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Indian shot in Nairobi mall for failing to answer query on Islam

Maybe this Indian guy disrespected the Muslim religion and thus got shot dead. If the Indian guy did disrespect other religions, then he deserved to get shot.

If you don't know then you don't know. What is there to disrespect?? I was putting myself in his position and would have answered Mariam. Then I realised that Mariam was Jesus mom not Mohammad. LOL I would have been shot for all you know...
Listen, I didn't say I don't have sympathy for the victims, of course I have sympathy. All I said was that Indians are trying to put the Indian victims above other victims as more important. Maybe my message was taken the wrong way.

And I don't dislike Indians. I have high respect for good people from all countries regardless of race, religion, age, gender, education or wealth.

What I dislike are boasting, lying and cheating people from every country. And let's not be politically correct here because to be blunt, most of the boasting and lying on this forum are done by Indian members. So we try to bust their lies and hit them with reality and Indian members take this as me and other Chinese members being anti-India. This is complete nonsense.

I understand Indians have dreams and ambitions just as much as we do and want to see your country progress like we want our country to progress. And I appreciate that and wish you good luck in that. But boasting and lying cannot be tolerated by any country. I have questioned my fellow countrymen when some say our Type 095 submarine is better than the Yankee Virginia class submarine or that our Type 055 destroyer is better than the Zumwalt destroyer. I have said we are behind the Yankees in those areas. We have a long way to go.

I am not anti-India but I do get frustrated when Indians consistently boast about things and lie about others and try to put down China and our achievements.
Listen, I didn't say I don't have sympathy for the victims, of course I have sympathy. All I said was that Indians are trying to put the Indian victims above other victims as more important. Maybe my message was taken the wrong way.

And I don't dislike Indians. I have high respect for good people from all countries regardless of race, religion, age, gender, education or wealth.

What I dislike are boasting, lying and cheating people from every country. And let's not be politically correct here because to be blunt, most of the boasting and lying on this forum are done by Indian members. So we try to bust their lies and hit them with reality and Indian members take this as me and other Chinese members being anti-India. This is complete nonsense.

I understand Indians have dreams and ambitions just as much as we do and want to see your country progress like we want our country to progress. And I appreciate that and wish you good luck in that. But boasting and lying cannot be tolerated by any country. I have questioned my fellow countrymen when some say our Type 095 submarine is better than the Yankee Virginia class submarine or that our Type 055 destroyer is better than the Zumwalt destroyer. I have said we are behind the Yankees in those areas. We have a long way to go.

I am not anti-India but I do get frustrated when Indians consistently boast about things and lie about others and try to put down China and our achievements.

Kind of an irrelevant rant on a thread where you obviously over stretched yourself. Best to acknowledge that & move on. If you don't wish to acknowledge the obvious mistake, no problem; still best to move on. Sticking around & reinforcing failure is simply foolish.
Kind of an irrelevant rant on a thread where you obviously over stretched yourself. Best to acknowledge that & move on. If you don't wish to acknowledge the obvious mistake, no problem; still best to move on. Sticking around & reinforcing failure is simply foolish.

This lightningbolt is a terrorist. Don't bother to justify him. I think he should be tracked and caught.
Kind of an irrelevant rant on a thread where you obviously over stretched yourself. Best to acknowledge that & move on. If you don't wish to acknowledge the obvious mistake, no problem; still best to move on. Sticking around & reinforcing failure is simply foolish.

What mistake? I still don't understand what mistake I've made that so angers the Indians. Please explain calmly.
This lightningbolt is a terrorist. Don't bother to justify him. I think he should be tracked and caught.

:lol: how am I a terrorist? WTF are you on about.

Did I support the gunmen? Hell no.
Did I show sympathy to the victims? Absolutely yes.
I have said the gunmen should be killed and hope they rot in hell.

Now kindly explain where and what I have done wrong to infuriate you?
Yes this is a conspiracy against wahhabis! Someone give this man a cigar.

