few years is more advanced than the LCA?


this is just some propaganda to make you guys feel excited, to make you believe your life has some real meaning - propaganda.

Oh man dont spoil this beautiful forum with meaningless flaming posts.
How do u compare LCA with Chandrayaan ?
I cant understand how the term "advanced" is being used when comparing a fighter plane with satellite.

These are products of two different departments , If US didnot make a space station like MIR , it never meant it cannot make the F22 Raptor. You get it .. do u ? be careful with comparisons.
I really like to reply misleading and Factually incorrect Posts.

You will enjoy This reading.
To make your life eaisier my friend just notice that Chandrayann II is weighing 2700 Kg while GSLV , the successfully tested GSLV can launch 2600Kg.

But India perhaps shall use GSLV MKIII

:smokin: this is as funny as saying China can use its CZ-5 for launching the Chang'e II.

actually you guys can hand over the moon satellite to Chinese and launch it using the CZ-2f rocket. 100% success rate in the past decade, 3 manned mission, that can save you a lot of trouble.

Oh man dont spoil this beautiful forum with meaningless flaming posts.
How do u compare LCA with Chandrayaan ?

they are all complex systems, am I right?

:smokin: this is as funny as saying China can use its CZ-5 for launching the Chang'e II.

actually you guys can hand over the moon satellite to Chinese and launch it using the CZ-2f rocket. 100% success rate in the past decade, 3 manned mission, that can save you a lot of trouble.

they are all complex systems, am I right?


dude i admire china's great advancement , i admire china's indegenios efforts... but China can do Someting Right DOES NOT imply INDIA will definitely do it wrong....

Rockets capability is about payload, GSLV can launch 3000KG plus in LEO and 2600 Kg in GTO.
:smokin: this is as funny as saying China can use its CZ-5 for launching the Chang'e II.

actually you guys can hand over the moon satellite to Chinese and launch it using the CZ-2f rocket. 100% success rate in the past decade, 3 manned mission, that can save you a lot of trouble.

they are all complex systems, am I right?


Both China and India are only minor players in the Space age...this is a ridiculous comparison...if you want to compare to someone then compare to the US who is retiring the Spaceships built 30 years ago due to age and till today no country can even dream of making one in the near future.
india just lost some sort of a satellite sent to the moon!
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