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At the age where we were in our college canteen singing songs, she was cleaning in restaurants. When we were composing love letters to our crush she was working grueling shifts. She became an icon of her industry and helped change her industry forever.

She stands up for herself, apologizes when wrong, and is today cleaning up a ministry that was famous for being corrupt. She should be an icon for feminism.

Alas, Smriti Irani will always only be derided, not celebrated, by fe...minists today. She is not Left wing, and doesn’t shout “poor oppressed me” at every opportunity.

And thats why Feminism as the outrage industry it has become is bad for women empowerment. It is just a tool of the Left.

Thankfully, the ministerial position in cabinet does not have any caste based or academic qualifications based reservations or else, we would never have seen someone as "qualified" as Smriti Irani being a cabinet minister.

Those who are younger than Rahul Gandhi like Smriti Irani and Anurag Thakur of BJP are giving fact based, point by point speeches that is making the entire Congress speechless, why would it need experienced Netas like Modi, Rajnath, Sushma, Jaitley and others even to counter Congress!


These people were making heroes out of terrorist's son recently. Now they are asking for leniency because some guy's father is poor.

Madam, Kasab's father is a poor villager. Dawood's father was said to be an honest constable.

So what?


An FB Comment
if modiji says that his mother used to work at other's home for living.. then he is fenku.. but when kanhaiya says that he belongs to a poor family, then barkha gets orgasm.... hypocrisy ki bhi koi ma h to wo barkha h


Never thought someone would take the BJP MLA's comment so seriously and will go and check if there were condoms in boys hostel!
It was a very good speech, good oratory skill is reflection of a sharp mind. This speech and some other interviews should settle any doubt about her intelligence and abilities. :)

True that.. but she is yet to deliver any visible developments in her ministry..I wish she eliminates the rot in our educational system and brings in substantial changes...
True that.. but she is yet to deliver any visible developments in her ministry..I wish she eliminates the rot in our educational system and brings in substantial changes...
If we are expecting drastic changes overnight then we are ignorants.
A small example of change in the policy is , out of 66,000+ querries her ministry recieved in last 20 months. 61000 has been addressed.
Things will change slowly.
It was a very good speech, good oratory skill is reflection of a sharp mind. This speech and some other interviews should settle any doubt about her intelligence and abilities. :)

Even if the whole world accepts such great qualities about Smriti she is still a noob according to @jaunty
and not fit for HRD Ministry according to @Echo_419
True that.. but she is yet to deliver any visible developments in her ministry..I wish she eliminates the rot in our educational system and brings in substantial changes...

I am mystified when people speak about visible development. She is not in the infrastructure ministry where in development can be quantified.

HRD ministry is basically the graveyard of ministers. From Murli manohar joshi who screwed up spectacularly to kapil sibal who was a bonafide arsehole, this ministry has buried its bearers and indeed its governments as well.

This ministry is one of the most visible one and stays in news 24/7. Every action is scrutinised and whoever may be in charge, they will always be targeted by left pseudo intellectuals and an attempt will be made to steer the narrative towards saffronization and shyte.

The only person competent with enough vulnerability to parade and genuine talent and ability to bear the onslaught is her and she is doing a tough job at a fine pace with no serious issues so far.
Moreover the more she is personally attacked, more she will emerge stronger. All the more good for BJP.
We need to look at the bigger picture here. The goal is to keep the BJP in power for long enough to dismantle the leftist structure and for this we don't need big bang reforms. Merely chipping at the foundations will do the job in the mid term and thats what she is doing.
Even if the whole world accepts such great qualities about Smriti she is still a noob according to @jaunty
and not fit for HRD Ministry according to @Echo_419

I am yet to see any significant increase in R&D, also she is doing better than her predecessor but then again the bar was not set high enough
You know KCR is not very sane ;) He does impulsive/foolish stuff once in a while. The fact that this has been said & that by a TRS loyalist proves it yet again.

I hope BJP starts becoming more aggressive on him now in TG

By the way what is ur analysis of Politics IN TG & AP for the Future?

TDP is in coma, KCR has succeded in his effforts to finish it. Only a miracle can save it.
CONG. still exists, cadre & org. has been retained in many jillas. THough it is very weak & is on the ICU.
BJP is where it was in 2014. Kishen Reddy has shown no interest in growing the party at all. The only reasons we still have 5 MLAs is because KCR wants to make Kavitha akka a Minister

It's better to finish the TDP-BJP alliance in TG for the good of both parties.

I feel TG will become another Odisha under KCR, we will see him give us a pretty average performance & blame Modi,Cong,CBN ,AP for anything that goes wrong/when he is unable to fulfill his promises for the next 10-20 years.

At the same time, I am saying this provided KHR doesn't rise up & tries to raise his profile & influence in the party.

What do u think? After GHMC everybody is saying KTR will be the next CM.

TDP will rule if CBN does a good job_fulfills his promises.

