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Indian restaurant in Bahrain shut down for denying entry to veiled woman

Circumstantial evidence suggest that Islamophobia rampant in India is being exported to countries along with the migrating Indians.

Hate crimes go up every time India goes to election which is every month given her size.

Your irrelevant blabbering doesn't mean anything. There are 1.4 billions Indians, each one has different identity and uniqueness. If you can't comment on the topic, don't bother to reply. If I search social media, I can easily find sick mentality people in any country, but that's not the point of this thread.
Simpler prose please. Sunday evening is not a good time for my already small brain, dreading the Monday ahead and numbed by the effects of extra oily Biryani eaten for lunch.
You can then understand why Indian Muslims have always the case of Monday Blues
Your irrelevant blabbering doesn't mean anything. There are 1.4 billions Indians, each one has different identity and uniqueness. If you can't comment on the topic, don't bother to reply. If I search social media, I can easily find sick mentality people in any country, but that's not the point of this thread.

Can't come sicker than Kerala high court then
I have a simple solution. If you do not like Islam and/or Muslims, DO NOT go to Muslim countries. Simple as. Muslims are not forcing indians to come to their nations so STAY OUT. Besides, according to indians on PDF, india is a superpower so why do want to go to the nations of those you hate the MOST?.......:azn:

You Muslims specially Pakistanis don't like West and spew hate against the whites on this platofrm. Why do you go and live your life there.
No it shows your hypocrisy and you don't have answer of it.

What hypocrisy? Islam and the West/Christianity DO NOT hate eachother as much as indians hate Islam/Muslims. In fact, Islam and Christianity have the same origins.

indian hindus hate Islam and Muslims with an obsessive, visceral passion yet millions of these same indian hindus flock to Muslim Arab GCC nations for employment, financial resources and a lifestyle they could only dream of/imagine in india. It shows the immeasurable superiority of Islamic culture and civilisation over indian hindu culture and civilisation...........:azn:
You Muslims specially Pakistanis don't like West and spew hate against the whites on this platofrm. Why do you go and live your life there.
You Hindus specially Indians don't like Islam and spew hate against the Muslims on all platforms. Why do you go and live in Muslim countries and hangout on their online forums?
Very strange behavior by this hotelier. Was he planning to chase away all the customers and run a business? Does not make any sense how he got hired for this job in an Islamic country :cuckoo:
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