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Indian secularism



An explosion ripped through a temple inside the premises of the 26th battalion Assam Rifles in Aizawl early on Thursday morning.

The explosion shattered 26 window panes and some window frames, the police said.

Police suspected that the explosive used was gelatin and the bundle of gelatin sticks must have been thrown from the main road as the compound housing the temple was encircled by the road.

The explosion came on the day when the opposition Mizo National Front (MNF) is organising a rally called ‘Milem Biak Duhloh Kawngzawh’ or ‘Anti-Idol Worshipping Rally.’ :angel:

BTW they are not "islamic", they are CHRISTIAN.


I spit on Indian secularism where Rape victims are not victims if the rapists are secular.
Just 10 reasons why I feel insecure as a Hindu, thanks to the Indian state

Posted on August 11, 2017

Vice President Hamid Ansari is making headlines for his exit interview to Rajya Sabha TV. He spoke at length about how Muslims in the country are ‘feeling uneasy due to the current wave of ‘hyper nationalism’. That he deemed it fit to speak on behalf of only one community and not on wider national issues that are faced by the nation is a debate for another day.

In his interview, he ascribed the spate of vigilante violence, mob lynching, beef bans, Ghar waapsi campaigns to the breakdown of Indian values. Unfortunately, the current liberal narrative has hyphenated mob lynching with Gau rakshaks and Hindutva forces, though there is enough data to prove otherwise.

It is a sorry state of affairs that the lynching of Junaid near Faridabad gets acknowledged by the Chief Minister of Kerala while the lynching of Dr Manoj Narang in Delhi was not even acknowledged by the Delhi Chief Minister.

The Prime Minister and his Cabinet have already addressed the issue of Gau rakshaks on multiple forums. These have all been incidents carried out by individuals with no backing from the State. The perpetrators have also been punished in most cases. Justice has been meted out as the crime was committed by individuals.

But is redressal possible when injustice is perpetrated by the State?

Since we are on the subject of citizen insecurity, let us look at a few incidents in recent history, which bring forth a deep sense of insecurity to many, as Hindu citizens of this country:

  1. It is increasingly being revealed how the UPA govt had tried to implicate Hindu terror in what was a cross border attack (with or without local support). It was a well thought out and minutely detailed plot, aimed solely at establishing the existence of something called “Hindu terror”. Not only was this done with the agenda of giving Pakistan a clean chit and a free pass, there was a more nefarious plan of implicating Hindus in terror cases, with the help of the might of the state machinery. Sadhvi Pragya and Colonel Purohit’s lives are a tragic testimony to this. How secure am I supposed to feel as a Hindu when the government of the day was looking at ways of cornering, labelling and brandishing me as a terrorist?
  2. Mulayam Singh has gone on record saying that he had ordered the shooting of Karsevaks to placate the feelings of Muslims after Babri demolition. How secure am I supposed to feel as a Hindu if my blood is going to be used as armour for vote bank politics?
  3. After the 1993 Mumbai blasts, the then Maharashtra Chief Minister Sharad Pawar had concocted a story about a 13th blast, whereas in reality there had been only 12 blasts. The reason for this blatant lie was that all 12 blasts had occurred in Hindu dominated localities and he did not want Muslims to be victimised. Thus he added a fictitious account of a blast in Masjid Bunder, a Muslim dominated locality in Mumbai. To add insult to injury, he was praised by Justice Srikrishna Commission for this noble gesture. How secure should this make me feel as a Hindu citizen?
  4. Haji Mehboob, a litigant in Babri Masjid dispute was exposed on secret tape proudly admitting that he threw bombs at Hindus for 2.5 hours back in 1992, and further proclaiming that he would not hesitate throwing bombs at devotees if Ram Mandir was constructed on the disputed site. He roams free. How secure am I expected to feel as a Hindu if I cannot pray in a temple that will only come up after a due legal process has been conducted?
  5. Talking of throwing bombs at Hindu devotees, there have been numerous attacks on Amarnath Yatris in the last decade or more. How secure should I feel as a Hindu if I’m not confident of returning alive from one of the oldest pilgrimages, that dates back to the 11th century in a state that is being aggressively eyed by Islamists? And when the state, for a change, helps Hindus here, blatant Hinduphobia is spread by international publications calling it ‘Weaponisation of spiritual tourists’. Are we supposed to just die? Lebensunwertes Leben?
  6. How secure am I supposed to feel as a Hindu in Kanglapahari village in West Bengal where I am not allowed to organise or participate in Durga Pujo celebrations? Because I am told my celebrations may offend the local Muslim community?
  7. How safe did Kashmiri Hindus feel when messages of hatred were delivered to them from loudspeakers in mosques back in 1990? How safe do Kashmiri Hindus feel now at the prospect of going back to the only place they have ever called Home?
  8. How safe does the juvenile Hindu boy somewhere in West Bengal feel after he has been jailed for an innocuous Facebook post? (Though in this case must admit he is probably safer in jail than out of it).
  9. How safe should Hindus feel when the constitution doesn’t allow them to run schools and institutions that can preserve and promote their culture and beliefs? You need to have a minority tag to have this right. Hindu groups are now in a race to prove that they are not Hindus so that they can have “minority” rights. Imagine, a constitution that forces Muslims to prove they are non-Muslims if they want these rights.
  10. How safe and secure should Hindus feel when hate crimes against them are not even acknowledged as hate crimes, and their religious festivals are branded as provocative political gestures that must be banned? And if they can’t be defamed and banned, put restrictions on them and extract money for celebrating the festivals. Jaziya anyone?
These are just 10 reasons – one each for every year Hamid Ansari spent in a constitutional office. But trust me, one each for every week can be found, but let us keep it short. You get the drift basically.

