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Indian Potential Response to PAF Knockout on 27/2

Indian Revenge Strategy

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You have already played your game for last 15 years by Afghan, Kalbushan and through your puppets with the help of some international players. And we buried your all plan Alhamdullilah. Now you will get whatever you will try to play with Pakistan whether it will be through proxies or through direct conflict. And next time we will make it sure that you will have proper treatment.
It is shame for you people still you are thinking on the same way and not even learnt an iota of lessons out of this whole incident.

So then which thing stops you to attack Karachi. What difference it made of releasing your pilot in your war doctorine. If your military and 56 inch bashing modi were so dedicated then what stopped you not to attack. Why your military havent gathered enough courage to attack. You should asked your military high command what stops them to attack next night? Why we need peace because Pulwama attack had nothing to do with Pakistan and it was a false flagger and we want to save millions of lives which Modi was eager to throw into the war just for the sake of getting votes.
Really you indian dont have a brain who cant think by their own brain.

How does it matter if it's Modi or someone else? Indian people feel that it was right decision to hit Pakistan after the Pulwama attack. Most people still think that we should have continued but releasing the pilot built international pressure on India to de-escalate things.

I still think we should continue with our new doctrine of hitting Pakistan after each terrorist attack. We'll see how long can you afford to continue these attacks. The world will only see this as a fight between a Secular nation and an Islamic nation that supports terrorists.
How does it matter if it's Modi or someone else? Indian people feel that it was right decision to hit Pakistan after the Pulwama attack. Most people still think that we should have continued but releasing the pilot built international pressure on India to de-escalate things.

I still think we should continue with our new doctrine of hitting Pakistan after each terrorist attack. We'll see how long can you afford to continue these attacks. The world will only see this as a fight between a Secular nation and an Islamic nation that supports terrorists.
Secular Nation? this is quite opposite whatever happened in your mainland India under Modi rule even a couple of days ago hope so you watched on your news channels as well that what happened with muslim family by your terrorist hinduatva nation?
Secondly, if you want to continue with your failed attempt which your military practiced on 26 and then got the reply very next day, we will welcome your misadventure and as i said in my earlier post that next time we will make it sure that you will have enough treatment.
But one thing is true about indians that they dont have common sense. That is why you people always extract success stories from utter failures. Keep dreaming. And i want to assure you this we are ready and we will be ready to teach you a hard lessons which will be enough for ignorants like you. Good Luck :azn:
I guess all we have to do is wait for another terrorist attack from Pakistan and we will see some action then. In long run only the country with better finances and larger economy will win so all the best to you :angel:
A terrorist attack from Pakistan????? or you mean to say a false flagger attack from RAW on indian soil which will give life to Modi and Ajit Doval in coming election so you can feed your nation with war call and drum beatings..
Do it happily .... :azn:
I guess all we have to do is wait for another terrorist attack from Pakistan and we will see some action then. In long run only the country with better finances and larger economy will win so all the best to you :angel:
Half ur economy is below the poverty line and unemployed. No ones scared of India. If ur countries so powerful why did it not do anything after losing a chopper sukhoi and mig? Because their *** is still burning and they know they will get screwed if they try again. Pakistan Zindabad. This mentality is why u were ruled for 1000 years.
You think so? We were getting ready for our second attack on Karachi when your PM announced release of our Pilot. You could have at least waited a couple of weeks man. I mean Pakistani armed forces are so capable so why such a rush to release the pilot and sue for peace?

What a psychopath. Instead of finding out a solution to the problem, supports a full blown war.

You realise modern war is fought over intelligence. We even knew your attack was planned between 9-10 pm in the night.

It would have been the repeat of the same air battle, just with missiles. You would launch 6, we would launch 18 and hit targets across India, you would have backed down like you did already after you got bombed on the 27th.

