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Indian Rupee dives a new record low against dollar

INR is depreciating largely only against USD (And of course all those pegged to USD like CNY, SGD etc). All other (floating or loose peg) major currencies it is more or less stable (i.e they are depreciating against USD at roughly same rate). Currencies such as GBP, EUR, JPY, CAD, CHF etc.

This indicates that it is really a case of USD strengthening against everyone (as to why is another detailed analysis heh, though I mention a bit later on here).

I would be worried if INR was the only one depreciating basically (as that would indicate the problem is within India) i.e that its depreciating against every major world currency. But that is not what's happening here.

That said, the major external payment types that India makes which are quite inelastic are:
a) oil/energy imports
b) loan service/repayment.
c) other inelastic goods (raw materials and inputs which India has little or no capacity to produce locally in relation to their demand)...things like OEM components for electronics etc.
d) Capital outflow

These present their own set of challenges to manage (from govt standpoint), but the good news is that GST is now working better and better (especially if you look at the warehousing numbers, IIP, PMI and various logistic indices).

Also the internal situation of the economy is looking better than before, the new bankruptcy resolution court is doing its job more and more (helping to expose the bad loans and getting them resettled so that re-capitalisation can take place) and the consumer demand is steady and increasing. This has led to finally the investment % (Gross capital formation) to increase again (as % of GDP).

Essentially the free market must be allowed to operate as much as it can (even in foreign trade/investment). The depreciation of the rupee puts more pressure on elastic imports (which can be transferred more readily to local production) and also makes Indian exports cheaper (not only goods, but services too). This will create rebound effect down the road as far as raw exchange rate with USD goes....my prediction is INR stabilises somewhere around 75 - 80 per USD and then will reclaim value later when the US stock market and economic expansion dynamics stabilise more. More rupees per dollar also tends to increase foreign investment (FDI)....and the reforms regarding this from India only continue each year....however the trends regarding capital outflow (point d) need to be looked into thoroughly (it is a trend that has started now for last cpl quarters especially). From what I have seen it seems to be mid-cap and short-cap mostly (i.e largely volatile "hot" money based) rather than equity and long-cap (cold hard money)....so it shouldn't be too much of an issue esp given Indian forex reserves are quite large and stable.

In the interim its a good opportunity for India to push and set floorboards underneath its export sector....and also push for more energy independence. Photovoltaic imports and local production helps, increase in oil storage capacity helps and also recently Indian oil companies signed for continued import of Iranian oil past the USD sanctions kicking in (likely it will be rupee - oil and then rupee used by Iran for Indian imports + currency exchanging as needed.) Let us see!

@AUSTERLITZ @That Guy @Chak Bamu @anant_s @MilSpec @django @Chinese-Dragon @Gibbs

@VCheng @Desert Fox @LeGenD @Hamartia Antidote @jhungary @Viet

India forex is $400 billion, a figure most countries can only dream of. India weakness is temporary, largely due to strong dollar, high oil price and trade deficit. The last can be reduced if India increases trades with Vietnam and reduces buying stuffs from high priced countries.

@Nilgiri @Viet

People on PDF forget that the FUNDAMENTALS of Indian economy are strong... People are investing in India...

@BHarwana PKR is stable because it has already faced the heat...
Just wait till IMF comes for rescue...

Modi government has been consistently lying on Gdp figures and other issues. Demonetisation was a stupid idea and always will be. The people running India are idiots.

Being an Indian I can tell you that demonetization was one of the masterstroke by Modi government...
Before that several people were hiding their wealth and avoiding taxes... during demonetization I personally seen people holding BPL CARD were depositing 2,00,000 in each family member's bank account... tax payers have increased many folds by that move...

From 2005-6 to 2015-16 we have elevated several people from poverty... as per UN, the number has reduced from 55+% to 28%... post demonetization the number will reduce further...

Before demonetization one of my client was paying 12000 pm to his driver and showing it as 28,000 in the BOOKS... as soon as GOI make it mandatory to pay all dues in cheque or digital... he tried to find new way to exaggerate his expenses...

Even GST is a good move which was implemented very badly... and that was the one which really hampered the business...
Calm down lol, we can all watch reality right?

Fitch ups India's growth forecast to 7.8% for FY19


(Do you know what Fitch credit rating and outlook is for Pakistan btw? :P )

I have wasted enough time discussing with you, I will now wait for someone else (hopefully lot smarter and well informed) to continue the discussion and debate.

If anyone wants actual balanced (both sides debate) on the issue at hand right now, ppl can watch this and I will answer any more queries from them.:

I am calm very calm. One request to you please don't give me these fake GDP links just tell me what is happening in with INR?

INR is at 74 to usd today and petrol in India is at 91
PKR is at 123 to usd today and petrol in Pakistan is at 94
This tells all how your economic state is.

