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Indian Railway eyes rail link to China

ahhh the power of CHINA :china:



power of [:pakistan:
] [:cry:india
] [

it is good move but i dont think it come soon.

i guess u all know how much time our babus take in clearing file. forst railway ministry then home ministry then defence, external affairs and finally PMO. and then they again send file back to railways so this circle goes on and on.

U forgot our Environment ministry(Jai ram ramesh).. After every process from all ministry will be over, our Environment minister will come nd stop the project for next 5 years...
I don't have such pride, it is pure nationalism, worth probably less than 2 cents.

However, it is with pride that I can say we are practical Chinese delivering results for ourselves and further generations.

btw, I live in aus, local people are not very into your indian crap. check news.

there are australians that aren;t into ur chinese crap aswell!!! ever heard of pauline hanson???

Pauline Hanson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China started Infrastructure development work in 70s and India got into the similar act in late 90s and we are already giving you run for your money.

Typical propaganda from the Singh regime - excuse & lie to fool india and its people.

History 101: China didn't have any single operational expressway by 1990. The first one, Shenyang to Dalian highway, was built in 1990. The first experimental expressway was completed in 1988. Please check any reliable source before posting propaganda materials.

what else the Singh regime told you? China started its reform in 1970s, so it is better developed than india?


China's main stock exchange, the Shanghai stock exchange, didn't open until 1990s, Beijing didn't carry out any reform until 1990s, Tianjin didn't get any reform until 2000.

Time to wake up from the lies of the Singh regime.
I think its a good idea..but the Chinese interest in securing rail links in the Northeast...is it because its easier to sneak in and blend with the locals? Before we go ahead, India should definitely have a secure database that has fingerprints, iris records, DNA sample, and identification of each and every Indian citizen. If this was to happen, not only would India be the first but it would change the security dynamics of the country tremendously.
then show me the progress done by the Singh regime.

let me tell you ours in the current government's term:
1. we built 8000km high speed rail and put it into daily operation.
2. we extended social security coverage to almost our entire population.
3. we committed an extra $200 billion USD funding for education, this is on top of the existing annual education budget.
4. every damn single year, 10 million Chinese families buy new cars.

That is the exact reason why I am asking what the regime of Singh achieved in his brutal control over india in the past several years!

show me details, no excuses.

This is the typical propaganda used by the Singh regime.

By having a developed infrastructure, we built our manufacturing based economy in the 90s and the past several years, 400 million Chinese migration workers work in that sector, their income is about 4-5 times higher than a typical labor in india. As of today, we have implemented laws to include all of them into social society systems, they all eligible for public funded medical care, their kids goes to public schools without fee for up to 9 years, when they retire they are eligible for pension.

tell me what the Singh regime offered to your poors.

It is never about this link itself. It is never about the high speed rail.

It is all about the question why the regime in new delhi sysmatically failed india/indians for so many decades. There is only one way to fix it - an uprising from the poor to overturn the regime in new delhi.

A great post! :tup:
oh no. No rail links with China. China has history of backstabbing. Train full of special forces can come to india and may create problem at north east.

We have to be very careful dealing with them.
oh no. No rail links with China. China has history of backstabbing. Train full of special forces can come to india and may create problem at north east.

We have to be very careful dealing with them.

we need more people like you to stay in india.

this helps a lot to our success.
Looks like you are from Taiwan, Watch your back, the moment USA goes from there, you will be another tibet.
No he is not, he is one more patriot who doesnot want to put his country's flag...
For passengers, for distances of 1000 km or more, air travel is much faster and cheaper than high speed rail.

Cargo trains generally operate at about 40 kmph.

China will be losing money on its HSR projects for the next several decades. The interest costs alone will be huge.

What is rally needed is good metro train links from city centers to airports, fast check-in and baggage claim, and good airports with multiple runways.
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