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Indian RAW cracks down on Mossad operations in India

maybe the indians should look at it from all angels- before its too late-
Advice taken man,,,
But yes, incase of any attack by the US and nato u should also see from all the angles as your army is whole holy body,OK..
And yes, when it comes to your prez and PM vs Army, in that case also look from all the angles as again your army is not made of saints..OK..
So RAW Capturing their own supporters, an other failure operation marked in RAW success list.
When RAW will become an intelligence agency. :lol:

The sun was shining and God was watching( after all we were broadcasting live :D ) when NSG commandoes killed those low life creatures.
It is a case of people carrying out religious preaching while on a tourist visa. Many Christian and Muslim preachers have been deported for visa violations. This article is clearly a misrepresentation of facts designed to irritate people. That is people who believe anything they read with out verifying the authenticity of the article. Thanks to nemesis 102 for digging out the truth of this incident. 'RAW cracks down on Mossad', indeed!!! Mossad is a friendly intelligence organisation, there won't be any cracking down on the Mossad.
Hehehe who is the CEO of this organization zahid hameed huh...?.Article full of crap if you want to increase your post count their are many other ways...Stop posting such craps..
An Israeli Chabad sect couple, Rabbi Sheneor Zalman and his wife Yaffa Shenoi, have been told by Kerala police to leave India in fifteen days. The two are suspected by the Indian intelligence, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of being involved in a covert operation in India linked to the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack in which six Chabad members were killed in a shootout between Dawood Ibrahim's Pakistan-based gangsters and the residents of Mumbai's Chabad House. The incident was reported as a major act of terrorism when, in fact, it was score settling between Ibrahim's drug syndicate and Chabadniks who were seen as moving in on Ibrahim's control over the Mumbai drug trade.

Interesting that is this were true it conveniently let's Pakistan completely off the hook for being the training ground and launch pad of 26/11. When looked at in isolation maybe the point could be made but 26/11 was about MUCH more than just Chabad house eg TAJ, OBEROI etc so why, if it was a "turf war" would these attacks have happened? If it was a " turf war" why send highly trained obratives from Pakistan? Why not a few gang-land thugs from Mumbai? Also WTF would Mossad be involved in the drugs trade? There are so many other points I could scrutin in this article but there really is no point, no intelligent, educated sensible person would ever take this utter BS seriously so I won't waste my time.
Interesting that is this were true it conveniently let's Pakistan completely off the hook for being the training ground and launch pad of 26/11. When looked at in isolation maybe the point could be made but 26/11 was about MUCH more than just Chabad house eg TAJ, OBEROI etc so why, if it was a "turf war" would these attacks have happened? If it was a " turf war" why send highly trained obratives from Pakistan? Why not a few gang-land thugs from Mumbai? Also WTF would Mossad be involved in the drugs trade? There are so many other points I could scrutin in this article but there really is no point, no intelligent, educated sensible person would ever take this utter BS seriously so I won't waste my time.

troll authors need not be countered by reason... they need to be boooed..
This "opinion makers" shizz is just another pakistani website. The couple are cleared of charges of espionage.

Get a life trolls.

Indian RAW cracks down on Mossad operations in India | Opinion Maker

By Wayne Madsen

An Israeli Chabad sect couple, Rabbi Sheneor Zalman and his wife Yaffa Shenoi, have been told by Kerala police to leave India in fifteen days.

wrong ..they can stay can continue till visa expires ..
India should know Modi and mass Indian officials are now working for Israeli Mossad.
India should know Modi and mass Indian officials are now working for Israeli Mossad.

India should know...from you?
Modi is working from Mossad, Like Imran for ISI...Nawaz Sharif for RAW, Musharraf for CIA etc etc.
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