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Indian secularism

No. The truth about the sham called "Indian Secularism".
The truth at the base we are all bunch of hypocrites supporting our groups & interests.

Once we acknowledge that fact, may be we can start destroying the old walls.
We all have our interest, our ideology that we follow. The old wall is destroyed by accepting others and not fighting with them.
Current govt needs to acknowledge this more then anyone, not everyone follows your definition of nationalism/patriotism but that doesn't makes them any less Indian or less patriotic
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We all have our interest, our ideology that we follow. The old wall is destroyed by accepting others and not fighting with them.
Current govt needs to acknowledge this more then anyone, not everyone follows your definition of nationalism/patriotism but that doesn't makes them any less Indian or less patriotic

I have never mentioned anything about Nationalism/patriotism anywhere in my posts.
I know for a fact that Most of Indians (Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, etc etc) of all political dispensations (err..may be not commies), will fight for India.

Mine has nothing to do with ideology. I see a system to rotten that a large section of Indian population are being stifled in their own country unable to even express themselves. My aim is to expose the status quo in at small way I can. Nothing more, nothing less.
I have never mentioned anything about Nationalism/patriotism anywhere in my posts.
I know for a fact that Most of Indians (Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, etc etc) of all political dispensations (err..may be not commies), will fight for India.

Mine has nothing to do with ideology. I see a system to rotten that a large section of Indian population are being stifled in their own country unable to even express themselves. My aim is to expose the status quo in at small way I can. Nothing more, nothing less.
I am sorry then, I took your post for something else.

In another shocking case of #LoveJihad, a Muslim man named Hussain Ali faked himself as a Hindu named Raja Shukla and married a Hindu girl by fraud. The man is a resident of Kushinagar (village Kurmauta), Uttar Pradesh. The news has been reported in Hindi media.

The girl was from Maharashtra, and belonged to a poor family. Hussain Ali was working as painter in Baramati, Pune and gradually made friends with the entire Hindu family living nearby. The girl used to often visit her maternal uncle’s house and Ali would meet her there. He finally proposed the girl and the girl was married off to him in a nearby temple with the permission of all her relatives. The girl did not have a father.

Upon marrying her, Hussain Ali brought her to his village in UP, where she was shocked to find out his real identity. He forced her into a nikah with him, raped her. She got pregnant while living with him. On pretext of getting her checked up, Hussain Ali took her to a doctor and got an abortion done without her permission. Not only that, the victim says that he has got some procedure done on her uterus because of which she cannot ever become a mother.

The victim has reported that Hussain Ali used to torture her / cut her with blade frequently. Also, she was beaten regularly. Earlier this month, she was finally forced to sign a blank paper and was thrown out of the house by Hussain Ali and his family. It seems that after many days of delay, the local police has finally filed a case against the accused.

Look at them, feeling so insecure.
Don't dare ask where the anti-lynch preachers are. After all the one getting thrashed by the "special" community is not "special".
Libtards are like -

1) Poverty does not cause malnutrition in females, Karva Chauth festivities do.

2) Ravana was the first instance of Hindu Terror. He was attacked because he was seen with cows. We have no video proof of Sita being kidnapped.

3) Crackers hurt the social and physical environment more than Greenhouses Gases, Rising Sea Levels, Slaughtered Goats, and planes crashing into tall buildings.

4) Hindus developed the concept of Rangolis to terrorize insects.

5) Birds lose their way because of the lighting on Diwali.

6) The chanting of prayers on Diwali is the leading cause of Noise pollution.

7) Karva Chauth is patriarchal and regressive. Women deserve modern practices like Triple Talaq and Nikah Halala to live happily.

8) Buying crackers is a way of Hindus to teach their young kids terrorism. This is how why they won the wars of 1965, 1971, and 1999.

9) Dogs are scared by the noise of crackers on Diwali. However, upon seeing the bloodied streets during a certain festival, they transform into Michael Jackson and dance in happiness.
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