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Indian soldiers in Galwan Valley on New Year

IMO, there is an underlying reason that Indian Amry‘s performance have been so uninspiring against PLA in all conflicts:

For PLA conscripted soldiers:"If you die, the government will take care your parents";
For IA professional soldiers: "If you die, someone else will take care your wife and childern".
IMO, there is an underlying reason that Indian Amry‘s performance have been so uninspiring against PLA in all conflicts:

For PLA conscripted soldiers:"If you die, the government will take care your parents";
For IA professional soldiers: "If you die, someone else will take care your wife and childern".

You don’t even need to die for someone to take care of your wife.
I have been wondering if regular Indian folks can see these pow pics on their mainstream TVs or newspapers.
Yes, they can.
But they can quick make some imagination to make themselves feeling better.
Just like what they did in 2019, Mig-21 shoot down a F-16 which we haven't seen any solid evidence until today.
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