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Indian researchers’ team finds endogenous water on the Moon

So what's the big deal??

This guy's been brewing tea on the Moon since the start of the Apollo program! Don't believe it? Here....

I don't think I ever said that...

What did we robe the world of? Can you name the resources and the countries of origin? Can you also name the amount of resources and how much they contributed to our nations development? Can you also tell me how we, a tiny little continent, were so able to take over the rest of the world, and in such a short time no less? Superior technology? In the opinion of the 3rd world revisionists, no way... so how exactly?

And your India having a large GDP is not at all impressive. Having more people than all of Western civilization combined will do that. Didn't India have a GDP around 3-4x that of Britain when they were invaded by 1/10th of their Armed Forces? Ouch... So much for that superior GDP, it seems like it meant absolutely nothing.

you should read about british/European colonial era more deeply..there is famous quote in India,"They came in the guise of businessmen and became King"-about Britain...it was superior tech used in Battle,along with various policy and quite a bit of luck,via which they got India..

also,nobody has correct info about how much they looted,estimate says around few scores of trillion dollars at least,in today's value..

read this...

Drain of Wealth during British Raj

if you wish,find in google about colonial era..and thats only the share of British..there were French,Portugese,Danish and who not..
you should read about british/European colonial era more deeply..there is famous quote in India,"They came in the guise of businessmen and became King"-about Britain...it was superior tech used in Battle,along with various policy and quite a bit of luck,via which they got India..

also,nobody has correct info about how much they looted,estimate says around few scores of trillion dollars at least,in today's value..

read this...

Drain of Wealth during British Raj

if you wish,find in google about colonial era..and thats only the share of British..there were French,Portugese,Danish and who not..

What resources were valued in the trillions of dollars, even in 2013 dollars? This is typical propaganda from the Indians that want to justify their reliance on the West for everything, and their lack of development! India has barely any natural resources to speak of, even less so 200 years ago.
What resources were valued in the trillions of dollars, even in 2013 dollars? This is typical propaganda from the Indians that want to justify their reliance on the West for everything, and their lack of development! India has barely any natural resources to speak of, even less so 200 years ago.

well,lets give us Britain,which is 1/10th of size/manpower and we'll show you how a resource lacked country can be milked upto few trillions of dollars within 200 years..

plus,you're completely ignorant..neither you've read the article I've posted,nor you'll post anything I'll post..anyway..lets try something else.

one ship carrying 200 millions of worth of silver..imagine 200 years of rule..watch the video..and don't quote again..adios..
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Except of course that the Romans and Greeks were our heritage, being fellow Europeans. And our ancient history includes civilizing your people during the Indo-Aryan migrations, lest you so quickly forget. You have no ancient history to speak of.

This is besides the point anyway, who cares about one specific era? The entire history of humanity puts your people to shame. Your nation and her ancestor nations have almost always been larger than all of Western civilization combined, yet you still have problems with doing 1% of the things that we do.

Your golden age came after the end of darks ages.Do you remember how the Germanic Visigoths destroyed Rome, destroying a civilization. Since the North Europeans of Germanic ancestry don't have any ancient history except for for some bog bodies like Tollund Man, they have to feel proud of the one belonging to others like Romans, Greeks or the Indo-Iranians. :laugh:

The ancient Indians had a great civilization when North Europeans were leading the life of barbarians in North Europe and you have to steal Aryan identity of our ancestors to hide this historical voidness by faking the history. :wacko::wacko:
The latter European Civilizations that formed after the Greeks and Romans were their natural successors.

Grab a sheet of paper, and jot down every piece of technology you use in your daily life, from computers, to automobiles, from light bulbs to cellphones/telephones. Almost all of them will have their origin in the mind of a European pioneer/inventor.

Nowadays, everyone else copies Western/European technology, yet very few people from the East have the capability to come up with a entirely new invention. While, on the contrary, within the past 300-400 years many European minds have up come with brilliant entirely new and original inventions that today result in a modern society.

