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Indian retaliation: Australian man stabbed by Indians, Australian's car torched

And I am not surprised that Communist is still filled with hate toward Indians.
I am not surprised that Communist stilll consider him self communist, even though he takes sides based religious grounds.
I am not surprised that Communist is loosing his ability to make logical arguments.

What do you mean by "loosing"...he (communist) has to have it, to loose it.

Name one argument in which he/she actually stuck to the topic to which thread was started.?
A lot of Pakistanis I have talked to claim 'Aryan' heritage.

Pakistanis only bring the 'Aryan' thing into it becauce we know how much you indians hold such silly things in high regard.

If your pale you will find dark girls attractive and vice versa its human nature.......my friends that are pathaans-kashmiris which are pale as goras have never pointed out a attractive pale girl but will always go starry eyed over darker girls.......and my bengali-indian friends find pale girls to be more nicer then dark girls.

I love darker girls......make her black and am in heaven.
In China , We call indians " A San"
It means trouble and incompetent people.

Indian should reflect their unfavor in other nations.
In China , We call indians " A San"
It means trouble and incompetent people.

Indian should reflect their unfavor in other nations.

that is not required jet li...you are flaming the thread.
and your last line doesn't make sense.
Since the Australia attack on Indians thread is closed, posting it here. Mods pls free to move in case you open the relevant thread. Thanks.

Australians are racist, say Australians | National News | News.com.au

AUSTRALIANS are in two minds about multiculturalism, a long-term survey has found.

They believe cultural diversity is good for the country but they're worried that cultural differences will stop everyone from getting along.

An 11-year study by a collaboration of Australian universities has found 85 per cent of Australians acknowledge racial prejudice occurs in the nation and one in five has been a victim of racist verbal abuse.

The study found that 6.5 per cent of the 16,000 Australians surveyed were against multiculturalism.

Professor Kevin Dunn, from the University of Western Sydney's school of social science, said the study revealed that the majority of Australians are pro-multiculturalism but are anxious that the diversity will not be managed well.

"Over 40 per cent of those surveyed feel that cultural differences pose a threat to societal harmony," he said.

"So if you take that alongside the 87 per cent that are pro-multiculturalism, clearly you've got a third of the nation that tolerate cultural diversity but are concerned at the impact it will have on society.

The Cronulla riots and the recent attacks on people of Indian descent are an example of this.

"The figures show that 85 per cent of Australia acknowledge there is racial prejudice in the country."

Prof Dunn believes previous governments have done nothing to address the issue for the past decade, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Tom Calma spending only part of his time dealing with race discrimination.

"For the last decade, the government hasn't appointed a full-time Race Discrimination Commissioner," Prof Dunn said.

"Because of the severe underfunding of the commission, they're just unable to offer the sorts of services required."

The survey also found that at least one in five Australians experience verbal abuse such as offensive slang names for different cultural groups, or swearing and offensive gestures, while 11 per cent feel they don't belong or are inferior.
Since the Australia attack on Indians thread is closed, posting it here. Mods pls free to move in case you open the relevant thread. Thanks.

Australians are racist, say Australians | National News | News.com.au

AUSTRALIANS are in two minds about multiculturalism, a long-term survey has found.

They believe cultural diversity is good for the country but they're worried that cultural differences will stop everyone from getting along.

An 11-year study by a collaboration of Australian universities has found 85 per cent of Australians acknowledge racial prejudice occurs in the nation and one in five has been a victim of racist verbal abuse.

The study found that 6.5 per cent of the 16,000 Australians surveyed were against multiculturalism.

Professor Kevin Dunn, from the University of Western Sydney's school of social science, said the study revealed that the majority of Australians are pro-multiculturalism but are anxious that the diversity will not be managed well.

"Over 40 per cent of those surveyed feel that cultural differences pose a threat to societal harmony," he said.

"So if you take that alongside the 87 per cent that are pro-multiculturalism, clearly you've got a third of the nation that tolerate cultural diversity but are concerned at the impact it will have on society.

The Cronulla riots and the recent attacks on people of Indian descent are an example of this.

"The figures show that 85 per cent of Australia acknowledge there is racial prejudice in the country."

Prof Dunn believes previous governments have done nothing to address the issue for the past decade, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Tom Calma spending only part of his time dealing with race discrimination.

"For the last decade, the government hasn't appointed a full-time Race Discrimination Commissioner," Prof Dunn said.

"Because of the severe underfunding of the commission, they're just unable to offer the sorts of services required."

The survey also found that at least one in five Australians experience verbal abuse such as offensive slang names for different cultural groups, or swearing and offensive gestures, while 11 per cent feel they don't belong or are inferior.

Tell us something we dont know
In China , We call indians " A San"
It means trouble and incompetent people.

Indian should reflect their unfavor in other nations.

So you are saying Chinese are in the habit of branding entire races with derogatory words? I wonder what part it plays in chinese nationalism as so many chinese members have been banned here for their racist remarks recently.

BTW we call Chinese 'chini', it means sugar :)
In China , We call indians " A San"
It means trouble and incompetent people.

Indian should reflect their unfavor in other nations.

Would you like to know what Chinese are called in India ?

Why raise irrelevant issues ?
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