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Indian scheme to control Bangladesh business and trade

Well, since you say you , i'm inclined to trust you.
However sir, scientific studies indicate that bangladesh is going down around 0.5-1cm every year due to sea level rise :rofl:
You are a pathetic troll and we are ashamed of you.

BTW, raising sea level is a concern for some part of our country too (like Sundarban delta). I hope you will find Tom & Jerry show more interesting to laugh on. Plz stay there.
I find it quite surprising the way some of the Bangladeshi members feel and perceive India.

Here in this forum itself, the Pakisthanis can not hate India enough for liberating Bangladesh in 1971. The Bangladeshis can not hate us enough for mentioning that India help liberate Bangladesh.

Perhaps it dents both these country's pride. Pakistani angst understandable... Well 1971 is history.

Well about the credit, India has offered a credit line as a gesture of good will. It no way ties you down. If you do not like it, well do not use it. We will not be hurt.

To the Bangladeshi Members, note that your next door neighbor is over 3 trillion dollar (PPP) economy, one of the largest market in the world, without major bilateral dispute. Let not electioneer posturing of some political leader, sway you and blind you of the obvious.

A credit line is not a bait.

Our stated policy with regards to our neighbor are very clear. We want democratic, viable and economically prosperous neighborhood, in our own interest.

Thanks for your comments, look we are a poor country and like most countries in our stage of development we have many problems of our own. I have no problem doing business with India if it’s in our benefit, but if anything is detrimental to our interests I will say so. India is a larger country then us with a bigger more mature market, however it is also one of the more restrictive (have a look at the negative list targeted specific to Bangladesh), so on one hand we are expected to open our markets to Indian goods and services but at the same time India restricts what we can sell. Now on the trust thing you asked with regards India, Indian occupation of one our islands on our west coast, border enclaves issues etc are just a few things but its generally the big brother attitude and expectation that Bangladesh is part India’s sphere of influence (generally we don't like being told what we should and shouldn't do).

Look when Indians talk about India / Bangladesh friendship, it seems most of the time in the context of, how India helped in our independence and we therefore have to be forever grateful to them or how they are giving us this line of credit and its made to sound like aid to Bangladesh, when it’s just standard business practice (we get same when buying goods and service from other countries/world bank).

Just an example of what I mean, I live here in the UK and work for a company where they have a large Indian work force (they are on contract from an Indian company, supporting us), they mostly talk to each other in Hindi, and so I also spoke to them in Hindi (note a lot of Bangladeshis are fluent in Hindi, blame Bollywood for that). Anyway they never asked me where I was from; eventually the topic of Bangladesh came up at lunch, and you would not believe the stuff they were saying (I won’t repeat it here), it was verging on the racist. You should have seen their faces when I told them where I was from, funny how quickly they change their tune!

Hope you understand what I am getting at, I’m not anti Indian, just pro Bangladeshi, if you want to win our trust, talk to us on an equal basis and don't try to sound like you’re preaching, just remember we are an INDEPENDENT sovereign country, with our own national interest which may often not coincide with yours.

Fair and well written.
Ignorance is the main problem for people, but again, how many make an effort to inevstigate and reserach befor making the stinking soundbites. I do not blame my Bangladeshi mates for the perception they have . I had Bangladeshi friends in my college and we were staying in the same hostel........I have learnt one thing very well, that Educated Indians, Bangladeshi and Pakistanis are mirror iamges of each other and out of India they can pass for each other.

Bangladesh will go through life cycle and will be rich and powerful state. Just matter of time. Just look at their cricket team...at this pace, they may win the world cup sooner than later.......their turn will come, for sure.

To my BD mates, I will say, have faith, give friendhip a chance and trust yourself. It will be very good for south asia

Trust your PM too. She is patrioratic and would always protect BD ineterest. India may offersomething or other, but it is for BD to accepr or say thank you.
Equal Terms...Mutual Benfit. Period.:coffee:
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