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Indian Shias attacked while praying for Iraq

Shias have threatened GOI to intervene in Iraq by sending troops to protect Karbala and Najaf from falling or else they will leave India forever.

Iraq Crisis Stress in old Lucknow latest news - m.bhaskar.com
Indian Shiites should understand that it's better for us if we don't intervene in this matter(except rescuing Indians there). Cause if we anyhow try to bother those terrorists there, next time their target will be India and this way including Indian Shiites every other Indian will also suffer. So it's better if we stay calm and look at the bigger picture rather than going all gung ho in our emotions.
Shia are hardly 20% of Indian Muslim population.Don't you think Siding with shia will disappoint your 80% sunni indian muslims?

Like Pakistan,India should remain neutral.

Who so ever is victim of perpetration must be protected.
Shia population unofficially is higher, in India. is this true?
Indian Shiites should understand that it's better for us if we don't intervene in this matter(except rescuing Indians there). Cause if we anyhow try to bother those terrorists there, next time their target will be India and this way including Indian Shiites every other Indian will also suffer. So it's better if we stay calm and look at the bigger picture rather than going all gung ho in our emotions.

Actually India should intervene. We will get oil at cheaper rates from iraq and iran ,plus India becomes protector of shias. Shias are influential in the business class in Pakistan ,and india being protector of shias can influence the shias of Pakistan .
Actually we have a choice.

Remember we are a Dharmic nation no matter what our constitution says.

And we will support those who support us.

Shias seem to be the more sensible muslims who use logic compared to the Arab-hardened sunnis.

20% of 18 crores is a lot of people mate.

Again you are looking at quantity. We look for quality.

That's dumb. Intellectual support doesn't mean military intervention.

These people should calm down and realize that we are a Dharmic country and have no reason to intervene except getting our citizens out of Iraq.
What was this Dharmic country doing when Statues of Buddha were being bombed?

We are just a country with deep cultural identity with this land. Foreign lands are not our business, only relations with the govt. of foreign lands is.
What was this Dharmic country doing when Statues of Buddha were being bombed?

We are just a country with deep cultural identity with this land. Foreign lands are not our business, only relations with the govt. of foreign lands is.

Have any government p promoted India as a regional power ley alone global? How do you at yourself? By being an industrial, economical, cultural combination of power.

For last 10 years, India was reduced to the status of Maldives in influence and position.

Now we can undo the damage.
Have any government p promoted India as a regional power ley alone global? How do you at yourself? By being an industrial, economical, cultural combination of power.

For last 10 years, India was reduced to the status of Maldives in influence and position.

Now we can undo the damage.

Going about protecting one thing for its link with others is not our duty. there are far other thins to do .

Instead of going by protecting religious symbols India should come to a position that it can evacuate its citizen from Iraq on its own, with its own boots on the ground.
Do you really think we are asking for it?

The sunni and salafi lunatics are bringing their stupid grudge all over. From our Arabized nuclear neighbour to deep into UP.

After saecoolarijam (mullah-iam style) was dismantled in UP, now the sickos are targeting shiite minorities.

Our troops will be sent to get Indians back. Saudi cannot threaten us in any way. Do you really think we are that weak man that a 100 year old bedouin pack will threaten us based on some new found temporary material pleasures?

The whole middle east to Pakistan and now eastern africa are burning in the great Shia-Sunni game played by you know who. Obviously the country with the more Shia population are burning right now. What makes you think it wont reach India with more than 20 crore Muslims? Muslims employ themselves more in the Gulf, and work in Millions . Saudi's are now helping India in deporting identified suspects and have atleast stopped financing terror in India .
A wrong foot will reverse everything we have gained with Saudis. They cannot destroy India, but I fear they can bleed us for sometime. IA should be sent to evacuate hostages from terrorist. Nothing more.
This is whats been happening all these yrs . there is no shia-sunni strife !!

its just sunni extremists attacking shia muslims and they are trying to protect themselves .

whats wrong with these bastards ? why cant they live their own life and dont behead other ppl ? WTF is wrong with them ?

why cant they put their force in science and make some progress in their retard country ? seriously the most pathetic and retard countries in the world are exactly those who support these bastards .
dude pls, Shias are not that innocent either, they also attack when they get the chance, many Sunnis are killed in pakistan, but surprisingly, the death if Sunnis is not higlighted and only the killings of Shias are, i cant forget how the Rawalpindi massacre was hushed up
I wonder all the time , if i was born musllim as shia or sunni , what would i do and think of this stupidity happening all over the earth. WTF is wrong with these people, are we living in 21st ? or dark ages ?
The whole middle east to Pakistan and now eastern africa are burning in the great Shia-Sunni game played by you know who. Obviously the country with the more Shia population are burning right now. What makes you think it wont reach India with more than 20 crore Muslims? Muslims employ themselves more in the Gulf, and work in Millions . Saudi's are now helping India in deporting identified suspects and have atleast stopped financing terror in India .
A wrong foot will reverse everything we have gained with Saudis. They cannot destroy India, but I fear they can bleed us for sometime. IA should be sent to evacuate hostages from terrorist. Nothing more.

If nature has decide the destiny of muslims ended killing each other, You can not prevent it. SA etc are simply the pawn. What do you think if SA stops sponsoring terror, it will end.?
Tshering22, post: 5833922, member: 30092"]Do you really think we are asking for it?

The sunni and salafi lunatics are bringing their stupid grudge all over. From our Arabized nuclear neighbour to deep into UP.

After saecoolarijam (mullah-iam style) was dismantled in UP, now the sickos are targeting shiite minorities.

Our troops will be sent to get Indians back. Saudi cannot threaten us in any way. Do you really think we are that weak man that a 100 year old bedouin pack will threaten us based on some new found temporary material pleasures?[/quote]
Don't get worried..we have modi government for coming ten years..everything will be allright
If nature has decide the destiny of muslims ended killing each other, You can not prevent it. SA etc are simply the pawn. What do you think if SA stops sponsoring terror, it will end.?

It will end the financial support for it..!! I think we should stop blaming the Saudis as a whole. Lots of muslims from other countries work there, get rich and sponsor radical activities in their host countries.
It can end large scale terrorism like the ISIS.
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