Because the reality is you can't afford a full blown war, it would hurt you way more than us. This is where we have exposed you. Now the saner thing would be to not vote for a war monger and get on the table to resolve the Kashmir dispute instead of this false bravado you and the lot are displaying everywhere.
Is Hafeez Saeed your relative? Itna pyaar hai kya usse
Jub Indoits mama kehty hain na beta so ja warna hafiz saeeda jaiga tub mujhay us per bara pyaar ata hai (Hafiz Saeed per kahy mama na samajh layna ) :no:
Negotiate with a country that has done countless coward terrorist attacks on us over the years? No way!

Now you tried messing with our Army in Pulwama and we responded and bombed 80 km inside your territory and you couldn't do jack shit.

There should be no talks with your kind until these terror attacks stop. You can't talk and attack at the same time.

But....keep in mind if you really wana play this game, we have all the time and resources in the world to play. We can literally starve you out and break you both militarily and economically in long run.

In return the world will thanks us for getting rid of the terrorism epicenter.

Delusion Delusion Delusion!

We actually did something about it. We escalated it, according to you, we bombed your military targets which is an act of war. What did you do in return? F ALL! backed off and went to cry to Uncle Sam, who lets face it is quite disappointed in your ability at the moment.

Regarding terror allegations, we are willing to talk when you are constantly causing terror in our country. Just because you have a bigger microphone doesn't mean you are spotless.

You complain about Kashmir and our support for the freedom struggle there whereas you openly claim the same for Bangladesh in 1971.

Tu karey tau self defence, main karun tau sala character dheela.
You think so? We were getting ready for our second attack on Karachi when your PM announced release of our Pilot. You could have at least waited a couple of weeks man. I mean Pakistani armed forces are so capable so why such a rush to release the pilot and sue for peace?

India has the issue of short time memory. Abhinandan release was announced way before missile threat. Pakistan Intel detected Indian ambition and then through a middle man, message was delivered that Pakistan will retaliate with 3 for 1 against India. Modi was advised by foreign supervisors to avoid such suicide because there was no joke. However, it is impossible to correct the most mistaken mindset for every lie.
option 2 they will try to shoot down a passenger or cargo plane
civilian or military it doesnt matter they will have a cooked up excuse like their intel knew that Hafiz Saeed was in that plane.
like they did after loosing their 2 jets in Kargil war.

the intel shows they are desperate to shoot down a Pakistani plane. it doesn't matter if its a military or commercial plane. they are burning with rage and jealousy
we will need to remain on guard for a very long time specially when they express too much calmness and assurances
you can tell they are finalizing an assault
100% agree. We need to avoid being a victim of stab in the back(Baghal men churi aur Munh pe ram ram)
Not happening. india DOES NOT have the capability to fight the Pakistan military full on. If they did they would have responded veciferously after we shot down their fighter jets.
in a short conflict Pakistan has advantage in full war they have, because our forces r fighting at 3 fronts; India, Afghanistan/Iran and internal security.

We r thinly stretched.
None of the above. The attack will come at the time and place of our choosing. In the meantime, every terrorist attack in India will be responded with a military attack on Pakistan. I think after the Pulwama attack pretty much every Indian now hates Pakistan. I've never seen so many Indians angry and protesting against Pakistan before. The seeds of hate are now sown. It's now our time to respond to your policy of propping up these jihadi tanzeems. Just wait and watch....We'll play the long game and make sure you pay.

Does that include the Indian Kashmiris chanting Pakistan zindabad or Sikhs or Christians? Im gonna guess its just your circle of friends that are festering with hate in their hearts. Cant be good for the health
There is no other thought but surely, India is in planning mode after learning from last clash. Be it IAF, IA, IN or any other mean to harm (proxy attack and diplomatic propaganda backed by media warfare) India is not going to sit back or accept the reality. Pakistan must be planning & keep all eyes open. There is a reason that officially there is less talk about what happened on 27th Feb, 2019 but continue planning/meeting/discussions. The guard must not be lowered at all.
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