It is abundantly evident that an average Hindu citizen in India has enough reasons to feel “insecure” as well. Probably more so as erstwhile governments and secular state governments have been guilty on numerous occasions of using their might to oppress or tarnish Hindus.

The Muslim citizen on the other hand has been pandered to by the State with multiple overreach programmes. What we are looking at today is lawless behaviour by a few individuals (which is peddled as Muslims under attack) vs Victimisation by the State (Which has been proved to be a reality under former governments).

While we witness awards being returned for one, the other is brushed under the carpet or dismissed as Whataboutery. This hypocrisy of seculars has already yielded terrible electoral results for them. But for some strange reason they refuse to see the writing on the wall.

Perhaps they were confident that thanks to their command over media and academia, they have convinced the average Hindu to live perpetually in guilt and be blind and numb to these injustices. Perhaps they were confident because the narrative has been hijacked by self- hating Hindus in positions of power, who have peddled untruths and half lies to the unsuspecting masses all along.

Thankfully an awakening has been witnessed among many Hindus, who refuse to tow the burden of secularism any longer. Faux victimisation and shaming the country is no longer being accepted without a murmur. The backlash received by Mr Ansari bears testimony to the fact.

The Church has done it again. As per a report in the Gaon connection, a magazine run by a church in Goa has ended up comparing the democratically elected NDA governments to the Nazi regime in Germany. In doing so, it has accused the present government of carrying out a “constitutional holocaust”, a nonsensical term that is sure to find pride of place in liberal vocabulary.

Before indulging in such hyperbole and instead of accusing others of being “like Nazis”, the Catholic Church and its flock would do well to examine (and admit) their own historical connections with Hitler and Mussolini.

Did you know there was a time when the Catholic Church saw Mussolini as a man sent by God?

Indeed, when Italy was born as a country in the second half of the 19th century, a lot of the unification happened at the expense of the “Papal states“, which were lands held by the Pope. When stripped of its moneybag, the Catholic Church revolted against the Italian government, excommunicating the King and even forbade Catholics from voting in Parliamentary elections … a fatwa if you will.

Who did the Catholic Church see as the messenger of God that would bring all this democracy and secularism to an end?