Why is every indicator of economic is red is India why is every thing going down in India and only inflation is rising. Lol. @Nilgiri you can make Indians fool not me. Sunny stop your propaganda and start living reality.

@Novice09 investors are leaving India.

@Novice09 just today Foreign portfolio investors dumped stocks worth of $1 billion and liquidated from Indian economy.

This is very sad and very bad :(

Indian Foreign reserves down to $376.24 billion. So please explain to me what is happening in India.
How is it a claim? It is fact. Literally look up Euro, British Pound, Yen, Canadian dollar, Swiss Franc...any other free floating currency versus USD in the time period we are talking now.

No Sir Canadian dollar is floating between 0.76 and 0.78 for last one year and that slight fall was due to NAFTA renegotiations.
Modi will introduce new doctrine of calculating economic development where decline in rupee means higher growth, greater the decline higher the growth
PKR is at 123 to usd today and petrol in Pakistan is at 94

What the situation is in a GDDS standard junk credit rating country (seeking IMF bailout too now) doesnt matter to anybody...and even less so from an illiterate from that country that proclaimed depreciation leads to less remittance. LOL. Keep wasting time here now. The ones that actually have more than 2 pennies to rub together (unlike you) are listening to Fitch, IMF, WB, S&P and groups that actually matter.

No Sir Canadian dollar is floating between 0.76 and 0.78 for last one year and that slight fall was due to NAFTA renegotiations.

Canada is more linked in with US economy its true, somewhat of a semi-peg shield. However same overall effect is present there....and your numbers are wrong, the range is 0.8 to 0.75.

Besides anyone can look at the REER (basket of currencies and not just USD) for INR, just like Morgan Stanley guy did in his article earlier for what I am talking about.
@Nilgiri @Viet

People on PDF forget that the FUNDAMENTALS of Indian economy are strong... People are investing in India...

@BHarwana PKR is stable because it has already faced the heat...
Just wait till IMF comes for rescue...

Being an Indian I can tell you that demonetization was one of the masterstroke by Modi government...
Before that several people were hiding their wealth and avoiding taxes... during demonetization I personally seen people holding BPL CARD were depositing 2,00,000 in each family member's bank account... tax payers have increased many folds by that move...

From 2005-6 to 2015-16 we have elevated several people from poverty... as per UN, the number has reduced from 55+% to 28%... post demonetization the number will reduce further...

Before demonetization one of my client was paying 12000 pm to his driver and showing it as 28,000 in the BOOKS... as soon as GOI make it mandatory to pay all dues in cheque or digital... he tried to find new way to exaggerate his expenses...

Even GST is a good move which was implemented very badly... and that was the one which really hampered the business...

Fair enough, I am not here to change your opinion on demonetisation. I am not questioning UN numbers because poverty has been reduced, but UN rely on Indian government data. Correct me on their methodology. UN do not have the resources to evaluate every country in world.
Fair enough, I am not here to change your opinion on demonetisation. I am not questioning UN numbers because poverty has been reduced, but UN rely on Indian government data. Correct me on

AADHAR is the game changer in India...

Let me give you some examples of poor and poverty in India...

A mason near our house, lives in a 250 SQYD Plot (today's market price minimum INR 75,00,000) with his 3 sons who are married... two of them have a FACTORY where jeans are washed and fabricated... one works with his father... all daughter-in-laws, with her wife runs tailoring business...

Their family income my wild guess by watching them and their lifestyle... considering that both father son duo gets 20 days' work in month...

2 * 900 * 20 = 36,000
At least 30,000 from FACTORY
Per suit avg 300
4 * 300 * 25 = 30,000

They have two cars too...

So, around 96,000/month and I'm taking minimum amounts... and they were BPL CARD HOLDER till 2016... his grand children were enrolled in 4 schools and were getting scholarships (provided by government to SC/ST and Minorities) from all 4 schools...

Now, they pay taxes under individual category... and yes they are from so called MINORITY community...

Similarly, an old lady, whose 2 sons are in police and one is having good business... was enjoying old age pension as well as widow pension... plus her family was holding a BPL Ration card in our village... 2015, linking of Aadhar with ration cards... all benefits gone...

Please note that by this I don't want to say that POVERTY is not a problem in India... all I want to say that sometimes wrong/ineligible people are also listed in such lists...
Good afternoon every one the news is very bad and very sad today for Indian economy :(

Indian Rupee opened in 74 against dollar and is trading low today this is very bad and very sad for Indian economy.

About indian markets it is again very bad and very sad. Investors are Stoll leaving Indian economy the weeks old sell off still continues in the markets. It is all red, one must ditch Indian economy until there is time.

This is a very bad and very sad situation. :(
India. Economy going down the drain and Indian Govt has no solution for this.

For a week end Indian propaganda tried to show Indian rising but as soon as it is Monday and business opens we can see Indian economy going down the drain.
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