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Indian soldiers in Galwan Valley on New Year

We all know who controls the area which once was under Indian control, pathetic attempt by both Indian Army and media to save face after PLA posted pictures on actual New Years Day.

There are certain pieces of land which both India & China claim as their own. This has been the case since like ever. But there were no escalation between the two countries.

Points to ponder are:

1) Why the situation escalated recently?
The likely answer is:
China tried to do some major construction/activity in the disputed area and India objected to it.
(It is also possible that India did something similar & China objected to it but I doubt it)

2) As of now, the situation can be called 'deescalated'. Why?
There can be two reasons for this.
Either both sides have gone back to their original positions.
Or China's has intruded into disputed territory and India has relented.
(It is also possible that India has intruded into disputed territory and China has relented but I doubt it)

3) Has China ever stated that it is NOW occupying Indian territory? No. Has India ever stated that China is NOW occupying Indian territory? No.

4) Why are cheerleaders 101% sure that China has occupied Indian territory?
(Its a rhetoric question, dont answer)
The same proud Indians screaming "Jai Hind" in the Indian soldiers with the India flag picture are the same proud Indians saying these are not Indian soldiers.

The same proud Indians screaming "Jai Hind" in the Indian soldiers with the India flag picture are the same proud Indians saying these are not Indian soldiers.

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I have been wondering if regular Indian folks can see these pow pics on their mainstream TVs or newspapers.
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