Fascist Benito Mussolini, the savior.

In the early 20th century, as the Fascists began to consolidate their power in Italy, they found an eager ally in the Pope. Let David Kertzer, professor of Italian studies at Brown University, explain in this interview to NPR (you can also read about it in his book The Pope and Mussolini)


And yes, Mussolini’s fascist rallies in 1933 would begin with a morning mass performed by a Catholic priest.

Interestingly, as the World War drew closer, the Church did have some doubts about supporting Mussolini, but the break never actually happened. The reason they had these doubts is not what you might suspect. The real reason makes for absolutely chilling reading.


That’s right.

But of course, with more practical considerations in mind, the break with Mussolini’s Fascist Regime and the Catholic Church never happened.

Did I mention that Mussolini gave the Catholic Church a cool 750 million lira in cash and another 1 billion lira in government bonds? When offered that kind of money, fascism can’t really be a roadblock, can it? (Here‘s from TIME Magazine on June 17th, 1929)


If you happen to be in a mind to dismiss these as old failings of a long dead Pope, I should remind you that the Catholic Church subscribes to the dogma of “Papal infallibility”. Simply put, this means that the Catholic Church officially believes that no Pope can ever be wrong.

Yeah…that’s a real thing. Check it out here. Indian liberals would have made fun of it if the Pope wore saffron.

So Mussolini and the “infallible” Pope of the Catholic Church were allies. History.

Today, Manohar Parrikar is too much of a fascist for them.

You cannot change history, but fortunately for our eminent historians and intellectuals, you can always lie about it.

An under age girl was hounded by a older pervert to suicide in secular West Bengal.
The girl happens to be a Hindu and the pervert is a Muslim.

Imagine if the pervert was a Hindu & the girl was Muslim, I guess it would have been Akhlaq multiplied by 1000 times.

Since the girl is a underage Hindu girl and the pervert is a secular - Complete secular silence.
Where is the secular gang?
Where is the 'not in my name' gang?
Where is the intolerance gang?
where is the award wapasi gang?
Where are the secular news channels debating this?

@padamchen @The_Showstopper @Soumitra @Gadkari @SOUTHie @ranjeet @Stephen Cohen @Robinhood Pandey @Nair saab

The complete secular silence on this extremely shocking but predictably understandable.
They after all are masters of duplicity. For them the issue becomes a issue if the perpetrator is NOT a secular & the victim IS A secular.

welcome to secularistan where Hindu lives don't matter a bit to these seculars.

An under age girl was hounded by a older pervert to suicide in secular West Bengal.
The girl happens to be a Hindu and the pervert is a Muslim.

Imagine if the pervert was a Hindu & the girl was Muslim, I guess it would have been Akhlaq multiplied by 1000 times.

Since the girl is a underage Hindu girl and the pervert is a secular - Complete secular silence.
Where is the secular gang?
Where is the 'not in my name' gang?
Where is the intolerance gang?
where is the award wapasi gang?
Where are the secular news channels debating this?

@padamchen @The_Showstopper @Soumitra @Gadkari @SOUTHie @ranjeet @Stephen Cohen @Robinhood Pandey @Nair saab

The complete secular silence on this extremely shocking but predictably understandable.
They after all are masters of duplicity. For them the issue becomes a issue if the perpetrator is NOT a secular & the victim IS A secular.

welcome to secularistan where Hindu lives don't matter a bit to these seculars.

Sad reality is that people get what they deserve. The Bengali's deserve this due to their willful blindness to the reality around them.

Its difficult to wake up someone pretending to be asleep, because they are afraid to face the reality.

Some people WANT to live in the matrix. They are afraid to wake up and set out.
Secularism is itslef an alien concept. Indian Secularism sounds something ridiculous like a Muslim Hindu.

A Muslim can always be a Muslim and can never be a Hindu. Likewise, a Secular is a Secular. They cannot be Indian. It's an oxymoron.
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