I feel that 10 years of CBN would do wonders for AP. :)

TDP is done, its core leaders are deserting it right before GHMC elections,only one is revanth reddy if he can pick up they might have a chance.but it doesnt seem to happen now as he is in exile now.
Cong- Gone there maybe cadre left but nobody is hopeful of them ever coming back.This will be another Gujarat for them.Last GHMC elections Congress paid 2500 rs per each vote,even then people took the money and voted other parties instead of Congress.So you get the idea. :)
BJP- Kishen Reddy will be relegated to the sidelines, and Raja Singh will be promoted.He can bring it to the forefront like Tiger Narendra and others did in 90's. Already things are underway in BJP, they will take stock of the situation soon and bring in changes. I guess allying with TDP in GHMC proved bad for them as in places where BJP had a chance,it was allocated to TDP people who had no chance of winning.In effect BJP lost more than it gained.I don't know how long will the Alliance last because there is nothing to be gained from it.
TRS- is going full steam,they won the elections by poaching all candidates from other parties and removing voters from voters list from areas where others are likely to win and areas where people would vote for parties other than TRS.
There is a rumor going around that KTR has cancer,what cancer i don't know but it was confirmed by many friends who work in Sakshi News.
He cannot sideline Harish Rao for long time.He is the face of TRS in rural area,although KCR tries to replace him with KTR but eventually the family feuds will come out later on. All over Hyderabad the banners of TRS you hardly see Harish Rao in them.So that means he was sidelined and he might rebel later on, wait and watch out.
Last time i went to Godavari Pushkaralu in Rajumundhry, there was noticeable anger against CBN.People were saying that time CBN won't be elected next time and were Hopeful BJP would do better in next elections and has a chance with coalition.
If CBN does good work then he will retain it or else it will be challenged by YSRCP.

Congress- its over except Rayalaseema some parts nobody wants to associate even with Congress anymore.
BJP-Has a chance,to reap rich dividends, but it needs a credible face there.
YSRCP- He is stuck in cases and their cadre seem to be slowly dissolving.I don't see the steam they had during 2014 Elections right now.Nor are they in news anymore.

It was a very good speech, good oratory skill is reflection of a sharp mind. This speech and some other interviews should settle any doubt about her intelligence and abilities. :)
Social media is abuzz that BJP has found a candidate to project in upcoming 2017 UP elections.
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TDP is done, its core leaders are deserting it right before GHMC elections,only one is revanth reddy if he can pick up they might have a chance.but it doesnt seem to happen now as he is in exile now.
Cong- Gone there maybe cadre left but nobody is hopeful of them ever coming back.This will be another Gujarat for them.Last GHMC elections Congress paid 2500 rs per each vote,even then people took the money and voted other parties instead of Congress.So you get the idea. :)
BJP- Kishen Reddy will be relegated to the sidelines, and Raja Singh will be promoted.He can bring it to the forefront like Tiger Narendra and others did in 90's. Already things are underway in BJP, they will take stock of the situation soon and bring in changes. I guess allying with TDP in GHMC proved bad for them as in places where BJP had a chance,it was allocated to TDP people who had no chance of winning.In effect BJP lost more than it gained.I don't know how long will the Alliance last because there is nothing to be gained from it.
TRS- is going full steam,they won the elections by poaching all candidates from other parties and removing voters from voters list from areas where others are likely to win and areas where people would vote for parties other than TRS.
There is a rumor going around that KTR has cancer,what cancer i don't know but it was confirmed by many friends who work in Sakshi News.
He cannot sideline Harish Rao for long time.He is the face of TRS in rural area,although KCR tries to replace him with KTR but eventually the family feuds will come out later on. All over Hyderabad the banners of TRS you hardly see Harish Rao in them.So that means he was sidelined and he might rebel later on, wait and watch out.

Last time i went to Godavari Pushkaralu in Rajumundhry, there was noticeable anger against CBN.People were saying that time CBN won't be elected next time and were Hopeful BJP would do better in next elections and has a chance with coalition.
If CBN does good work then he will retain it or else it will be challenged by YSRCP.

Congress- its over except Rayalaseema some parts nobody wants to associate even with Congress anymore.
BJP-Has a chance,to reap rich dividends, but it needs a credible face there.
YSRCP- He is stuck in cases and their cadre seem to be slowly dissolving.I don't see the steam they had during 2014 Elections right now.Nor are they in news anymore.

Social media is abuzz that BJP has found a candidate to project in upcoming 2017 UP elections.
Thank you very much for your analysis and time pedanna, TBH I missed u very much the last few weeks :P

Here is my analysis

Anna trust me there will be anger against CM in AP unlike in TG now :)Circumstances dictate that.

Am absolutely sure that in 2019 TDP will win.
1)YSRCP is worse, people know that
2)CBN's work will reap benefits & promises made will be fulfilled
3)Projects like Pattiseema which will be implemented in Rayalaseema will help the TDP do better there.

