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Indian Railway eyes rail link to China

@peaceful ...Thanks for your wishes. I am happy at where my country is and what it has provided me and my family. It is with pride that I can say I am an Indian anywhere in the world... and I do get a warm welcome from everyone wherever I go.

I refuse to take your troll bait as it concerns in no way to the topic.
excuses after excuses, lie after another lie, the regime in new delhi refuse to care its people by offering them decent infrastructure access.
the money was allocated to buy weapons to defend not india, but the regime itself.
the money was spent to put out a failed commonwealth game rather than used on health care of the poor.

the regime in new delhi is way worse than the regime of libya. in libya they have decent hospitals, roads, schools, their GDP per capita is 12 times higher than india
building this rail link will take time due to political reasons.
@peaceful ...Thanks for your wishes. I am happy at where my country is and what it has provided me and my family. It is with pride that I can say I am an Indian anywhere in the world... and I do get a warm welcome from everyone wherever I go.

I don't have such pride, it is pure nationalism, worth probably less than 2 cents.

However, it is with pride that I can say we are practical Chinese delivering results for ourselves and further generations.

btw, I live in aus, local people are not very into your indian crap. check news.
building this rail link will take time due to political reasons.

China will have its high speed rail technologies available to neighboring countries, get all of us linked together.

india can be a part of it, or get itself isolated.
China will have its high speed rail technologies available to neighboring countries, get all of us linked together.

india can be a part of it, or get itself isolated.

My personal opinion is that I don't see much of a value of a HSR for improving trade and business. HSR's are people movers not good's movers. If you have a point in favor of HSR in improving trade between China and India, then you can raise those points here and we can discuss.
then show me the progress done by the Singh regime.

let me tell you ours in the current government's term:
1. we built 8000km high speed rail and put it into daily operation.
2. we extended social security coverage to almost our entire population.
3. we committed an extra $200 billion USD funding for education, this is on top of the existing annual education budget.
4. every damn single year, 10 million Chinese families buy new cars.

That is the exact reason why I am asking what the regime of Singh achieved in his brutal control over india in the past several years!

show me details, no excuses.

This is the typical propaganda used by the Singh regime.

By having a developed infrastructure, we built our manufacturing based economy in the 90s and the past several years, 400 million Chinese migration workers work in that sector, their income is about 4-5 times higher than a typical labor in india. As of today, we have implemented laws to include all of them into social society systems, they all eligible for public funded medical care, their kids goes to public schools without fee for up to 9 years, when they retire they are eligible for pension.

tell me what the Singh regime offered to your poors.

It is never about this link itself. It is never about the high speed rail.

It is all about the question why the regime in new delhi sysmatically failed india/indians for so many decades. There is only one way to fix it - an uprising from the poor to overturn the regime in new delhi.

little maturity need before commenting -ve.. [bcz it is very easy to insult india.... but few knows reality]

what are u seeing with ur eyes is not always true..

[on Mar 13, 2009]

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My personal opinion is that I don't see much of a value of a HSR for improving trade and business. HSR's are people movers not good's movers. If you have a point in favor of HSR in improving trade between China and India, then you can raise those points here and we can discuss.

Completely agreed. Not to mention the fact that for such projects, the financials just don't work out.

IR is having difficulty in maintaining and expanding the existing railway network in NE India, how can we even think of having a High Speed trans national link through there? The terrain just doesn't permit it.
excuses after excuses, lie after another lie, the regime in new delhi refuse to care its people by offering them decent infrastructure access.
the money was allocated to buy weapons to defend not india, but the regime itself.
the money was spent to put out a failed commonwealth game rather than used on health care of the poor.

the regime in new delhi is way worse than the regime of libya. in libya they have decent hospitals, roads, schools, their GDP per capita is 12 times higher than india

Hey..hey..hey... just hold back a bit Dude before you run away with India's share of argument too in your rant.

FYI, my company, which is Delhi-based and purely Indian, is single-handedly responsible for more than 40% of major infrastructure work in Libya and we are ofcourse The Largest Infrastructure Company of Libya.
& stop worrying about Indian Regime & Indian Infrastructures. China started Infrastructure development work in 70s and India got into the similar act in late 90s and we are already giving you run for your money.
Do I need to add more or will you stop your Anti-India rant now??
Where in the world goods are transported on a high speed rail link? The cost becomes too high in case of high speed rails to recover from goods transport. It is not economically feasible. What is needed is a conventional rail link which can double up as a passenger rail system. The conventional rail can still do around 120-160kmph. If the feasibility study is in regards to these speeds, then it might be economically viable to recover the money and still keep the prices within reasonable bounds ... we don't need 250-350kmph rail link for transporting goods for sure.
I don't know to which country do you belong but India is planning a high speed corridor between bombay and delhi with the help of Japan and its meant for both goods and public transport but mainly goods because it will be connecting major industrial hubs andd ports and new hubs are planned close to it.
Not to mention railway can never be expensive in India because it comes under government or public sector. And i was talking about India and i don't care about rest of the world and here he meant it for both public transport and trade.
I don't know to which country do you belong but India is planning a high speed corridor between bombay and delhi with the help of Japan and its meant for both goods and public transport but mainly goods because it will be connecting major industrial hubs andd ports and new hubs are planned close to it.
Not to mention railway can never be expensive in India because it comes under government or public sector. And i was talking about India and i don't care about rest of the world and here he meant it for both public transport and trade.

Aahhh, you are talking about the dedicated freight corridor. I'm sorry to tell you buddy, but that is not a High Speed corridor.

Regarding your claim that "railway can never be expensive in India because it comes under government or public sector", I wish it were as simple as that. How long do you think our government can keep on subsidising the railways?

BTW, I work for Indian Railways and am currently working on the feasibility of a High Speed Rail Authority, so I know a bit about the status of these projects :)
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