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Indian Shia Board Chairman on Tablighi Jamaat

Absolutely spot on analysis of the ground simmer from inside a billion locked up homes.
The feeling of rage within is almost unanimous, why should the lives of our elderly parents be put to risk because some mulla refused to divulge his travel history to the authorities. Then the attacks on health care workers by the same people as they go to retrieve the details.
The Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are seen the root of all problems by the good Indians of all hues and textures!

If only there where no muslims the good people of GangaCivilisation, the good Indians would have already been $15Trillion Economy....

It is because the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan that the average IQ is low in India....

The good Indians lament that alll social, economic and educational benefits are given to the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...while the good Indians don't have any such things...

And now the good Indians are lamenting that the KhooniVirus is spreading in India because of the Muslims of MaqqboozaHindustan ...

@Ace of Spades YoungPak do you think that the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan have become BioWeapons against the good Indians?

When will the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan stop oppressing 1+Bln good Indians?

Bioweapon - A harmful biological agent used as a weapon of war.

Their pigheadedness and stupidity on religious cues is definitely a bioweapon.

A bullet is not a weapon.

The gun is.
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This is not a time for point scoring, if he is that much concerned then he should have prevented his own brethren from travelling to Iran and Iraq.
It's free for all for a particular community in India. Let them have their fun
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