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Indian rocket to land on moon in 2017; to launch solar mission


Feb 20, 2013
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India's second lunar probe Chandrayaan II will land on moon in 2017 and the country's first solar mission Aditya L1 is likely to be launched in 2019, Lok Sabha was informed today.

Chandrayaan II will land on the surface of moon in 2017 and this second lunar mission will help explore the possibilities of signs of extra-terrestrial life, Minister of State in Prime Minister's Office Jitendra Singh said during Question Hour responding to supplementaries.

The Aditya L1 mission "is aimed at studying the sun from an orbit around the sun-earth lagrangian point (L-1) which is about 1.5 million km from earth. It will carry seven payloads including a coronagraph to observe the outermost layers of the sun, the corona. Aditya L1 will be launched during 2019-20 timeframe," he said in his written response.

The "approved cost" of the solar mission is 378.53 crore.

Responding to another question, Singh said India has entered the era of "space marketing" and the launch of six Singapore satellites today will earn India 26 million euros.

So far, India has earned 15 million USD and 80 million euros by launching satellites of other countries, he said, adding that $5 million and 65 million euros are in the "pipeline", while apparently referring to the launches proposed in the future.

The minister said a budget of Rs 1420 crore has been approved by the government for realisation of Indian Regional Navigation Satellite (IRNSS) programme, including satellites and associated ground segment.

Read more at:
Indian rocket to land on moon in 2017; to launch solar mission - The Economic Times
This minister is an idiot
Searching for signs of extra terrestrials on the moon!
Searching for extra terrestrial life?? Wasn't the American mission enough??
This minister is an idiot
Searching for signs of extra terrestrials on the moon!

Last time we sent in a probe to Moon, we found Water on it. You never know what's gonna happen. We don't know more than 3% of our oceans and you are 100% confirmed that Moon has no life?

Searching for extra terrestrial life?? Wasn't the American mission enough??

The Americans aren't sharing the data, so we need to do it ourselves and find out.
Never heard of it...
May I see images or anything related to "water on moon"??
Water Molecules Found on the Moon - NASA Science

"Water ice on the Moon has been something of a holy grail for lunar scientists for a very long time," said Jim Green, director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This surprising finding has come about through the ingenuity, perseverance and international cooperation between NASA and the India Space Research Organization."
Never heard of it...
May I see images or anything related to "water on moon"??

"In 2008, India’s Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft used a mass spectrometer to observe the chemical signatures of hydroxyl and water ice in flight near the lunar poles. Definitive proof of surface ice at the lunar poles was obtained a year later when the larger Centaur rocket stage slammed into one of the Moon’s darkened craters, and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) observed water particles and vapor thrown out into space."

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