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Udhav is getting BItch slapped

Karavchaud during duty

She wouldn't ask for the ban openly even if she likes to..that would be too blatant. She still needs to be seen as a fence sitter for her own good. Then again for someone who has followed her pretty closely & seen her tweeting 48 times on Akhlaq & Zero times on Prashant Pujary, we know where her priorities lie. Conclusions are not drawn based on one instance, but track record of a person based on his / her handling of different situations at different times.

Now you are clearly shifting the goalpost. It was very clear from the outset that I was talking about that post specifically. I have not been following her like you to make a judgement, nor do I intend to. I thought it was very obvious from my post that I was not disputing a general observation. It was specific to that post alone. Those two tweets don't make her a hypocrite in any way. I am not going to comment on your general assessment. You may be right but that was never the point.
Jaggu also says failure to to have a CM candidate will cause BJP the election. lol, if BJP had announced a CM candidate, can you imagine the media hit jobs that poor guy would have to suffer through ?

There I agree, you cannot just have a CM candidate when there is no major backing for any one face. Not impressed by that argument but was wondering about why he thought this might be a wave election in favour of Nitish?

As for the economic arguments he made, I'm largely in agreement with him. That you know since we have discussed it here.

lol, i liked how 8 guys returned awards and only 2 guys names popped up

There I agree, you cannot just have a CM candidate when there is no major backing for any one face. Not impressed by that argument but was wondering about why he thought this might be a wave election in favour of Nitish?

As for the economic arguments he made, I'm largely in agreement with him. That you know since we have discussed it here.

S.Modi will be C.M. He is the one who built all the infrastructure in Bihar. There is only a wave for Nitish on Delhi news rooms.As for economic policy, changing the economic policy 180 degrees when the economy is already in a big mess would make it into a bigger mess. Reforms are progressing, executive decisions are being taken the states are doing a fine job for the moment. I think certain people are asking for the impossible while hiding behind "Modi set expectations"
In Salem, a girl studying in sixth standard was allegedly raped by the school owner’s son. A report in The New Indian Expressstates that the 11 year-old girl had gone to the school owner’s son home to play with his daughter aged three.

The girl was studying in Class 6 at a school in Vasanthapuram near Hasthampatti . On Wednesday, she had gone to David Livingston’s house, the son of Jayaraj Christ who owns the school. The 11-year-old was staying in the hostel and she used to go their house on the weekends to play with his three-year-old. On Wednesday he is reported to have raped the girl.

Last month, Livingston reportedly sexually assaulted the girl who informed the hostel warden, Mariya. The warden is said to have threatened the girl and told her not to report it to anyone.
The girl informed the grandmother what had happened and she then filed a police complaint. The police are now on the look-out for Mariya and Livingston who are said to be absconding.

Tamil Nadu: Class 6 girl raped by school owner’s son in Salem | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

Scoring brownie points is not a hard task for me...There are dozens of rape/murdering related threads posted here in this forum by Pakistanis/Chinese/Bangladeshis everyday(most are related to Hinduism,Dalits etc).I could do the very same sarcasm,saying some mocking about Hindus and Hinduism,tagging Pakistanis/Bangladeshis..I could score even more brownie points that you.it is as simple as that...But i am not interested in that..
S.Modi will be C.M. He is the one who built all the infrastructure in Bihar. There is only a wave for Nitish on Delhi news rooms.As for economic policy, changing the economic policy 180 degrees when the economy is already in a big mess would make it into a bigger mess. Reforms are progressing, executive decisions are being taken the states are doing a fine job for the moment. I think certain people are asking for the impossible while hiding behind "Modi set expectations"
Are you sure about BJP forming the govt ? JDU spokesperson's are openly claiming victory, with BJP seemingly seen shaky ?
so i take it that indian establishment wants to replace china

well, it is all fine, as long as he doesn't begin calling modi government as the paragon of peace, empathy, intelligence and progress.

He might call it..Becoz at the end of the day, he is least concerned about Indian think about Modi rather what benifit he is getting from Indian Gov under Modi as PM....

Dear friend...sometimes i really suprise your posts are not consistent with your logic...Do not you like Modi for sake of ideology or sake of just hating him due to typical behaviour of you do not like Strong Hindu leader...Because if you beleive in Socialism, then protest Modi in the name of ideas...and that should be part of internal domestic politics...It should not go beyond national boundary...If you start mixing up your socialism which should be national in nature to oppose a nation's PM in front of international situation then i feel it is not the ideas for which you are protesting rather you have some other motive behind it....
Are you sure about BJP forming the govt ? JDU spokesperson's are openly claiming victory, with BJP seemingly seen shaky ?

Not only sure... it is a done deal now. There were hiccups... severe ones actually after phase 1..... but now NDA lead is comfortably 35-40 seats with phase 4 expected to be another good one for BJP.
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