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I shared it with one of the AAPtard and he told me that if the trend goes like this then others candidate can win the seat :D hai bhagwan.

They aren't called AAP'Tards' for nothing. You see this is their level of retardation !!
Yes my area is very peaceful. No problems. Cant say the same about whole of the city.

LOL neither of them. Though I know TMC will win.
My father was advising me to vote for AAP since he thinks I dont know anything about politics. 8-)

I see my joke was lost on you.
2 PM Trend at 543

Modi: 44
Congress: 13
Kejri: 11
Others: 32

More Muslims it seems voting for Modi than Kejri. Offcourse majority are voting for Rai.

About bloody time. The previous one was a shocker.
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