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Indian Republic Day Parade 2022

That's impressive fighting ability. They are nicely attached to vertical and horizontal rotating tubes. Where does the power source for rotation come from?

Yes, of course, it is impressive. They were doing same kind of acrobatics, in Galwan Valley, when they caught by Chinese. :lol:
Where does the power source for rotation come from?

From Modi's 56" size turbofan engine. :lol:
Acha bhai Pajeet naraz keun ho raha ha nhi tha 2014 sa pehly … For your dad information this is unique style of SSG only which they are doing since decades, ab ja gobar laga k so ja
Sorry, l dont understand stupidian.




Surprisingly large aircraft contingent this year.

If you're an aviation enthusiast skip just before the end.
What the hell are they saying I can't understand shit, like forcing Sansikrit on Urdu or something.
Most cringe thing I ever heard do average Indians speak like this nowadays???
Amongst the regular people, only the Hindi grammar teacher speaks like this. You will most likely get bullied if you speak like this in school or work.

In official speeches they do speak like this. Most people in India understand either Hindi or English, so the broadcast has two announcers.

PM Modi gives farewell to Virat as the lead steed retires after 19 years of service, 13 years as charger for commandant PBG. The trusty steed has also recieved COAS commendation for exemplary service

Mesmerizing Cockpit View for the first time on 73rd #RepublicDay : Amrit formation comprises of 17 Jaguar ac making a figure of 75 led by Gp Capt Avinash Singh


very nice .

I hope one day every Indian speaks this Sudh Hindi and they do this in Bollywood too.
That will be excellent , on one side Pakistanis speaking this beautiful romantic language of poetry and we already have a good accent so that will be a plus and on the other side Indians speaking this Unga Bunga with an already cringe accent and neither of them can understand each other also world will finally start to think of us as separate from Indians.
Can't wait to see this happen, come on Modi u can do it make all Indians speak this superior Hindu language plzz...

most of india understands hindi ,
I hope one day every Indian speaks this Sudh Hindi and they do this in Bollywood too.
That will be excellent , on one side Pakistanis speaking this beautiful romantic language of poetry and we already have a good accent so that will be a plus and on the other side Indians speaking this Unga Bunga with an already cringe accent and neither of them can understand each other also world will finally start to think of us as separate from Indians.
Can't wait to see this happen, come on Modi u can do it make all Indians speak this superior Hindu language plzz...

It is a deliberate and conscious effort of the elite Hindus to sanskritize and de-persianize the spoken Hindi, in order to divorce it from Muslim influences. Everything ultimately ends at Hindu-Muslim Conflict.
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