My own experience of Indian railways, some few years back, is a nightmare journey and a vision of hell on earth. Big rats everywhere, giant black cockroaches ramping everywhere, bugs in the seats, flies everywhere, seats completely torn and damaged, the door is damaged so that you can cut your hands. No toilets or if you want to find one which is vacant, just follow the flies, if ever toilets exists, then better not to use them. No paper toilets, passengers defeacating outside and directly on the toilet seats and cubicle, toilets not flushed for months as the toilets evacuation sytem blocked and human defeacation everywhere. So better to carry your toilets papers and also germ free hand sanitiser. Use also the paper toilets to wipe the toilets seats as they are often wet, being given that Indian passengers still don't know how to use them so better to use the squat toilets. The smell of defeacation and sweat mixed together could force anyone to vomit. So better to put your head outside the windows, its dangerous but it is worst if you remain in the wagons. The carriage full of passengers is similar to the lorries transporting animals for slaughter. No air con so it is hotter than in a sauna. Don't eat the meals as rats and cockroahes have already taken their share of the meals. Thieves also enter the carriages at night, so better to guard all your personal belongings.
Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh had proposed, in July 2012, projects worth $130 million project to rid India of the scourge of open defecation and clean up a rail system he described as the world's "largest open toilet".
In fact Indian Railways are reputed for these and many Western tourists wishing to experience sensationalism and a special journey of peace and love like to travel in the Indian rails. Its really an experience in its own which I don't want to live again. A traumatizing experience. But its also the best way to see the dark side of Shining India and to experience the real Indian life.
India Train Travel - Tips for Long Distance India Train Travel
Indian rail is world's largest 'open toilet': Jairam Ramesh |