BJP:- Very,very long story. Still at same position as they were before alliance. Hope is there but it is becoming less. People want to know when promises made by BJP will be fulfilled by Modi+credible leadership.

YSRCP:- Despite Jagan;s drama & hungama since losing. He is losing steam & reputation, cadre are still there. But many leaders & MLAs are on their way to join the TDP from what I heard.

Congis:- Dead. People hate them the most. Go back to Italy, you Telugu drohis!! :mad:
More or less dead, CBN/TDP should just take sanyas from TG for 10 years to save face+time & resources & then return to build the party from ground. By then our bluffmaster KCR will lose some of his face+anti-AP sentiment will be much less compared to today.
& yes ,he must keep his son away from TG-TDP. God knows why he is sending that joker here. If he wasn't a good backroom operator. I would have called him the Telugu RG.
Revanth Reddy is the only guy who can save the TDP here. & I heard that C

Anna, I must tell you we have lost steam & potential expansion opportunites in rural TG because of incompetent leadership in Hyderabad. Kishen must go & somebody else must come.
I believe Raja Singh must be promoted & given better opportunities in the party, but the head of the party must be a Telugu from rural TG.
TRS/Cong could play the Telangana Telugu card against Raja Singh & try to instigate anti-Hindi sentiment. Also a rural Telanganaite leader is what could help the BJP expand in TG & spread the message of Hindutva+vikas+nationalism.

Is it true that Nagam is planning to leave the BJP to open his new party to take on the TRS? I heard he wants Revanth & some other COng/TDP leaders to join him??

Yes, the alliance did help both parties in 2014. But now it is useless to both of them. It must be broken in common interest. TDP is weak & needs to build new cadre+leaders. Same with the BJP

The disaster in the Warangal LS bypoll proves that they have become much weaker since 2014. Money & liquor votebank will go towards the TRS now,same with Muslim votebank.
But there are some regional satraps & cadre left. The situation in Nalgonda & Mahbubnagar is good for them.
But you are right when you say this could be another Gujarat. They will have good influence & political strength left, but it will never be enough for them to come to power as long as there is a popular leader as the CM/PM.
If you ask me, TG Cong. will become much weaker over time, weaker than even Guj-Cong. & if BJP plays it's cards right & expands, it could take cadre/leaders from the Congress.

Copy+paste of what u said. Many voters names were missing who could be potentially anti-TRS. People from all parties are joining the TRS with KCR's policy of using saam-daan-danda-bhed.
For eg:- Kukatpally MLA joined to save himself from some corruption/financial irregularity charges, One MLA joined after TG govt. gave his firm a good contract worth more than 1,000 crores. Qutubullapur MLA joined because he lost hope in the TDP. He used to tell my friend that KCR is ordering municipal+govt. officers not to work & help the opposition MLAs or even allow them to work which is why they are unable to do anything.

Lol, even those who abused KCR & his family or who were abused by them or those who supported a Samiakya Andhra are joining TRS now. The same people who KCR earlier accused of being anti-TG & doing nothing for it are given top berths in his party now:omghaha:
Even the goondas who used to beat up OU students & TRS karyakartas before 2014 are campaigning for TRS now :omghaha: :sarcastic:.

If things go on like this, TG will become another Odisha.& Kalvakuntala family will rule us for decades.

Harish should be furious with KCR after his total sidelining from Hyd. Am curious to see what he plans to do now seeing that KCR & kavitha akka are massively promoting KTR now. Heard some TRS guys are calling him the true successor of KCR now.

I think we could see another SS-MNS in a few years.:D

Am shocked to hear that KTR could have cancer o_O when did u find out about this?!!
Regarding UP, the decision is still to be made by Modi. Smriti is a really good choice, but there are other choices too. Add to that regional/caste considerations which Amit Shah is & should be cautious about.
And RSS approval too is required

@Echo_419 The average & indivudal standard for almost all ministries was set low by Congress. Under the BJP the overall standards have gone up & it has gone very high for the ministries of power,Railways, infra. & shipping!!

If we are expecting drastic changes overnight then we are ignorants.
A small example of change in the policy is , out of 66,000+ querries her ministry recieved in last 20 months. 61000 has been addressed.
Things will change slowly.

It was a very good speech, good oratory skill is reflection of a sharp mind. This speech and some other interviews should settle any doubt about her intelligence and abilities. :)

I agree Tulsi has her flaws & we should hope that she delivers a much better performance, but she has a brain & intelligence which I have been saying for long.

She is just young & new & not a domain expert at HRD(very few netas are). The best option for HRD would have been Arun Shourie if you ask me. There is nobody else in the BJP who comes to my mind at first.

& the rot in HRD is among the worst in all Indian ministries, it takes a lot of time to fix such rot & especially in the circumstances the BJP has right now

So we shouldn't expect any world-class stuff from her immediately. But had she been as experienced & talented as AJ, I think she would do a better job at HRD then he is doing as Finance Minister :P

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