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Indian source claims, India may resume oil import from Iran

Better sell it soon as much expensive as you can as apart from electric, hydrogen operated vehicles will surely impact oil market..
Hope GOI progresses on these technologies at a faster pace. We are tired of these sand dwellers lecturing world's largest democracy on Sovereignty, national interest and morality.
Not in the near future. Even if electric vehicles become operational soon, many countries will continue to burn oil and natural gas for electricity production which means that they're still powering their cars with oil indirectly. Then there are ships and airplanes that will continue to rely on oil products. Not to mention that as long as organic chemistry is there, oil will be there too. People who think that oil is only used for transportation do not understand how almost everything near them relies on oil.
My point being, decline in demand will surely impact its price. So extract as much benefit as you can for your country..
Not in the near future. Even if electric vehicles become operational soon, many countries will continue to burn oil and natural gas for electricity production which means that they're still powering their cars with oil indirectly. Then there are ships and airplanes that will continue to rely on oil products. Not to mention that as long as organic chemistry is there, oil will be there too. People who think that oil is only used for transportation do not understand how almost everything near them relies on oil.
Market is all about perception. What is imaginary today is reality tomorrow. Iran has the least time of all oil countries to make extra bucks out of oil.
My point being, decline in demand will surely impact its price. So extract as much benefit as you can for your country..
Oil prices will continue to go high for a while. Covid-19 kept the prices low for too long, and oil suppliers plan to raise the prices to compensate for that.

Market is all about perception. What is imaginary today is reality tomorrow. Iran has the least time of all oil countries to make extra bucks out of oil.
Market is about demand and supply, not perception.
Oil prices will continue to go high for a while. Covid-19 kept the prices low for too long, and oil suppliers plan to raise the prices to compensate for that.

Market is about demand and supply, not perception.
Demand and supply is just a part of a greater perception. If it was about demand and supply, you would have reduced supply by 100 times and increased the price by 100 times. It is the perception that if oil price is increased by 100 times then people will find other alternatives in market which drives oil price. That perception is exactly what is going to keep oil in check in coming decades, not demand and supply bullshit which oil countries are trying to play.
Demand and supply is just a part of a greater perception. If it was about demand and supply, you would have reduced supply by 100 times and increased the price by 100 times. It is the perception that if oil price is increased by 100 times then people will find other alternatives in market which drives oil price. That perception is exactly what is going to keep oil in check in coming decades, not demand and supply bullshit which oil countries are trying to play.
Please stop quoting me with your nonsensical economic theories. lol
Why India stop buying in the first place, isn't Iran the closest oil supplier to India? It saves tons of money for India if buying from Iran instead of America.
We got waver for S-400 and Chadbahar port which are more important. Give some take some.
I said this before, iran cannot be trusted. They only tried getting closer to Pakistan because india stopped buying oil due to trump. Now that biden may allow it, iran and india will be close again. The Pakistani state is well aware of it, its just some ppl in Pakistan are more loyal to iran due to sectarian affilliations and they made all that noise. Now i wonder what those traitor morons have to say.
I said this before, iran cannot be trusted. They only tried getting closer to Pakistan because india stopped buying oil due to trump. Now that biden may allow it, iran and india will be close again. The Pakistani state is well aware of it, its just some ppl in Pakistan are more loyal to iran due to sectarian affilliations and they made all that noise. Now i wonder what those traitor morons have to say.
Get lost!
Fyi, India is already kicked out of our gas fields and Chabahar too. I have no doubt China is the best alternative for it. Even Turkey has announced readiness to cooperate on Chabahar.

Let the Iran officially confirms that we will see.
@Irfan Baloch
When one reads Indian sources, he/she at the end of story asks self about the fact that what kind of a pathetic country is this!??

After getting spanked by Sauds, they are looking for begging Americans so that they could resume oil imports from Iran. What Indian deserves is the same Saudi treating of Indians.

Our country after siginign economic pact with China will be hesitant in cooperating with Indians on every field.

Personally, i hope we don't sell them our oil and hence allowing Sauds to spank the hell out of Indians.

Noone going to spank us .
Unlike you lot who lost everything cultural and tradition .We are here after millenia of onslaught from all sides .
Frankly , unlike you where you have to bring down on your knees in front of Chinese ans beg,( because you dont have any choice), we dont have to beg someone.
We will buy the oil and gas with our own hard cash .
Since when did that become the so called begging lol.

And like another Indian reply .We dont care what you guys or any other nations do .
We only cares about ourselves,Tomorrow if adjustment with Pakistan is very profitable for our nation.We will also do that.
Our relation with you guys are just pure business nothing more nothing less.
If you dont cooperate we have others to do it.
And with 1 or 2 decades oil and gas necessity will reduce and will turn to EV and other energy resources .
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Doesn't change the fact that you have to Ask for permission from USA before drinking water. Believe it or not you are behaving like a poodle.

The contract with China is ok as far as it serves our national interests.

And i am not trying to fit myself into pdf, i am Critical of Pakistan and its government. But as you mentioned, eventually we are all sand dwelling Arab Muzzies lolz.

Its utter humiliation for a country to Ask for permission before buying oil from an other country. You cant understand, not my problem.

Its called interest.
US offers us more benefits as a nation.
What can you offer?
And what you are gonna do about Chinese?
You wont do a shit.Civilizational wise Chinese are par on Persia and now economically and technologically you are nothing in front of them.
They will suck you dry and Pakistan would have the last laugh about it.
Bro, are you sure about that? Indians will change their mind on a phone call. These guys have no shame. For God sake, read their comments again.

Pakistan went under a 30 years contract with Qatari Company. I'd call it a modern day robbery, since Pakistanis are in no way allowed to complain about the price of gas!. I always say Pakistan made mistake, they Choose an insecure way of importing gas, they faced energy crisis because of that and they lost a valuable leverage on both India and Iran. An artwork of Mr nawaz sharif.

What call?
And you are saying about shame now?
Remember when there was sanction years ago ,we Indians and China bought oil from Iran and then you people offered good deal for oil field.
Once US removed the sanctions you changes your words again.
And proved that you are unreliable lot.
TBH ,you have to deal with Chines and need to learn the real business .
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