Don't talk about cigar.Reminds me of Lawnesky.

What mistake? I still don't understand what mistake I've made that so angers the Indians. Please explain calmly.

I guess it's your flag. Take another ID and use Israeli/US flag and they will worship you.
what is Problem with Muslims ??? More wonder is even they don't Realize that ! All over world killing People . It's Most Hated and Hateful Religion On Earth For Sure . Every continent on earth have Islamic Terrorism , From Philippines East to America West.
They are insecure about their religion. They know that is anachronistic in this day, as it has become fossilised.
If you don't know then you don't know. What is there to disrespect?? I was putting myself in his position and would have answered Mariam. Then I realised that Mariam was Jesus mom not Mohammad. LOL I would have been shot for all you know...

When you are a captive at the hands of Nigerian militants/hijackers/ pirates you are supposed to be shot dead one way or the other, excuse or NO excuse they don't need one.

Now if Indians find another point to insult Islam then what we can say, you are giving more reasons to such militants to use religion for killing you

They are insecure about their religion. They know that is anachronistic in this day, as it has become fossilised.

:lol: the entire world Vs Islam? what does it show? it proves that YOU guys are insecure about your religion or whatever little left of your religion NOT Islam.
What mistake? I still don't understand what mistake I've made that so angers the Indians. Please explain calmly.

Did you see anything but calmness in my post? This is what you said:

Maybe this Indian guy disrespected the Muslim religion and thus got shot dead. If the Indian guy did disrespect other religions, then he deserved to get shot.

You decide that the Indian guy might have disrespected the Muslim religion & got shot dead for that. As if that is a good enough reason. The only disrespect here seemed to be that he might not have been Muslim. It, in any case made no difference since the attackers killed everyone else who are not accused of disrespecting the "Muslim"religion, he wasn't the only one singled out. Some Chinese too have died, they deserved it how? You even go on to say that the Indian deserved to get shot....this in a terrorist attack where countless others were also killed. If this isn't bordering in an inane comment, I don't know what is.

This was a crude, stupid, immature comment and I'm being generous. Most here have read your comment and not without reason, as being one that smacks of a terrorism supporter & certainly one who, to quote Colin Powell, "someone who never drank the milk of human kindness". We all are guilty of some over speak, on some matter or the other. This is about as extreme as it gets, especially if you actually didn't wish to go down that route.
:lol: how am I a terrorist? WTF are you on about.

Did I support the gunmen? Hell no.
Did I show sympathy to the victims? Absolutely yes.
I have said the gunmen should be killed and hope they rot in hell.

Now kindly explain where and what I have done wrong to infuriate you?

most people think you are making fun of victim.. because if you read the news, gunman tried to separate muslim from non muslim by asking a question. Now, if you think in such a situation a guy will knowingly try to insult islam(confronted by an islamic terrorist), I think you might have less than adequate knowledge of how things work generally.

Your idea of having a balanced view about about situation is as absurd as blaming chinese women for misdeeds of japanese imperialist army (the girls might have walked naked around military camps... or dared the army men to rape ... there must be some reason... etc)... its insulting to victim..

I know most parents do this to their kids(admonish both kids who are fighting), but in real world, many times there are clear perpetrator of crime and there are victims of it.
Do you think anyone dare to argue and insult someone with AK-47??

:lol: how am I a terrorist? WTF are you on about.

Did I support the gunmen? Hell no.
Did I show sympathy to the victims? Absolutely yes.
I have said the gunmen should be killed and hope they rot in hell.

Now kindly explain where and what I have done wrong to infuriate you?
:lol: how am I a terrorist? WTF are you on about.

Did I support the gunmen? Hell no.
Did I show sympathy to the victims? Absolutely yes.
I have said the gunmen should be killed and hope they rot in hell.

Now kindly explain where and what I have done wrong to infuriate you?

Sorry, but it is kind of late for a lame come back. Hope better sense prevail next time. :devil:
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