The modern history after the end of the Dark Ages has lots of contribution from these people but they have no ancient history except of some bog bodies or invading the settled areas of South Europe.
As far as India is concerned, Britain was responsible for developments in all the following areas:

•education (previously, education was only afforded to people of a high caste. Britain changed that and laid down the roots of India's current wealth in education).
•mining (Britain's Industrial Revolution had a major impact on the birth of Indian industry)
•transport (much of India's train and road network was developed by the British)
•the political system (Britain was responsible for setting up the pillars of Indian administration and government).
British contributions to India

As far as British contributions to India's development go, I can't think of anything bigger than the establishment of a peaceful and stable country.

Before the British settled in India, the region was racked by conflict and invasions. Without the British, it is unlikely that India would be the single, powerful, organized state it is today.

The British instilled their idea of government and structure in Indian society, and developed an administration that was capable
Could have India accomplished the above on its own, not from anything I have seen them doing lately. As you have noticed I did not bring up Seti and daily human sacrifices.

The Daily Activist: What's Up With India?: Child Sacrifice, Burni

Could have India accomplished the above on its own, not from anything I have seen them doing lately. As you have noticed I did not bring up Seti and daily human sacrifices.

The ancient Indians had a great civilization when North Europeans were leading the life of barbarians in North Europe and you have to steal Aryan identity of our ancestors to hide this historical voidness by faking the history. :wacko::wacko:

What civilization? IVC belongs to Pakistan. Vedic civilization is all about religion and stories, there was no significant invention or technological advancement that came out of it.
What civilization? IVC belongs to Pakistan. Vedic civilization is all about religion and stories, there was no significant invention or technological advancement that came out of it.

I believe you gave up rod numbering system and use Indian numerals now. :omghaha: Who told you whole IVC belongs to Pakistan. :wacko:

Could have India accomplished the above on its own, not from anything I have seen them doing lately. As you have noticed I did not bring up Seti and daily human sacrifices.

Witch Hunting, slave trade etc. was your society even free of such evils. You came to accept all the humans beings as equals when Blacks of America forced you to do so through civil right movement, the methods inspired from Satyagraha.
As far as India is concerned, Britain was responsible for developments in all the following areas:

•education (previously, education was only afforded to people of a high caste. Britain changed that and laid down the roots of India's current wealth in education).
•mining (Britain's Industrial Revolution had a major impact on the birth of Indian industry)
•transport (much of India's train and road network was developed by the British)
•the political system (Britain was responsible for setting up the pillars of Indian administration and government).
British contributions to India

As far as British contributions to India's development go, I can't think of anything bigger than the establishment of a peaceful and stable country.

Before the British settled in India, the region was racked by conflict and invasions. Without the British, it is unlikely that India would be the single, powerful, organized state it is today.

The British instilled their idea of government and structure in Indian society, and developed an administration that was capable

Whole intension behind British stay in India was economic exploitation. They just implemented their own system in India.
I believe gave up rod numbering system and uses Indian numerals now. :omghaha: Who told you whole IVC belongs to Pakistan. :wacko:

Advanced maths and science had been developed for hundreds of years before your numerals came. With or without it, the world of maths and science continued to develop.

And don't forget to credit the Arabs for improvising the numeral system. :laughcry:
Advanced maths and science had been developed for hundreds of years before your numerals came. With or without it, the world of maths and science continued to develop.

And don't forget to credit the Arabs for improvising the numeral system. :laughcry:

But you disowned your Rod Numeral system for Indian numerals :omghaha: What improvement did Arab make except for new fancy designs for Indian digits. :woot:
What civilization? IVC belongs to Pakistan. Vedic civilization is all about religion and stories, there was no significant invention or technological advancement that came out of it.

I suggest India capture Saudi Arabia then Islamic Civilisation would belong to India... funny little Chinese..:moil:
But you disowned your Rod Numeral system for Indian numerals :omghaha: What improvement did Arab make except for new fancy designs. :woot:

LOL, we adopted it because it became the standard, just like the world use degree celsius, not because it is better than fahrenheit. It was the Arabs who made it popular, not you. Vedic civilization has nothing to brag about, LOL. How about telling some stories about Aryans fighting in chariot? :omghaha:

I suggest India capture Saudi Arabia then Islamic Civilisation would belong to India... funny little Chinese..:moil:

Arabic is the language of Arabia. But Sanskrit was not found in IVC. :omghaha:
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