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Indian Rupee dives a new record low against dollar

lol, "Dentist, National Media Panelist-Indian National Congress. Nationalist who believes Hinduism is my culture. Jai Hind"

All the ingredients for a Sikular. As if right minded Indian's will listen to her - A congi explaining Economics.

She tweets it and its music to Pakistani's on this forum... its does not take a lot to make you happy!
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All Western FIIs are pulling out money out of India in anticipation of Modi losing election in 2019.
Modi is the reason behind this crisis he allowed FDI to move into established business that is giving that FDI an easy exit as well. If investors were stuck in long term projects it would have been difficult for them. Stock exchange gives you great liquidity and investing foreign investment there makes you prey to external shocks.
Modi is the reason behind this crisis he allowed FDI to move into established business that is giving that FDI an easy exit as well. If investors were stuck in long term projects it would have been difficult for them. Stock exchange gives you great liquidity and investing foreign investment there makes you prey to external shocks.

There is no replacement for hard work but politicians like to take the easier routes as they only care about the next 5 years. Modi is saying after me deluge.
What's with all those "very bad and sad" posts?
This indicates that it is really a case of USD strengthening against everyone (as to why is another detailed analysis heh, though I mention a bit later on here).

I would love to hear your detailed thoughts on this aspect, given the political turmoil in USA at the moment, if not here then elsewhere. The USD rally cannot last forever.


Its all the hallmarks of a low frequency data, low market cap, low investment, low GCF, GDDS regimen (that too for decades now). Bad comparison from the onset to make with your SDDS peer.

Agreed. But you risk much by making too much sense here! :D
Good afternoon every one the news is very bad and very sad today for Indian economy :(

Indian Rupee opened in 74 against dollar and is trading low today this is very bad and very sad for Indian economy.

About indian markets it is again very bad and very sad. Investors are Stoll leaving Indian economy the weeks old sell off still continues in the markets. It is all red, one must ditch Indian economy until there is time.

This is a very bad and very sad situation. :(
India. Economy going down the drain and Indian Govt has no solution for this.

For a week end Indian propaganda tried to show Indian rising but as soon as it is Monday and business opens we can see Indian economy going down the drain.

What bad or sad, Indian rupee is still not trading at its fair value. It should be trading between 80-90 per doller. Then this will subside and remain stable for a long time.

Anyways good that rupee is heading towards its FV.

Regarding markets, its the mid caps and small caps that are falling drastically. Considering the dream rum of those shares since 2014 a major correction was expected and that is cyclic, those who invest in equity markets had well seen it coming long back. After few days the index will raise and by December this year there are high chances of Sensex crossing 41000, The bull run ain't over yet. Wanna bet ?? :-)
Very bad and very sad :(

What bad or sad, Indian rupee is still not trading at its fair value. It should be trading between 80-90 per doller. Then this will subside and remain stable for a long time.

Anyways good that rupee is heading towards its FV.

Regarding markets, its the mid caps and small caps that are falling drastically. Considering the dream rum of those shares since 2014 a major correction was expected and that is cyclic, those who invest in equity markets had well seen it coming long back. After few days the index will raise and by December this year there are high chances of Sensex crossing 41000, The bull run ain't over yet. Wanna bet ?? :-)

It is good to see finally you people are out of your self proclaimed bubble and have started acknowledging the economic crisis you are facing.
Very bad and very sad :(

It is good to see finally you people are out of your self proclaimed bubble and have started acknowledging the economic crisis you are facing.

It is just the manifestation of global phenomenon. It's actually the dollar appreciating against almost all currencies in the world.

And don't quote the opinion of opposition leaders, even opposition in Pakistan will also point fingers on present government. That is what opposition is all about. LOL :p:

Ours is not a bubble, rather a true growth story, we will still grow at over 7% an year. But time and again there will be consolidation and corrections in the markets and it is not just India, every share markets do correct. I guess you don't have any idea about that.

Regarding the Macro economic condition, again it is fueled due to the ever increasing crude oil prices. No country (especially consumer) has an escape from it. Once that stabilises, everything will be fine.

Meanwhile enjoy your tiny temporary happiness watching a crack on the wall of your neighbour while your entire house is on fire. LOL :bunny::bunny::bunny:
I would love to hear your detailed thoughts on this aspect, given the political turmoil in USA at the moment, if not here then elsewhere. The USD rally cannot last forever.

The issue really boils down to one thing thats driving it: the surmounting pressure to reduce US govt spending and balance its books (i.e a return to much higher economic sustainability)....or at the very least the optics of theoretic return to such (this counts a lot in stock futures etc)

Why do I say this? Two big levers where settings are being fiddled with now to put this pressure long term:

a) Trump Tax cuts (that are now being looked at made permanent past their expiry date). This reduces govt extraction from the economy. This is effectively a debt fuelled subsidy (since spending remains more or less the same and much higher than revenue). Thus its (somewhat counterintuitive) case of burning the matches (in a matchbox of certain size) quicker so the forces that be realise in longer time frame...there are better more sustainable ways to provide heat out there now.

b) Tarrifs (either action or optics) on those countries that have the highest trade surpluses with the US. Again for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. When a country (like China) hoards the US dollar it gains from trade surplus (instead of using it to buy american goods and services in return)....it converts these US dollars into better paying assets/securities (like US treasury bonds etc)....that in status quo essentially is a monetary rerouting avenue to the US govt to run the deficits it does (without tapping all that much into its direct seignioriage i.e base trust that they will come good on liabilities if SHTF). The extent that China undervalues its currency by engaging in this is basically its level of job subsidy locally (and job penalty for other countries). It gets more complicated however in that the job subsidy:penalty is not 1:1 ...but depends on which country we are talking about w.r.t China. However higher tariffs put on China basically reduces the buffer for this particular operation to continue...at arguably its largest known scale in modern history (US - China trade/investment esp since China joined WTO).

On top of this (asset inflation etc caused by these major subsidy levers from inside and outside that are only now being looked at throttling down), the real growth in US now is mostly what was pent up/suppressed from the low growth years after the 08 recession/crash.

How a) and b) pan out given a president has a term limit (in contrast to career politicians and thus vested interests who have none)....we will have to see of course. This is a very simplistic analysis I am doing. Each point can be looked into far more detail.

@Chak Bamu @That Guy @MilSpec @Cybernetics @GeraltofRivia @Hamartia Antidote @Gomig-21 @LeGenD @Chinese-Dragon
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