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Indian Potential Response to PAF Knockout on 27/2

Indian Revenge Strategy

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Not happening. india DOES NOT have the capability to fight the Pakistan military full on. If they did they would have responded veciferously after we shot down their fighter jets.
thats what u think! we de-escalated by releasing their pilot thats why they couldnt because of international pressure by still dfid 155mm artillery fire.
thats what u think! we de-escalated by releasing their pilot thats why they couldnt because of international pressure by still dfid 155mm artillery fire.

They can't even fight back after a 7× smaller nation shot down their fighter jets........:lol:......international pressure was really stopping india from trying to fight us just like international pressure stopped the allies destroying Iraq............:lol:
SO true u have to build narrative first which india already used pulwama attack's on 26 and get their a**ss kicked on 27.here they lost their chance due to shock or whatever but simply its slipped away.NOw either they have to built it again or wait for another time (which is not on their side either in coming 5-10 years ) About narrative here our some friend mentioned Iraq 2003 rem how they hyped about WMD but what found?nothing and destroyed whole country.Recently found an interesting article on Tony Blair those who rem him and his excuses
India simply underestimated Pakistan's response and, as a result got it's hiny whooped. Just sheer arrogance on braggart India's part. They have probably learnt, the hard way the consequences of miscalculations.
None of the above. The attack will come at the time and place of our choosing. In the meantime, every terrorist attack in India will be responded with a military attack on Pakistan. I think after the Pulwama attack pretty much every Indian now hates Pakistan. I've never seen so many Indians angry and protesting against Pakistan before. The seeds of hate are now sown. It's now our time to respond to your policy of propping up these jihadi tanzeems. Just wait and watch....We'll play the long game and make sure you pay.
None of the above. The attack will come at the time and place of our choosing. In the meantime, every terrorist attack in India will be responded with a military attack on Pakistan. I think after the Pulwama attack pretty much every Indian now hates Pakistan. I've never seen so many Indians angry and protesting against Pakistan before. The seeds of hate are now sown. It's now our time to respond to your policy of propping up these jihadi tanzeems. Just wait and watch....We'll play the long game and make sure you pay.
Because the short term got you your asses handed to you?
Next time, India will come fully prepared and with full vengeance.
Yawns.... sure sure

India will launch another false flag attack this time far bigger then Pulwama and will launch a full scale war as a result....the first 10 days of April are very important as their election will happen on 12 march. Modi so far is losing and he wants to ignite the hindu votes as well as he has pressure from deep state and israel to do attacks...This Terror threat in Dehli and Goa that they gave today must be taken seriously and these targets are interesting ie jew properties and israeli embassy.

Indian utter humiliation and that israeli pilot in custody are the key factors here.

Umari Bhai, yeh Orkut nahi hai. :yahoo:
False bravado laid bare open on 27th.

You think so? We were getting ready for our second attack on Karachi when your PM announced release of our Pilot. You could have at least waited a couple of weeks man. I mean Pakistani armed forces are so capable so why such a rush to release the pilot and sue for peace?
You think so? We were getting ready for our second attack on Karachi when your PM announced release of our Pilot. You could have at least waited a couple of weeks man. I mean Pakistani armed forces are so capable so why such a rush to release the pilot and sue for peace?
Becuase we are not a nation of phycopaths like you.
Once you punch a bully in the nose, there is no need to keep punching.
We proved our point, india backed off... then went off too big daddy USA to cry that Pak used F-16s :rofl:
You think so? We were getting ready for our second attack on Karachi when your PM announced release of our Pilot. You could have at least waited a couple of weeks man. I mean Pakistani armed forces are so capable so why such a rush to release the pilot and sue for peace?

Most welcome. We have more tea to serve.
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