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Indian Railways begins trials of solar powered trains


Nov 18, 2011
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Solar powered trains - Indian Railways begins trials of solar powered trains | The Economic Times

Indian Railways has rolled out a non-AC coach of Rewari-Sitapur passenger train lit by solar panels installed on its roof as part of its plan to harness the green source of energy in a big way.
Solar policy

Railways is planning to come out with a solar policy for procuring 1000 MW solar power in the next five years.

Coaches of Shan-e-Punjab Express and Taj Express are also going to be equipped with solar power shortly, a senior Northern Railway official has said.
Good. We can save some diesel ...

You got to be kidding, as if those few panels would ever be enough to move a train. Even if you covered every inch of the train in solar panels they still would not be enough.

The panels will just about provide enough power to light the train and run the fans....still its a very good idea.
You got to be kidding, as if those few panels would ever be enough to move a train. Even if you covered every inch of the train in solar panels they still would not be enough.

The panels will just about provide enough power to light the train and run the fans....still its a very good idea.
When did I say they will move the train?:disagree:
The engine diesel is burned to run those lights and fans + AC
It cost about Rs 3.90 lakh for equipping the non-AC coach of Rewari-Sitapur passenger train while the Railways will save Rs 1.24 lakh per year in power cost.
On top of coaches
Solar panels have also been provided on top of coaches of two narrow-gauge trains plying on Pathankot-Jogindernagar route in Kangra Valley section and Kalka-Shimla section on trial basis.

'On evaluation of trial and cost benefit analysis, further study of economic viability will be undertaken,' Railways has said.
Panels generate about 17 units of power
The solar panels generate about 17 units of power in a day which enables the lighting system in the coach.

Currently Railways will be installing solar panels on non-AC coaches only.

Utilising roof-top space

Railways proposes to harness solar energy by utilising roof-top space of railway stations, other railway buildings and land including through the PPP mode as per the feasibility, the modalities of which are being worked out.

Railways has plan to generate 1000 MW solar power in the next five years. Steps are being taken to install solar plants at railway building rooftops and level crossings across the country.


According to the plan, railways proposes to install solar power plants of about 8.8 MW capacity at railway stations, railway office buildings and level crossing gates throughout the country under railway funding.

Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu has also emphasised on promotion of sustainable development and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

The generation of solar supply will help railways supply power at remote locations and saving in diesel due to reduced running of diesel generators.

BS idea just for PR. What do they want to achieve with this when tracks on these routes are already electrified. Does anyone even think about scalability .

Ooh i get it , the executives just read that solar is good -.- .

Separate installation are expensive , inefficient , space requirement is high (constraint on train ), energy developed will be severely limited as trains are under shade for significant amount of times , no feedback to transmission lines and not to mention high wear and tear on top of moving trains .

Maybe they were thinking about emissions ( i doubt it ) . In a country where 60 pc power is from coal a solar farm is a much better alternative .

ALL in ALL stupid as it gets.
BS idea just for PR. What do they want to achieve with this when tracks on these routes are already electrified. Does anyone even think about scalability .

Ooh i get it , the executives just read that solar is good -.- .

Separate installation are expensive , inefficient , space requirement is high (constraint on train ), energy developed will be severely limited as trains are under shade for significant amount of times , no feedback to transmission lines and not to mention high wear and tear on top of moving trains .

Maybe they were thinking about emissions ( i doubt it ) . In a country where 60 pc power is from coal a solar farm is a much better alternative .

ALL in ALL stupid as it gets.
Well the electrification work is really slowwwwwwwwww......
BS idea just for PR. What do they want to achieve with this when tracks on these routes are already electrified. Does anyone even think about scalability .

Ooh i get it , the executives just read that solar is good -.- .

Separate installation are expensive , inefficient , space requirement is high (constraint on train ), energy developed will be severely limited as trains are under shade for significant amount of times , no feedback to transmission lines and not to mention high wear and tear on top of moving trains .

Maybe they were thinking about emissions ( i doubt it ) . In a country where 60 pc power is from coal a solar farm is a much better alternative .

ALL in ALL stupid as it gets.

All good points. Railways hold lots of useless land which can be converted into Solar Farms.
BS idea just for PR. What do they want to achieve with this when tracks on these routes are already electrified. Does anyone even think about scalability .

Ooh i get it , the executives just read that solar is good -.- .

Separate installation are expensive , inefficient , space requirement is high (constraint on train ), energy developed will be severely limited as trains are under shade for significant amount of times , no feedback to transmission lines and not to mention high wear and tear on top of moving trains .

Maybe they were thinking about emissions ( i doubt it ) . In a country where 60 pc power is from coal a solar farm is a much better alternative .

ALL in ALL stupid as it gets.
And that's why it's a trial run.
Helpful only light loads like fans,lights.But for movement of train you need heavy load .
Any way good initiative:tup:

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