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Indian RAW kidnaps retired Pakistan Army officer from Nepal

so does that justify beheading a random innocent bystander? Kashmir is off topic to this discussion, let's talk in detail to the matter at hand.
if kidnapping him and then torturing is right then i think fast death is excellent. We are trying to be kind.
kidnapp them this time and hand few to ISIS. may be with a match stick for free.

I can sense the frustration. Imagine the info that can be extracted from col saab. I mean just look at the stellar career,


2 hours With India's finest in room and You confess your Self to be Son of Hafiz sayeed

your finest needs 2 hours? Send your finest spy to Gawalmandi thanna and your finest will spill all the beans in under 10 minutes when the SHO saab will ask his men to bring 12 no. ka chittar..
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