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Indian soldier critically injured by Pakistani sniper fire in Kashmir

Pretty much yes. When you consider how many innocent people they oppress, kill and commit war crimes against. The only good indian is a dead one.
PS indian soldiers are not human. They are chimpanzees or at best the missing link between humanity and apes.
How do you know if the Pakistani Army is telling the truth? As I understand it, nowadays criticism of the P.A. is a crime for which you can be disappeared. So Pakistanis can't know what really happened, can they?

Are you sure you're not throwing out "war crimes" labels and dehumanizing the Indians because your only other alternative is to hang your head in shame?
ALL OF THE PEOPLE have been acknowledged and honored. Do you know that I personally spend a few minutes in silence for EVERY ONE of the deaths I read in the news? They aren't a number to us...EACH ONE is given a farewell with full honors to the end. Even if it is in the remotest village. Unlike for you, our heroes are not a number


Creating an enemy and then declaring loudly how brave you are in fighting them off and surviving is no great accomplishment.
than why was India shocked at sudden appearance of true numbers???
the number was just 144 month before the exact number was revealed. which means you didn't got news of their deaths.
ALL OF THE PEOPLE have been acknowledged and honored. Do you know that I personally spend a few minutes in silence for EVERY ONE of the deaths I read in the news? They aren't a number to us...EACH ONE is given a farewell with full honors to the end. Even if it is in the remotest village. Unlike for you, our heroes are not a number


Creating an enemy and then declaring loudly how brave you are in fighting them off and surviving is no great accomplishment.

Creating an enemy?????????....wtf???????......the nation and race that calls for the destruction of my race and nation for decades who is unable to achieve that goal is now complaining????????.........:lol: That too despite the fact that india is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege.......:lol:

The indian nation and race is my people's eternal enemy. That will NEVER change. Just as your kind would like to see the obliteration of my people, I wish the same for you. You can never understand my race and nation and I can never your's. You are an indian, and indians are the best for you. I am a Pakistani Muslim and from my POV indians are dirty, evil sub-human savages apes who are are as worthless as insects.
Creating an enemy and then declaring loudly how brave you are in fighting them off and surviving is no great accomplishment.
Like those Italian firefighters who set fires in order to collect bonuses for their performance: it looks good but the community would be better off without them and their crimes.

Creating an enemy?????????....wtf???????...The indian nation and race is my people's eternal enemy. That will NEVER change....
Yup, a "created" enemy, sustained on faith, in blindness to the facts.
How do you know if the Pakistani Army is telling the truth? As I understand it, nowadays criticism of the P.A. is a crime for which you can be disappeared. So Pakistanis can't know what really happened, can they?

Are you sure you're not throwing out "war crimes" labels and dehumanizing the Indians because your only other alternative is to hang your head in shame?
indians won't show the so called video of surgical strikes to their own people and respond with belligerence if asked to do so.

Meanwhile PA took the media to LOC and released videos of what they have done. Ocular proof!

The staff from geo news never vanished for their yellow journalism against the army did they?
How do you know if the Pakistani Army is telling the truth? As I understand it, nowadays criticism of the P.A. is a crime for which you can be disappeared. So Pakistanis can't know what really happened, can they?

Are you sure you're not throwing out "war crimes" labels and dehumanizing the Indians because your only other alternative is to hang your head in shame?

Because indians and israelis never lie.......:disagree:you are altruistic people who have NEVER EVER harmed or hurt anyone???????....:lol:

PS The Pakistan army also claimed 20 years that they had a nuclear weapons capability and were ridiculed globally for making that claim. We all know how that turned out less than a year later. Just as then so is now :azn:
...All I care care about is Pakistan remaining powerful and becoming more stronger so our enemies continue to remain powerless to do anything...
Are you talking "Pakistan, the people" or "Pakistan, the army"?
...Meanwhile PA took the media to LOC and released videos of what they have done. Ocular proof!
Can you make out who are the good guys and who are the bad guys from a few snippets in the middle of a movie?

The staff from geo news never vanished for their yellow journalism against the army did they?
Please link to articles where geo accused the P.A. of lying, thanks.

Because indians and israelis never lie.......:disagree:you are altruistic people who have NEVER EVER harmed or hurt anyone???????....:lol:
Red herring fallacy.

To regain your personal credibility you must now either yield or come up with a logically sustainable argument to support your position.

We are intertwinned and one in the same.
"The Party and the People are one!" - Encyclopedia of Soviet Life, page 251: link.
Yup, a "created" enemy, sustained on faith, in blindness to the facts.
Why did Juice created a state based on religion and are hostile to their every neighbour??
Why did Juice tried to nuke every country in operation Samson
Can you make out who are the good guys and who are the bad guys from a few snippets in the middle of a movie?

Please link to articles where geo accused the P.A. of lying, thanks.

Red herring fallacy.

To regain your personal credibility you must now either yield or come up with a logically sustainable argument to support your position.

"The Party and the People are one!" - Encyclopedia of Soviet Life, page 251: link.

Better than murdering babies, children, elderly and other helpless humans. Didn't realise that Pakistanis toying with certain communist principles was worst.......:disagree:

Salt beef sandwich anyone?
than why was India shocked at sudden appearance of true numbers???
the number was just 144 month before the exact number was revealed. which means you didn't got news of their deaths.

India was never 'shocked' at anything. Who gave you such stupid ideas. I see people dead in news EVERY SINGLE DAY. We know that it's a heavy toll that we're paying to protect our boundries. We know that you have paid a much bigger price. How come that is not clear to you yet? Because your forces hide the real figures.
Like those Italian firefighters who set fires in order to collect bonuses for their performance: it looks good but the community would be better off without them and their crimes.

Yup, a "created" enemy, sustained on faith, in blindness to the facts.

Every single time we go to war that is the case. Some joker on the other side decided he wants to make a name for himself by defeating 'vegetarian hindus' and draws up a grand sounding plane (Operation Gibraltar, Grand Slam...these are actual names of their operations). Before you know it they've started a war. And then they declare how they won because they 'survived' it.
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