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Last time total turnout in Varanasi was 43% while today Its ~37% till 1 PM. Is it about hope of development? I think so.
@desert warrior
At the altar of destiny, Benares chooses a new king
Posted : 8:52 am, May 12, 2014 by admin

Yes Kejriwal is ahead in the race… the race to lose deposit in Varanasi! All the assorted Dilli mediawallahs who tried to fool this ancient city by creating a fight where there was none will have egg on their faces on the 16th of May when AAP’s stunningly low performance will hit them. AAP and Kejriwal are simply not in the race in Varanasi, where Congress is vying for the distant 2nd place while the combined vote-share of BSP and SP is far better than Congress and AAP.

Brahmins, Thakurs and OBCs are now considered as the core voters of BJP and they are sticking with the party in a big way here in Varanasi. Even a significant number of Dalits and Yadavs have voted for Modi. What is significant is that Muslims of Varanasi too have endorsed Modi as their second choice behind Congress, whereas AAP is third in their list of choices.

What would be the lead of BJP’s prime ministerial candidate with this kind of projected vote-share? Well, for one, this lead is increasing with each passing hour and the gap will further open up, so predicting a victory margin would be a hazardous task. Converting the current lead positions into actual votes using the 150 polling booths that we have used to track Varanasi today, we can safely assume that Modi’s victory from here would be anywhere above 2 lakh plus votes.

Could there be an outside chance of an upset defeat of Modi from Varanasi? At this point of time, it looks almost impossible as the opposition votes are divided and Modi vote is consolidated. Going forward, in future elections, index of opposition unity would be the key factor that will decide how long BJP can rule India. Meanwhile, Benares has rediscovered itself at the altar of India’s Karma, now Modi is unstoppable in 2014 and possibly for a decade to follow.

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I shared it with one of the AAPtard and he told me that if the trend goes like this then others candidate can win the seat :D hai bhagwan.
Secular message, Janhit me Jaari
What does it say?
I am a traitor Indian who doesn't know Hindi. I know it is asking for votes for AAP.

Ha-ha typical AAPtard .. Arvind Kejriwal has brainwashed them! God save 'em
Aaptards are not the gold standard of Indian youth, far from it :lol:

Really yaar... this Kejriwal is taking a toll on youth of India..

talked some of AAP supporters & god they blabber nonsense in every manner...
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